Problem Statement Objective of the Study Problems Limitation Benefit of the Study

known. Due to the fact, in this research, the writer as the teacher brings forward the way of teaching reading using ReQuest technique. In addition, the technique is related to the students’ level and involves them to learn actively. Hence, the writer has courage to conduct a study entitled “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using ReQuest Technique: A Classroom Action Research in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in 2007 2008 Academic Year”.

B. Problem Statement

This research concerns with the following problems: 1. Can ReQuest technique improve reading comprehension of the first year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga? 2. What happens if ReQuest technique is used to improve reading comprehension at the first year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga? 3. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of ReQuest technique when it is used to teach reading?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statement above the objectives of the study are: 1. To know whether ReQuest technique can improve reading comprehension of the first year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. 2. To know what happens if ReQuest technique is used to improve reading comprehension at the first year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. 3. To know the strengths and the weaknesses of ReQuest technique when it is used to teach reading.

D. Problems Limitation

In this research, the researcher only focuses on the attempt to improve students’ reading comprehension using reciprocal questioning technique which is theoretically can improve students’ reading comprehension. The researcher also limits the object of the research that is the first year students in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in 20072008 academic year.

E. Benefit of the Study

Hopefully, this research can be useful to the students, the other teachers and the researcher herself. For the students, this research will enhance the students’ reading comprehension because they are taught using the ReQuest technique that is theoretically effective for improving students’ reading comprehension and through ReQuest technique, the students can make it as a strategy which helps them to have a better comprehension. For the other teachers, they will get knowledge about teaching reading using ReQuest technique and the result of the research can be a useful input in English teaching learning process, especially for improving reading comprehension. In addition, students having different background knowledge which results in the different problems and different problem solving, through this research, the other teachers can make this research as the consideration to enrich their references in improving reading comprehension. Finally, by conducting this research, the researcher will know whether reciprocal questioning technique is appropriate used in teaching reading or not. Besides that, the research method used in this research is classroom action research which allows the researcher to make a reflection to what she has done in the classroom. By doing so, she can evaluate and make a remedial teaching, so that she can improve the way of teaching into the perfect one.