The Subject of Research The Setting and Time of Research Research Method


A. The Subject of Research

The subject of the research was the first year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in 20072008 academic year consisting 44 students. There were seven male students and 37 female students.

B. The Setting and Time of Research

This classroom action research was carried out at SMK Diponegoro Salatiga that is located on Jl. Kartini no. 2 Salatiga, phone number: 0298324255 and 0298314644. SMK Diponegoro Salatiga was built in 1993. Although it is near the main street, it has good atmosphere to learn because the location is large and surrounded by the high and big gate that prevents the noise from outside the area. Besides that, it has good facilities to learn, for instance; the sophisticated audio visual used in the language laboratory, the internet room, and complete books in the school library. It has 37 teachers who teach 15 classes which have about 44 students for each. SMK Diponegoro Salatiga can be categorized as having the large class for each. As regards, the first year classes are located on the second floor. In this case, this classroom action research is conducted from November 2007 up to August 2008 for writing the thesis proposal up to writing the thesis report.

C. Research Method

In order to improve students’ reading comprehension using ReQuest technique, the research method used in this study is classroom action research. There are some definitions of action research, such as, according to Neff that is quoted from Kemmis 1982: 11 who defines that: Action research is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants teacher, student, or principles, for example in social including education situation in order to improve the nationality and justice of a their own social or educational practices, b their understanding of these practice, and c the situations and institution in which these practices are carried out. Another definition comes from Mills 2000: 5 who defines that: Action research is a systematic inquiry done by teacher or other individuals in teaching or learning environment together information about and subsequently improve the ways particular school operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn. Besides that, McKay in Ngadiso 2007: 20 states that educators involved in action research think about a specific group in a particular setting with the main goal of finding better ways to do their job. From the definition above, it can be drawn an inference that research in this study means the systemic study of attempts to improve the teaching-learning process in order that the students’ achievement is very satisfying. It can also be a critical research to assess teacher’s ways in teaching whether the techniques that she has used is effective or not. In reality the students’ reading comprehension in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga is still unsatisfying. Rochsantiningsih 2007: 7, states the features of action research as follows: Table 1 The Features of Action Research Duration Usually conducted over a short period of time Project size Usually small-skill Context Classroom-based or school-based and may involve one or more school contexts usually within the same region Key investigators Involves one or more teachers from a school or several schools Ethical Consideration Usually informal consent is given as the students participation are known to the teachers and the purpose is beneficial to the parties involved Based on the theory above, the research method used in this research had fulfilled all features of action research. It could be proven by some features. First, Based on its duration, it needed long period of time that is from November 2007 to August 2008. Second, it included small-skill, they are: improving reading comprehension using a restricted technique that is reciprocal questioning technique. Third, based on its context, it is classroom-based context. Fourth, this research included collaborator who participated actively from the beginning of the research to the end of this research. At last, based on ethical consideration, the researcher also involved students as the active participants, because could express their feeling and perceptions for being taught using reciprocal questioning technique freely. In this case the researcher used some steps as Kemmis 1982: 11 states which involve planning, action, observation, and reflection. In each cycle, the procedures of research were as follows: 1. Planning The activities in planning were: a. Preparing material, making lesson – plan, and designing the steps in doing the action. b. Preparing list of students’ name and scoring. c. Preparing sheets for classroom observation. d. Preparing a test to know whether the students’ reading comprehension improves or not. 2. Action or Implementation a. Giving pretest b. Teaching reading using ReQuest technique. The activities were based on the planned materials and steps. c. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problems. d. Giving posttest in every cycle. 3. Observation The activity was observing the students during the action and making notes in observation sheets like the students’ feeling, thinking, and something they had done in English teaching-learning process. The researcher did this observation flexible and open to record the unexpected students’ responses. This observation was also conducted by the collaborator’s participation. In this case, the collaborator is another English teacher who gave contribution in giving the ideas, opinions, and shared the experiences actively in all steps in the classroom action research. 4. Reflection The results of the observation were analyzed and the results of the reading test were calculated. From these, it could be known whether the students’ reading comprehension improved or not. The writer’s reflection was done by discussing it with her collaborator. From the results above, the next cycle could be resolved and designed. The procedures were briefly described in the following scheme: Scheme 4 Classroom Action Research Alternative of solving the problemPlan of Action I Problems Action I Observation I Data analysis Reflection I Action I has not given satisfactory result Cycle I Alternative of solving the problemPlan of Action II Action II Observation II Data analysis Reflection II Action II has not given satisfactory result Action I has not given satisfactory result Cycle II Action II has not given satisfactory result Next Cycle

D. Data and Data Source