Content Organization The Aspects of Writing

2.2.3 Mechanics

Mechanic is one of the important aspects in writing skill. It takes a big part in writing besides vocabulary and grammar. The students should understand how to apply mechanics in their writing. It deals with the spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Spelling is often found as a problem for the students because they need to have a good ability in understanding the sound and the written form of other words. Punctuation deals with marks, such as periods, question marks, exclamation points, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, semi-colons, and colons. Capitalization is writing in capital letters, it means that capitalization is about how the capital letters are put in writing. Heaton 1991:35 states that mechanical skill is the ability to use correctly those conventions peculiar to the written language. We can conclude that mechanics used to evaluate the students’ writing are punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

2.2.4 Content

The writer should consider the ideas and messages to express in his or her writing to make the reader understand the content of writing. Heaton 1991:135 states that content deals with the writer’s ability to think creatively and develop thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information. We say that to make the readers understand the content of writing, the writer should consider the ideas and messages to express in his or her writing.

2.2.5 Organization

Organization in writing here is the students’ ability to arrange their ideas, to arrange logical sequence and the coherence to make a paragraph unity. Wingersky, 1999:36 affirms that a well-organized paragraph must have unity and coherence. Unity means all supporting sentences that explain the topic sentence. Coherence also plays important roles in making paragraph coherent. It means that the parts of the paragraph are logically connected. Bram 1995:22 believes that it is difficult to achieve a coherence of a paragraph without the transitions. Some transitions’ are: when, because of, however, although, finally, therefore, since, as and nevertheless. A coherent paragraph consists all sentences in the paragraph connected to each other for moving smoothly. In this research, the students make a descriptive text coherent by leading one idea to another logically. Here the example of coherence text: GINGER Ginger is one of the herbs and spices. Ginger can be found in the Indonesian state. We know that Indonesian state possessed many herbs and spices. Ginger is yellow to tan. Generally ginger has spicy taste. Ginger is used for drug or herb commonly known herb. In addition ginger also one of the starting materials in the manufacture of wind. Among the benefit of ginger for our body are for treat, colds, warm the body, and many of its benefit. Iberitai.blogspot.comcontoh-descriptive-text-inggris.html

2.3 Realia