were U SD loans were W orking Capital loans of upgrades to PL were N PLs moving to Category 2 are to Corporate customers 40.1 are to Commercial customers have no restructuring history are Restructured loans were purchased from IBRA are Rupiah loans are W

52 „

97.5 were to Corporate borrowers


74.1 were loans with no previous restructuring history


16.6 were loans previously restructured

„ Largest upgrades by sector: ¾ T extile Manufacturing ¾ Fisheries „

82.1 were U SD loans


53.6 were W orking Capital loans


99.2 of upgrades to PL were N PLs moving to Category 2

Corp Comm Small OS Post-merger Restr IBRA LC M fg -T e x t F is h e rie s Oth5 USD IDR W C Invest. 1 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GAS Backgrnd Sector Currency Purpose Collect. Q 2 2006 Loan D etail: Upgrades to PL Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans upgraded to PL in Q2 totaled Rp 1,414 billion 1.4 of total loans. Of these loans: Loan Profile: Q2 U pgrades to PL Rp 1,414 bn - Bank Only 53 Loan Profile: Q2 Performing Loans Rp 60,672 bn Bank Only „

47.9 are to Corporate customers 40.1 are to Commercial customers


84.1 have no restructuring history


15.9 are Restructured loans


1.6 were purchased from IBRA

„ Primary sectors are: ¾ FB Manufacturing ¾ Agriculture ¾ Construction ¾ Chemical manufacturing „

74.5 are Rupiah loans


56.5 are W orking Capital loans


88.2 saw no change in collectibility


2.3 were upgraded from N PL Rp 60,672 billion 60.6 of total loans

in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were performing in Q2. Of these performing loans in Q2: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Corp Comm Small P o st -m e rg e r Restr OS Other Mfg-Oth Mfg-FB Agri Constr Mfg-Chem Trading-Ret Trading-Oth Bus Serv Trading-Distr Oth5 IDR USD W C Invest. Export Other 1 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GAS Backgrnd Sector Currency Purpose Collect. 54 2 5 ,1 2 3 2 9 ,5 4 2 2 3 ,9 8 7 2 1 ,0 4 5 1 9 ,4 2 7 1 8 ,9 4 2 1 8 ,6 1 6 2 7 ,4 2 3 1 ,5 8 3 1 9 9 9 A d d D e d u c t 2 A d d D e d u c t 2 1 A d d D e d u c t 2 2 A d d D e d u c t 2 3 A d d D e d u c t 2 4 A d d D e d u c t 2 5 A d d D e d u c t Q 1 6 A d d D e d u c t Q 2 6 Others Write-Offs Repayments Restructuring Balance Limited Restructured Loan Activity in Q 2 ‘06 IDR bn O thers includes partial payments, FX impacts, and fluctuation in W orking Capital facilities Loans by Restructuring T ype in Q2 2006 Additional loans 2 LT loans wconvert. option 8 Maturity extension wreduced rates 12 Maturity extension wother restrg 26 Maturity extension 52 O ther Restructuring includes reduction of interest rates, rescheduling of unpaid interest extension of repayment period for unpaid interest Restructured Loan Movement 1999 - Q 2 ‘06 228 19 Q 1 ‘06 564 1 Q2 ‘06 813 391 FY ‘04 1,118 N PL Collections 718 Loans Restructured FY ‘05 Rp billions 55 Loan Profile: Q2 Restructured Loans Rp 18,611 bn Bank Only „

52.4 are performing