Data and Data Source Technique of Collecting Data

D. Data and Data Source

The data of the research are the procedures and activities during teaching learning process using ReQuest technique and the scores of reading comprehension tests. In other words, the result of teaching in the form of posttest was compared with pretest. The sources of data in this study were: 1. Event It was the activities of doing tasks and exercises in English teaching learning process especially in teaching reading using reciprocal questioning technique in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. 2. Documents In this study, the documents were the written material sheets of classroom observations, lesson plans, interviews, questionnaires, and field notes made by the researcher, collaborator and students. Related to the qualitative data, the researcher used the students’ scores in post reading exercises and list of students’ achievement in reading test both in pretest and posttest.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect data accurately, some methods were used by the researcher, they were: 1. Observation In this research, the observation was used to collect the data. It is a technique of collecting the data by closely watching and noticing classroom events or happenings, or interaction, either as a participant in the classroom or as an observer of another teacher’s observation. In this research, the researcher also used real time observation. Wallace 1998: 106 states that the real observation is observation and analysis as the teaching learning actually happens by using any electronic means of recalling the data and it will be done by making checklist or simply taking notes. In this study, the researcher was teacher who taught English using ReQuest technique and an active participant observer in which in this research the teacher did observation by herself as a researcher. She observed the students activities while teaching learning process occurred. It was very important not only to know their own feelings about the English learning but also how the students thought about their teacher. She made collaborative efforts with her collaborator to explore teaching possibilities by observing all of the students’ activities and situation during the English teaching-learning process using ReQuest technique. The function of collaborator here was to evaluate the teacher’s teaching, offer suggestion on the best way to teach, and help her to create students’ motivation in learning English. In other words, the collaborator was the active participant who gave the big contribution for every step of the research. 2. Content Analysis According to Sutopo 2006: 81, content analysis is an attempt to find important information as the researcher’s needs and their aims of research. In this research, the researcher used the field notes as the content analysis. In this research, besides collaborative teacher, the researcher used the students as the observers too. It is stated by Wallace 1998: 58 that making field notes can prevent our hard-won experience ebbing away and being lost in the tide of the pressures caused by ‘getting on with the next thing’. In this research, the students were free to express what they felt, what their difficulties were, when being taught using ReQuest technique. 3. Interview Besides making the collaborative efforts with her collaborators, in this case was other English teachers, the researcher interviewed the students and their teachers about their personal perceptions, experiences, opinions, and ideas related to all classroom action research. 4. Questionnaire According to Burns 1999: 129 questionnaire is easier and less time consuming to administer then interview and the responses of the larger numbers of informants can be gathered. Related to this statement, the researcher decided to ask the students to fulfill the questionnaire. In this technique, the students should read the questions and tick responses or write in short answers. 5. Test In this study, the researcher used written test to measure the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. The researcher gave pretest and posttest in order to know the students’ reading comprehension before and after being taught using ReQuest technique. Its aim is to know whether the students’ reading comprehension improves or not.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data