31 Questionnaire Students‟ perception of the materials and the learning process. May 6, 2015 Meeting one: May 7, 2015 Meeting two: May 8, 2015 Interview The detail data of students‟ perception. - May 13, 2015 Students‟ Drafts Student s‟ score in their drafts of compound sentences related to the topic on the day. May 6, 2015 Meeting one: May 7, 2015 Meeting two: May 8, 2015

1. Students’ Drafts

S tudents‟ drafts were used as the major source in this research to gain students‟ error percentage from each compound sentence. The researcher collected the students‟ drafts from two cycles in order to figure out whether the error percentage of the students‟ drafts decreased or not. According to Burns 1999, a s tudents‟ draft or a students‟ written text is a source of documents readily available to all language teachers. The researcher asked the students to write compound sentences related to topic on the day in two cycles. Burns 1999 also re veals that the students‟ written texts help the researcher to assess their progress in writing. Therefore, the researcher used the students‟ drafts to collect data related to the progress of students‟ writing skill in constructing compound sentences. 32

2. Observation Sheets

Observation sheet is an instrument that is used to observe action step during implementation of this research. The reason to employ the observation sheets as another research instruments is stated by Kemmis and McTaggart 1988 as: Action researchers need to observe the action process, the effects of action intended an unintended, the circumstances of and constraints on action, the way circumstances and constraints limit or channel the planned action and its effects, and other issues which arise p. 13 The observation sheets done by two peer – observers Zepeda, 2014, p. 51 who were invited during the teaching – learning process in order to collect the data of learners activity, learning process, and teaching strategies while the research was being conducted see Appendix C. They were students from 2011 batch of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, and one of them is also the English teacher of X AK class of SMK Sanjaya Pakem. From the observation sheets results, the researcher could get information about what happened in the learning process, what happened to the students, and also the implementation of jumbled-word game. The researcher also provided blank spaces for the observers to write comments or suggestions toward the implementation. The notes given were used during the implementation to know what was going on the classroom while the jumbled-word game was being implemented, and to know what should be improved in next cycle see Appendix C. In this research, the peer-observers were asked to describe the class situation and condition. Therefore, the researcher