A. Conclusion

In this research, the researcher conducted classroom action research related to the attempt to improve students’ reading comprehension using reciprocal questioning technique. After the researcher did the action, the researcher concluded that there was improvement in the students’ reading comprehension achievement. Therefore, the previous hypothesis which stated that reciprocal questioning technique is able to improve students’ reading comprehension is right. In the attempt of improving students’ reading comprehension, the researcher faced some eases and obstacles. These eases and obstacles were formulated into the weaknesses and strength. In this research, the strengths of reciprocal questioning technique were: first, reciprocal questioning technique stimulated students to be autonomous and active readers because of having their own strategy to comprehend the texts even without teacher’s guidance. Second, the students could predict what questions that probably occurred in the task after reading. Third, reciprocal questioning technique is more interesting and effective to improve students’ reading comprehension than previous reading technique where the students read the texts and translated them. Besides their strengths, there was a weakness of these techniques. Reciprocal questioning supported by herringbone techniques is less effective for the passive learners who preferred to read by themselves without trying to make questions while reading the texts and felt shy to state their idea. Apart from their strengths and weakness, it could be concluded that reciprocal questioning technique supported by herringbone techniques is effective to improve students’ reading comprehension in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in 20072008 academic year.

B. Implication

By looking at a fact that there was significant improvement achieved by the students’ reading comprehension through reciprocal questioning technique supported by herringbone technique, it implies that three main stages in teaching reading, they are pre reading, while reading, and post reading activities are interrelated each others. In while reading activity, herringbone technique could remind the students to the components of reading comprehension while practicing reciprocal questioning.

C. Suggestions