Women in the Profession

59 strength and well-worn boots to suggest they were used to hard work. They also talked tough. Hart also spoke tough when she got angry, such as, [25 ] I’m gliding here, asshole [26] Damn right I do. Based on the statements, Hart uses tough words when she speaks that usually uttered by men. Actually, it is categorized as swearing. Hart does not use euphemism to maintain politeness. It is happened because she adopted masculine context and also realized gender differences in language. She did that because she wanted to eliminate of the old stereotype created by men. Focusing upon self-meanings, the researcher separates issues of who the person is gender identity from what the person does gender roles or what the person believes gender attitudes and stereotypes. From this perspective, androgyny as in psychological approach may be thought of not as combining masculine and feminine meanings, but as being flexible in the kinds of behaviors in which one engages sometimes more masculine in meaning, sometimes more feminine in meaning. According to Morawski 1987, androgyny is a combination or balance of masculinity and femininity. It allows for the possibility that individuals can express both masculinity and femininity. In androgyny, masculinity and femininity are separate dimensions that can be combined. It was shown when Hart who was an FBI agent should complete a mission. She should be on the undercover team. She had to enter beauty pageant as a Miss New Jersey but in fact she never paid attention to her 60 femininity. It could be seen that people can be masculine, feminine, or both androgynous. Hart expressed both her masculinity and femininity at the same time. She tried to be one representative for women who experienced inequity. She wanted to eliminate of the old stereotype that existed in the society though her confidence and masculine side. She also did not apply some of features that were claimed by Lakoff that made women as a lower group in society. Psychological approach is the reason Hart did not apply superpolite form and often used strong swear words in order to throw away old stereotype in society. Concluding this section, the researcher found the answers for the first and second research questions. The researcher found out six out of eleven features of women’s language used by Hart in Miss Congeniality. They are hypercorrect grammar, intensifiers, fillers, rising intonations, lexical hedges, and tag questions. The rest of the features did not appear in her speech. There are some factors why some features did not appear in Hart’s speech. They are community of practice, women in professions, and psychological approach. Those factors influence women in the process of changing the language. 61


This chapter consists of three parts; they are the conclusions, the implications, and the recommendations. The conclusions present the major findings of the research and their limitations. The implications deal with the involvement of the study in education. The recommendations present some suggestions for students in the English Language Education Study Program and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

In this part, the researcher divides the conclusions into two parts. The first is the features of women’s language used by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie. The second is about the factors that might influence the changes of Hart’s speech from femininity into masculinity. The researcher used discourse analysis as the method to analyze Hart’s speech. Moreover, the researcher used movie transcripts to analyze the data. Then, the researcher as human instrument involved significantly in collecting the data needed for the research. Based on the findings and discussions in chapter IV, there are six women’s language features used by Gracie Hart in her speech. Those features that appear in Hart’s speech are hypercorrect grammar, intensifiers, fillers, rising intonations, lexical hedges, and tag questions. The total of wome n’s language features which are found in Hart’s speech are 51. The percentage of hypercorrect grammar is 34.7 that