Standardisasi Laporan Tahunan AnnualReport 2008

mash akan dpergunakan lebh dar 3 tahun, maka sertfkat harus dperpanjang. Selan tu, sertfkat dapat dalhkan kepemlkannya sehngga harus d revs. PERATURAN-PERATURAN BIDANG POS DAN TELEKOMUNIKASI Selama tahun 2008 pemerntah telah menyelesakan dan menetapkan berbaga macam produk regulas d bdang Pos dan Telekomunkas. Produk regulas tersebut berupa 3 tga Peraturan Presden, 18 delapan belas Peraturan Menter KOMINFO, 3 tga Keputusan Menkomnfo dan 13 tga belas Peraturan Drjen Postel. Berbaga peraturan yang telah dterbtkan sebaga berkut :

A. Peraturan Pemerintah 2008

1. Peraturan Presden Nomor : 39 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengesahan Unversal Postal Conventon Konvens Pos Seduna Beserta Fnal Protokol To The Unversal Postal Conventon dtetapkan pada tanggal 19 Jun 2008. 2. Peraturan Presden Nomor : 40 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengesahan General Regulatons of The Unversal Postal Unon Peraturan Umum Perhmpunan Pos Seduna dtetapkan pada tanggal 19 Jun 2008. 3. Peraturan Presden Nomor : 41 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengesahan Postal Payment Servces Agreement Persetujuan Pembayaran Pos dtetapkan pada tanggal 19 Jun 2008.

B. Peraturan Menkominfo 2008

1. Peraturan Menter Komunkas dan Informatka Nomor : 01PerM.Komnfo032008 tentang Perekaman Informas untuk Kepentngan Pertahanan dan Keamanan Negara dtetapkan pada tanggal 3 Maret 2008. be vald for 3 years and n case t s used for mport purpose for more than 3 years, t wll be extended. Moreover, certfcate s negotable and thus of necessty to be revsed. REGULATIONS OF POST AND TELECOMMUNICATION SECTOR In 2008, the government completed and enacted several products of regulaton n the Post and Telecommuncaton Sector. The products of regulaton consst of 3 three_ State Presdent’s Regulaton, 18 eghteen Regulatons of the Mnster of Communcaton and Informaton, 3 three Decrees of the Mnster of Communcaton and Informaton and 13 thrteen Regulatons of the Drectorate General of Post and Telecommuncaton. Some of the enacted regulatons are as follows:

A. The 2008 Government Regulation

1. State Presdent’s Regulaton Number: 39 Year 2008 about Adopton to the Unversal Postal Conventon and Fnal Protocol to the Unversal Postal Conventon as decded on June 19, 2008. 2. State Presdent’s Regulaton Number: 40 Year 2008 about Adopton to the General Regulatons of the Unversal Postal Unon as decded on June 19, 2008. 3. State Presdent’s Regulaton Number: 41 Year 2008 about Adopton to the Postal Payment Agreement as decded on June 19, 2008.

B. The 2008 Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information

1. The Regulaton of the Mnster of Communcaton and Informaton Number: 01PERM.Komnfo032008 about Recordng Informaton for the nterest of State Defense and Securty as decded on March 3, 2008. Laporan tahunan postel | Annual Report 2008 31