10.7 20.0 24.9 of Pre-Prov. O perating Profit 589 of O perating Profit Incl. Prov.

24 Excludes O verseas Includes Government Bonds Includes Allocated Cost Balance of pre-provision operating profit attributable to funds transfer pricing on capital not allocated to BU

55.3 10.7

625 316 43 27 300 2 302 24,782 CRG

19.9 20.0

8.4 24.9

35.4 of Pre-Prov. O perating Profit

647 399 147 515 559 O perating Profit Incl. Provision

55.3 589

50 404 235 3 238 7,235 105,966 Treasury

35.3 592

1,592 554 1,631 1,598 32 110,146 7,929 Micro Retail 23,426 58,428 D eposits Borrowings Avg. Bal. 11,507 22,534 25,786 Earning Assets Avg. Bal. 368 370 337 Interest Margin on Assets 61 46 80 O ther O perating Income 374 883 1,111 Total Interest Margin 6 513 774 Interest Margin on Liabilities 187 193 145 O ther O perating Expenses

13.0 45.6

49.4 of O perating Profit Incl. Prov.

247 736 1,045 Pre-Provision O perating Profit Cons. Finance Corp. Business Unit Performance Rp bn Comm. 25 Corporate Consumer Retail D ominant Bank in Indonesia, with 20-30 market share of revenue across all segments, with distinctive strategies for each business that capture synergies across different market segments To be the customers’ bank of choice, offering the most extensive range of products and most convenient access D ominant Bank in Indonesia, with 20-30 market share of revenue across all segments, with distinctive strategies for each business that capture synergies across different market segments To be the customers’ bank of choice, offering the most extensive range of products and most convenient access Commercial Treasury FIO N D ominant Multi-specialist Bank Model ƒ Form Client Service Teams CST and initiate strategic alliance programs with Pertamina ƒ Establish Corporate Floor in strategic cities ƒ Establish Automotive CBC in Jakarta ƒ Set CBC Team in 5 big cities ƒ Form alliances with several national companies ƒ O ffer cash management services to optimize cross selling ƒ Strategic partnership with Master Card International ƒ Consumer loan financing in alliance with Pertamina and Chevron ƒ Expand with 12 new branches ƒ Launch Mandiri Fiesta 3000 Program and Regional Based Promo ƒ N ew agreement with 15 correspondent banks; D eutsche Bank, ABN Amro, BO N Y, Bank Shinta, etc. ƒ Launch 6 new FX products. ƒ Acquire new customers ƒ Implement sophisticated money market business support system Selected Key Business Initiatives through Q 2 2006 26 Example of C ST Alliance Program in PT Telkom CustomerChannel Telkom Supplier Employees End User End User Facilities to sub-contractor that provides construction as well suppliers for various requirements ƒ Cash Loan ƒ N on Cash Loan ƒ E-BIZ for Small Business segment ƒ Leveraging on the large number of employees ƒ Payroll Package for payment of salaries to employees ƒ Consumer Loans for the employees of the company, ex. Mitra Karya O ptimize Funding and Lending facilities through our CST Program to increase share of wallet by offering: ƒ Cash Loans ƒ N on Cash Loans ƒ Cash Management Systems ƒ Treasury products to better manage currency exposure from importing capital goods ƒ Trade products, particularly for import of capital goods Leverage Telkom’s customer base to cross-sell our several products such as: ƒ Co-branding or introducing Credit Cards ƒ Cross-sell consumer loan products ƒ O ffer wealth products to selected customers ƒ Bill payment In addition, we are also looking for opportunities to leverage Telkom’s outlets to sell Bank Mandiri products Value Chain Value Chain Telkom Group Telkom Group 27 Gross Expansion Gross Expansion Bank O nly 98,070 14,709 100,085 5,766 2,304 3,787 827 10,886 1,592 1,044 9,602 100,325 D ec ‘05 D isburse Term Payment FX Impact Payment Mar ‘06 Jun ‘06 W O ff D isburse FX Impact Term Payment Payment Gross Expansion Gross Expansion 28

14.84 0.80