The Questionnaires Supporting Results

68 English. Therefore, there were only seven students who agreed that constructing sentences in English was difficult. Table 4.3. Students’ Opinion of Their Writing Ability in the Second Cycle Statements Frequency of Points of Agreement N Strong ly Disagr ee Disagre e Neutral Agre e Strongl y Agree ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Menyusun kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris itu sulit. 1 5. 00 12 60. 00 7 35. 00 20 100. 00 Sebelum belajar dengan permainan jumbled word , saya dapat menyusun kalimat dengan benar. 7 35. 00 8 40. 00 4 20. 00 1 5. 00 20 100. 00 The researcher also presented the results of the questionnaires using the criteria of total mean score counted from the result of the topic as follows. 4.00 – 4.80 very high 4.81 – 5.60 high

5.61 – 6.40 average

6.41 – 7.20 low

7.21 – 8.00 very low The total mean of score of this topic was 6.44 in the first cycle. It was considered as low criteria. The students of class X AK of SMK Sanjaya Pakem accepted that 69 their writing skills was low. Meanwhile, the total mean of score of this topic was 6.25 in the second cycle. It was considered as average criteria. Thus, the students thought that their writing skills was in average level. The second result that the researcher obtained from the questionnaires was about students‟ opinion toward the learning product. In the first cycle, most students agreed that jumbled-word game helped them to construct compound sentences in English see Appendix F. Moreover, from Table 4.4 it could be seen that in the second cycle there were 60 of the students who agreed that jumbled- word game helped them to construct compound sentences in English. Table 4.4. Whether Jumbled-Word Game Helps to Construct Compound Sentences or Not Cycle 2 Statements Frequency of Points of Agreement N Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Penggunaan permainan jumbled- words banyak membantu saya dalam menyusun kalimat dengan benar. 7 35. 00 10 50. 00 3 15. 00 20 100. 00 Penggunaan permainan jumbled- words membantu saya dalam mengklasifikasi subject dan verb. 4 20. 00 14 70. 00 2 10. 00 20 100. 00 Pengunaan permainan jumbled- words membantu saya dalam mengklasifikasi coordinating 5 25. 00 14 70. 00 1 5. 00 20 100. 00 70 conjunction. Penggunaan permainan jumbled- words membantu saya dalam membuat kalimat positif dengan benar. 5 25. 00 13 65. 00 2 10. 00 20 100. 00 Penggunaan permainan jumbled- words membantu saya dalam membuat kalimat negatif. 1 5. 00 9 45. 00 8 40. 00 2 10. 00 20 100. 00 Penggunaan permainan jumbled- words membantu saya untuk membuat kalimat tanya dalam bahasa Inggris. 9 45. 00 9 45. 00 2 10. 00 20 100. 00 Penggunaan permainan jumbled- words mempermudah saya dalam membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris. 7 35. 00 12 60. 00 1 5. 00 20 100. 00 Meanwhile, the results of the questionnaires using the criteria of total mean score counted from the results of the topic could be seen as follows. 7.00 – 15.40 very low achievement 15.41 – 23.80 low achievement 23.81 – 32.20 average achievement