Independent Dependent Research Research Research design Area Determination Method

APPENDIX A RESEARCH MATRIX Title Problem Variables Indicators Data Resources Research Method Hypothesis Improving the Eighth Grade Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Achievement by Using Realia at SMPN 1 Besuki Situbondo 1. Can the use of realia improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at SMPN 1 Besuki Situbondo 2. Can the use of realia improve class VIII D students’ participation in teaching learning process of writing descriptive text at SMPN 1

1. Independent

Variable The Use of realia in the teaching of writing descriptive text

2. Dependent

Variable The students’ achievement in writing descriptive text 1. The procedure in teaching writing by using Realia a. Showing Realia b. Asking some questions related to the realia c. Asking the students to write simple sentences based on the realia given d. Asking the students to write a descriptive text related to the realia given e. Revising students’ work 2.The students’ writing test score in applying: a. Grammar b. Vocabulary c. Mechanic d. Content e. Organization Adapted from Hughes, 2003: 104

1. Research

Subjects The students of class VIII-D at SMPN 1 Besuki Situbondo

2. Research

Informant and Colaborator The English teacher of class VIII-D at SMPN 1 Besuki Situbondo

1. Research design

Classroom Action Research The stage of each cycle are: a. The planning of the action b. The implementation of the action c. Doing the observation d. Doing Evaluation and reflection. Adapted from Lewin, in Elliot,1991:69

2. Area Determination Method

Purposive Method 3. Research Subjects Determination Method Purposive Method 4. Data Collections Method Primary Data: a. Writing Test b. Observation Supporting Data: a. Interview b. Documentation 1. The use of realia improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at SMPN 1 Besuki Situbondo 2. The use of realia can improve the students’ participation in writing descriptive text at SMPN 1 Besuki Situbondo 5 9 Besuki Situbondo 3.The students’ participation covering the following indicators : a. Asking and answering the teachers’ questions b. Giving full attention to the teacher explanation c. Doing the writing task given by the teacher d. Making a note

3. The School