Posttest Interview to the students after treatment

questions, for example the word: “attending and urgent” even so, when a student at booth number 17 asked “what is the meaning of attending?” the student at booth 6 answered “mengikuti” then the teacher asked her to give the meaning in English, she clarified her answer “joining” Besides that, the students also started to make inference questions, for instance: “who is Mr. Handoko?” Even though the answer was not in the text, they could answer that Mr. Handoko was the leader of the company. In spite of that, there were only 7 students who could give the right answer when the researcher gave the question “What is the main purpose of the memo?” c Post reading activity In the post reading activity, the researcher asked the students to make the prediction about what happened next. Some students answered “the staff will prepare the ideas, strategies and sales forecast for next year ”. It indicated that they started to make the predictions related to the memo well.

e. Posttest

From the result of posttest, the researcher could categorize the students’ achievements in the form of table below: Table 8 Posttest Scores Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good Mean Score - 6 students 13.64 27 students 61.36 11 students 25 - Fair 55 Based on the table above, it could be seen that the highest category was in fair score 61.36, the middle category was in the good score 25, the lowest category was in the poor score 13.64, and none of them was in very poor score. Then, the researcher categorized the students’ scores based on questions category. They were: Table 9 Posttest of Cycle 1 Based on Questions Category Questions Category R Main idea 23 students 52.27 Detail 29 students 65.90 Vocabulary 23 students 52.27 Inference 20 students 45.45 n 44 students Notes: n: the number of students R: the number of students who gave the right answers In posttest, there were 23 students could find main idea well, 29 students were able to answer detail question, 23 students were capable of finding appropriate meaning of certain word, and there were 20 students could answer implied questions well. In conclusion, based on reading comprehension questions’ category, the students’ reading comprehension had improved but, the improvement was not significant enough, because they were still in the similar system category that was the fair category because their mean score was 55.

f. Interview to the students after treatment

From the result of the interview, it could be concluded that the students had understood the aims of doing reciprocal questions. As a result, reciprocal questioning technique could be their own technique in comprehending the texts when they were not under the teachers’ guidance. In addition, the students had also been aware of its function. Even so, there were still many obstacles in doing reciprocal questioning activities, there are: lack of vocabularies, concluding the main ideas, and inferences. The students did not have the difficulties in answering YesNo and WH questions . In the next step, the researcher decided to emphasize the students’ abilities in these other three types of questions, they are: vocabularies, main ideas, and inferences questions. Besides that, the students felt difficult to construct the correct sentences. Some students were not capable of constructing the questions and their answers in the right tenses. Due to their incapability, the students were not confident to deliver their questions and their answers. In this case, based on the previous observation, the researcher thought that the students could not construct the correct sentences because they were lack of practicing. Even for some students, they were able to construct the sentences well, but they were unconfident and afraid to make mistakes. Based on this interview, it can be concluded that there are some aspects which influenced the success of reciprocal questioning technique. There are: It was influenced by the number of the students. When the students were in a large class, they were not comfortable because they could not concentrate to their classmates’ questions and answers. In addition, some of them felt shy and nervous to speak in such large number of students. In other words, the success of reciprocal questioning technique was influenced by the number of the students. For the active learners, it might be an easy thing to make a reciprocal questioning to their friends, but for the passive learners, they should be given the bigger chances to feel comfortable to state their idea. Besides that, in doing reciprocal questioning technique, the students should be an autonomous learner who should be responsible for the questions and answers they made, therefore they should be supported by some teaching learning media that could help them concentrate to the texts well. In this research, the researcher found that the language laboratory could be a good media to make the students interested in making the questions and answers without being afraid and unconfident

3. Observation