The strength The weakness

Based on researcher’s and collaborator’s observations, it could be concluded that there were some strengths and weaknesses that could be reported during teaching learning activity as follows:

a. The strength

Based on the students’ field notes, the students were interested in these two techniques, reciprocal questioning and herringbone techniques, and wanted to construct more and more questions. Consequently, when the students read new texts, both these techniques were possible to be implemented by the students outside class time or without teacher’s instruction and guidance. Furthermore, the students could know the types of questions so that they could predict what kinds of questions which probably occurred in the task after reading. It is in a line with the previous observation that the students’ questions in reciprocal questioning process often occurred in task of the post reading activity. In herringbone technique, the students could visualize their comprehension in a short draft of herringbone so they were not confused how the whole comprehension was like. So, it could help the students to comprehend the texts more quickly than they did not implement these techniques. Viewed from the students’ interests, the students showed the good responses to the new method. Moreover the usage of teaching media, such as the real invitation cards helped them to concentrate in teaching learning process. Besides that, the teaching learning process could be done both in classroom and language laboratory depending on the classroom procedures. Pair work would be more effectively done in the class room and the usage of language laboratory could make the individual work run well because the students could listen and respond their friends’ and teacher’s questions clearly. Consequently, the students could join teaching learning process easily.

b. The weakness

During teaching learning process, the researcher and collaborator found that there were some weaknesses during the teaching learning activity in second cycle. There were 44 students in a class who had different interests, characteristics, and abilities. For the active students who were highly interested in English, the teacher did not face any problem. On the other hand, the teacher had the problem with the passive learner who had low interest in English. For the passive learner, they always felt shy to state their ideas and afraid of being false. As a result, some students thought that the teacher was too fast in giving the time for them to comprehend the texts. Based on the data analysis, all students’ reading comprehension problems were effectively solved through these two techniques. Finally, it could be concluded that reciprocal questioning technique that was supported by herringbone techniques could improve students’ reading comprehension in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in 20072008 academic year.

D. Discussion

Before doing the research, the researcher conducted pre research observations in order to know what problems that the students faced. After that, the researcher formulated those problems to be solved. In order to collect the data, the researcher interviewed the previous English teacher, Mrs. E.G. As a result,