Text User Interfaces LITERATURE REVIEW

2.8.2 Bourne Again Shell binbash

According to Rofiq 2003:8, bash is one of shell. Bash is a development from Bourne Shell. Bash was developed by Brian Fox from Free Software Foundation. This shell has GNU copy left license so it is free used. Bash is more growing and it becomes as shell default for Linux operating system. Some features in Bash: a. File Starup b. Built-in command-Interpreter c. Redline d. History e. Brace Expansion f. Variables g. Command Line Editor

2.9 Text User Interfaces

According to Dan Gookin 2007, in text mode, there are 2 kinds of interfaces: command line interface CLI and text user interface TUI. In CLI, the user gives command with some arguments that sometimes make the user that is not used to use Linux feel afraid. In TUI, the user just run application and will face windows, dialog etc. There are many applications that run in TUI mode, example mightnight commander, even popular distros still use TUI as alternative installer, example debian, ubuntu alternative,and slackware. There are points in TUI Linux: a. Ncurses library. Ncurses is a library that provides API function, which is possible for a programmer to write text user interface by terminal independent. This is a toolkit to develop software “like GUI” that run in terminal emulator. Ncurses has ability to move the cursor, to make windows, to work in color, work using mouse etc. Today the ncurselibrary can be found in every almost GNULinux distribution. b. Dialog utility According to Jeff Tranter, dialog is a utility that provides the calling function for ncurses library, so the programmer can be easily to make a user interface in GNULinux system. Dialog was created by Savio Lam ad then modified by some developers. Dialog run under terminal emulator so it can be easily to use with bash scripting. Example Text User Interface made with Dialog: a. yesno boxes : binbash dialog –yesno “Are you having fun?” 6 25 b. menu boxes : to make a menu binbash dialog –menu “Choose one:” 10 30 3 \ 1 red \ 2 green \ 3 blue 2tmpchoice 3. Input boxes : to make an input box binbash dialog –inputbox “Enter you name:” 8 40 2answer message box: to make message box binbash dialog –title Messag –msgbox Hello, world 5 20 4. text boxes binbash dialog –textboxetcprofile 22 70 5. info boxes binbash dialog –infobox “Please wait” 10 30 ;sleep 4 6. checkliat boxes binbash dialog –checklist “Choose toppings:” 10 40 3 \ 1 Cheese on \ 2 Tomato sauce on \ 3 Anchovies off 7. radiolist boxes binbash dialog –backtitle “CPU selection” \ – radiolist “Select CPU type:” 10 40 4 \ 1 386SX off \ 2 386DX on \ 3 486SX off \ 4 486DX off

2.10 Prototyping Model