Deployment Delivery and Feedback

additional packets that were added in router and menu installer. Boot directory consists of installer harddisk and boot loader. Installer flash disk is put outside the router directory and boot directory.

4.1.4 Deployment Delivery and Feedback

For the first prototype, the router will be tested using VirtualBox. ISO image will be boot in VirtualBox. Deployment Delivery For the first prototype, the developer tested the router in two parts. There are installation interface and configuration interface. In first prototype, installation interface consists of hard disk installation and flash disk installation. Configuration interface in first prototype only consist of setting IP. 1. Installation Interface a. The steps to install in harddisk PC are: Prepare VirtualBox: Create new virtual machine, set virtual machine with RAM 128MB and 512MB for virtual disk size, and add router ISO image to the storage so that virtual machine can be able to boot the router using ISO image. Run VirtualBox First thing that appeared was choosing whether want to install router or try live CD. Figure 4.24 Test1 install Hard disk-1 When it was chosen RouterOS Install, there were choices to install router in laptop or in flash disk. Figure 4.25 Test1install hard disk-2 When Install in your laptop was chosen, the program asked whether want o create partition or not. Figure 4.26 Test1install hard disk-3 When Yes Run CFDISK was chosen, the user created partition. Figure 4.27 Tes1install hard disk-4 After that, the program asked to input the partition that would be installed the router. It would be happen if No Next was chosen in previous step. Figure 4.28 Tes1install hard disk-5 The program asked whether the user is sure with that partition or not. Figure 4.29 Test1install hard disk-6 When Yes was chosen, the router was installing. When No was chosen, the router entered live CD mode. b. The steps to install in Flash disk are: First step is same as install in harddisk PC. Firstly, it needed to prepare VirtualBox: Create new virtual machine, set virtual machine with RAM 128MB and 512MB for virtual disk size, and add router ISO image to the storage so that virtual machine can be able to boot the router using ISO image. Run VirtualBox First thing that appeared was choosing whether want to install router or try live CD. Figure 4.30 Test1 install Flash Disk-1 When it was chosen RouterOS Install, there were choices to install router in laptop or in flash disk. Figure 4.31 Test1 install Flash Disk-2 When Install on you Flash disk was chosen, it showed the information what devices that connected to the laptop. Figure 4.32 Test1 install Flash Disk-3 When No was chosen the program was out. When Yes was chosen, the program asked to input where the flash disk mount. Figure 4.33 Test1install Flash Disk-4 After that, the router was installing to flash disk. Figure 4.34 Test1 install Flash Disk-5 2. Configuration Interface Setting IP The developer already finished build setting ip script interface, but it was not put in the router system. Setting IP script interface was tested via terminal. Run setting IP script in terminal. The user was asked to input ethernet that want to be configured. Figure 4.35 Test1 setting IP-1 After that, the interface to input ip address was showed. Figure 4.36 Test1 setting IP-2 After input IP address, the program asked to input netmask. Figure 4.37 Test1 Setting IP-3 The process input interface, IP address and netmask was looping. Figure 4.38 Test1 Setting IP-4 Figure 4.39 Test1 Setting IP-5 Figure 4.40 Test1 Setting IP-6 After that, the user was asked to input gateway. Figure 4.41 Test1 Setting IP-7 The last thing was DNS, the program showed interface to input DNS. Figure 4.42 Test1 Setting IP-8 Feedback Based on the testing and the construction prototyping, the router still did not run based on what the customer expected in communication. For the first prototyping, the router only could run installer using Text User Interface. It could not set IP address using Text User Interfaces and still could not do routing using text User Interfaces. According to the customers, there are some requirements for the next router: 1 The interface program has to detect the partition automatically. 2 The interface program has to be able to detect the ethernet interfaces automatically. 3 The router has to have menu so that the user can choose which configuration he wants. 4 Setting IP address and DNS should be separated. So that, DNS interface has to be built.

4.2 Second Prototype