Technique of Analyzing Data

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data using flow model analysis. It is used to draw conclusion from the available data. It is started from reducing the data then presenting them and finally drawing conclusion. This analysis is stated in Sutopo 2006: 117. Meanwhile, the steps of analyzing data were: 1. Describing the procedure of teaching reading using ReQuest technique in first year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. 2. From the result of observation sheets, the students’ behavior and participation during the action were analyzed to find whether the students were active or not in teaching learning process. 3. Analyzing the result of interview. 4. Analyzing the strengths and the weaknesses of ReQuest technique when it was used to improve reading comprehension. 5. Analyzing every answer stated in the student’s answer-sheets to determine whether they are true or false. 6. Computing the student’s correct answer. 7. In analyzing the test score of the written test, first of all, the researcher calculated the percentage of the correct answer of each student by using percentage correction. The percentage was used to measure the student’s reading comprehension. To find out the percentage, the researcher used the percentage correction formula as: xSM N R S Where: S = the student’s mastery in R = the student’s right answer N = the maximum number of the whole answer SM = Standard mark 100 Suharsimi, 1998: 38 The researcher also used the percentage formula to look for the students’ reading comprehension level. In determining the level of the students’ reading comprehension, the writer used five categories, which are described in Suharsimi’s 1998: 38 category system as follows: Table 2 The System of Score Category Percentage Interpretation 81 - 100 Very Good 61 - 80 Good 41 - 60 Fair 21 - 40 Poor 0 - 20 Very Poor From the percentage of the correct answer, then, the students’ reading comprehension was found. 8. After analyzing the scores of the written test, the researcher used a statistical technique to find the mean score of the students. To know the results of this research, the researcher used a formula proposed by Purwanto 1985: 38 by comparing the mean score result of pre-test and post–test. In scoring the test, the researcher calculated the students’ scores by using the following formula: N X M Where: M = mean the score x = the total score N = number of students It means that if the mean score result increases, the students’ reading comprehension is considered improving and the research is successful. 9. In order to measure students’ reading comprehension improvement before and after treatments, the researcher used t-test of non-independent. According to Ngadiso 2006: 17, the formula as follow: 1 2 2 n n D D D t Notes: t = The test in order to know whether there is a significant improvement or not between pretest and posttest. D = The differences between pretest and posttest n = Number of students 10. Making conclusion and suggestion based on the data analysis.