Observation Sheets Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

34 kalimat. 5. Penggunaan permainan jumbled-words banyak membantu saya dalam menyusun kalimat dengan benar. In this research, the researcher used scale questionnaire. Ary et al. 2010 divides scale questionnaire into two types: attitude scale, which consists of likert scale and bipolar adjective scale, and rating scale pp. 209-212. In this research, the researcher used Likert scale to ask students to respond to a series of statements indicating whether they strongly agreed SA, agreed A, were undecided U, disagreed D, or strongly disagreed SD with each statement Mills, 2011, p. 91. The researcher chose Likert scale since it was one of the most widely used technique to measure attitudes. In the questionnaires, the researcher used five options for each statement including an undecided option. According to Ary et al. 2010, the undecided option is included into the options since “…some respondents actually feel that way and do not want to be forced into agreeing or disagreeing” pp. 209-210. The researcher only used five options for each statements since those were “…best represents their reaction to each statement” Ary et. al., 2010, p. 209. In constructing the questionnaires, the researcher considered the guidelines for developing and presenting questionnaires by Mills 2011 as follows. 1. Carefully proofread questionnaires. 2. Avoid a sloppy presentation. 3. Avoid a lengthy questionnaire. 4. Do not ask unnecessary questions. 5. Use structured items with a variety of possible responses. 35 6. Whenever possible, allow for an “other comments” section. 7. Decide whether you want respondents to put their names on the questionnaires or whether you will use a number to keep track of who has responded. pp. 83 – 84 The researcher constructed the questionnaires by looking up a research problem formulation. In the questionnaires, there were four different topics: 1 students‟ opinion toward their writing skills in constructing English sentences, 2 students‟ opinion whether jumbled-word game motivates them in the learning process, 3 students‟ opinion toward the learning product, and 4 students‟ opinion toward jumbled-word game. The statements on each topic of the questionnaires should be related to the research problem and based on theories. Therefore, the researcher conducted book review to find out some theories that related to the statements on the questionnaires.

A. Interviews

According to Cannel and Kahn, an interview is “…a two-person conversation initiated by the interviewer for the specific purpose of obtaining research-relevant information, and focused on context specified by research objectives of systematic description, prediction, or explanation” as cited in Cohen, Manion, Marrison, 2000, p. 267. There are three broad categories of interviews according to Wallace 1998, namely structured, unstructured, and semi-structured interviews. In this research, the researcher conducted the interviews in a form of semi-structured. Wallace 1998 says that in the semi-structured interview there will certainly be a prepared interview schedule, but most of the questions will probably be open