Observation Description of the Result of Cycle II 1. Planning

The Comparison between Posttest of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 Based on Questions Category Questions category R Meeting 3 Questions category R Meeting 1 Main idea 23 students 52.27 Main idea 24 students 54.54 Detail 29 students 65.90 Detail 30 students 68.18 Vocabulary 23 students 52.27 Vocabulary 25 students 56.82 Inference 20 students 45.45 Inference 26 students 59.09 n 44 students n 44 students Notes: n: the number of students R: the number of students who gave the right answers

3. Observation

While acting all the planned activities, the researcher observed it. In this research, the researcher observed and reported both teaching learning in the classroom and the learning progress that the students had achieved related to the improvement of students’ reading comprehension. In the first meeting, the teacher focused on introducing herringbone technique which was combined by the reciprocal questioning technique. Because of having been introduced to four kinds of questions category before, the students did not have any obstacle in implementing this technique. Moreover the researcher found that the students constructed the questions and their answers better than before. It could be caused by their preparation in constructing the sentences before delivering to their friends through the herringbone schemes. Unfortunately, they made fewer questions in the second paragraph than the previous paragraph. It was caused by having no idea to make reciprocal questions based on the second paragraph. In this case, the second paragraph was filled with the expressions how to ask someone to do something, so they thought that there was no important information in the second paragraph. Related to their herringbone schemes, the researcher instructed students to complete their schemes with four components of reading components of reading comprehension, they were main idea, detail, vocabulary, and inference questions. However, some students only completed certain types of questions and omitted the other types of questions. Therefore, the researcher asked them to write down all types of questions in their herringbone schemes and deliver them in the reciprocal questioning. In addition, in the post reading activity, the researcher evaluated their comprehension by calculating their right answer of each question category. As a result, there was a big improvement from the last meeting in cycle 1 and the first meeting in the cycle 2 which could be seen in the table below: Table 19 The Comparison between Post Reading Scores in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 Based on Questions Category Questions category R Meeting 3 Questions category R Meeting 1 Main idea 15 students 34.1 Main idea 12 students 28.6 Detail 44 students 100 Detail 40 students 95.2 Vocabulary 19 students 43.2 Vocabulary 28 students 66.7 Inference 13 students 29.5 Inference 26 students 61.9 n 44 students n 44 students Notes: n: the number of students R: the number of students who gave the right answers In the second cycle, the teaching learning process should focus on unresolved problem in the first cycle. In this meeting, the teacher gave eleven different cards to 22 students, so they should comprehend in pair. The cards should be comprehended in five minutes by completing the herringbone schemes and making reciprocal questions to their fellow friends. The students did the procedures attentively. They made some questions including detail, main idea, vocabulary, and inference questions. Finally, this process was continued until all students got the last card. Moreover, the researcher instructed students to complete their herringbone schemes as the draft before delivering their reciprocal questions. They enthusiastically made some herringbone schemes for some invitation cards. In fact, they made similar questions for different invitation cards. In this case, the researcher asked them to make other different questions but they did not have any idea for this. Finally, the researcher allowed them to make similar questions as far as the forms of the invitation cards was almost similar. Basically, making similar questions to the different invitation cards was permitted because they could answer their friends’ questions well. In post reading activity, the teacher gave the similar card which should be comprehended and memorized in five minutes. After that, the teacher gave some questions related to the card. In this test, they showed satisfying score with the highest score was 100, the lowest score was 50 and the average score was 75.68. It showed that the students had reached better achievement than the pretest with the average of 55. In the third meeting, the teacher gave two reservation letters. In this last meeting, the students were less guided by the teacher. It means that the activity in this last meeting was freer than before. The teacher just instructed the students to comprehend the text as they had done on the previous meetings. In this case, they made and responded the questions faster than before. When the teacher gave the second text, the students responded well. They applied these two techniques without being instructed by the teacher. Moreover, the researcher planned to instruct the students to make reciprocal questions by completing their herringbone schemes but they completed their herringbone schemes and made reciprocal questions without being instructed before. It was caused by their understanding of herringbone and reciprocal questioning technique. In post reading activity, most students could answer the teacher’s questions well.

4. Reflection