are performing loans, with 12.3 in Category 2 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments of N PLs are current in interest payments, with another 1.8 less are Restructured loans were purchased from IBRA are performing, with 11.1 in Category 2 in

58 1 2 3 4 5 C u rr e n t 30 31-60 Mfg-FB Mfg-O th Mfg-Chem Mfg-Text Plantations Mfg-PP Trading Constr Bus Serv O th5 IDR USD W C Invest. Synd. Export Program P o st -m e rg e r Restr IBRA LC O S O ther New Bal. PL NC UG to PL NPL UG NPL NC NPL DG 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Aging Sector Currency Purpose Backgrnd Movement „

64.3 are performing loans, with 12.3 in Category 2


73.9 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments


16.9 of N PLs are current in interest payments, with another 1.8 less

than 30 days overdue „ Primary sectors in Corporate are: ¾ Food Beverage Mfg ¾ Chemical Mfg ¾ T extile Mfg ¾ Plantations „

51.8 are Rupiah loans


48.0 are W orking Capital loans


28.2 are Restructured loans


7.7 were purchased from IBRA

Loan Profile: Q2 Corporate Loans Only Rp 45,178 bn Bank Only Rp 45,178 billion in loans were in the Corporate portfolio in Q2, or 45.1 of total loans. Of the Corporate Loans in Q2: 59 „

76.8 are performing, with 11.1 in Category 2


30.6 in Category 2 are current or 1 day overdue in interest payments


22.5 of N PLs are current in interest payments and 1.7 are less than 30

days overdue „ Primary sectors in Commercial are: ¾ T rading ¾ Agriculture ¾ Construction ¾ Retail „

80.9 are Rupiah loans


55.1 are W orking Capital loans


13.8 are Restructured loans


1.5 were purchased from IBRA

1 2 3 4 5 C u rr e n t 1 Day 30 31-60 61+ Trading-O th Mfg-O th Agri Constr Trading-Ret Bus Serv Mfg-Chem Mfg-Text Mfg-FB O th5 IDR USD W C Invest. Export Program P o st -m e rg e r Restr O ther New Bal. PL UG PL NC PL DG DG to NPL NPL NC NPL DG 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Aging Sector Currency Purpose Backgrnd Movement Loan Profile: Q2 Commercial Small Loans Only Rp 41,159 bn Bank Only Rp 41,159 billion in loans were in the Commercial portfolio in Q2, or 41.1 of total loans. Of the Commercial Small Business Loans in Q2: Excluding Micro Loans 60 Q 2 2006 Loan D etail: Rupiah Loans Loan Profile: Q2 Loans Rp 56,698 bn Bank Only 1 2 3 4 5 C u rr e n t 1 Day 30 31-60 61+ Mfg-O th Mfg-FB Agri Constr Trading-O th Trading-Ret Bus Serv Mfg-Chem O th5 Cor p Com m Small W C Invest Export Program Synd. P o st -m e rg e r Restr O ther New Bal. PL UG PL NC DG to NPL NPL NC NPL DG 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect Cat 2 Aging Sector Business Purpose Backgrnd Move „

79.7 are performing loans with 8.8 in Category 2