Construction Prototyping First Prototype .1 Communication

The last thing that the user should input is DNS. The program will show the interface to input DNS. Figure 4.17 prototype1 model setting IP-5 b Routing When the user type command to call routing setting, it will show the information that inform the user if the routing will be started. Figure 4.18 prototype1 routing model

4.1.3 Construction Prototyping

There are four steps in developing the first prototype router: 1. Install Toroo Live Tools 2. Compile Packet 3. Build installer for the router 4. Make ISO bootable Here will explain step by step develop the router. 1. Install Toroo Live Tools Toroo live tools is the tools to make and extract packet lzm. Packet lzm is used for management in router system. extract that packet into folder tmp go to folder Tools make files in folder tools become be able to read, write, and execute. copy all files into folder bin Figure 4.19 Toroo Live 2. Compile packet Some packets need to be compiled to complete the modules that are needed to the router. There are two packet that will be compiled, dialog and iptables. Firstly, it needs to extract core to place the packets: make directory for core in temporary directory. extract core into core directory Figure 4.20 core After extract core, the next step is compiling the packets that are needed in developing the router. Compile Dialog: extract the source code of packet. change directory where the packet extracted. customize the configuration to check the dependencies. compile the source code into binary. install the packet to destination directory, here dialog will be installed in core directory: make install DESTDIR=tmpcore Figure 4.21 Dialog Compile Iptables: Extract the source code of packet. Change directory where the packet extracted. Customize the configuration. Compile the source code into binary. Install the packet to destination directory, here dialog will be installed in core directory. Figure 4.22 Iptables 3. Build Installer for the router There are three main scripts in installer. A script as menu, a script for installation in hard disk PC and script for installing in flash disk. Only a script for menu that has to be packaged. Menu script is used for the user when the user wants to choose in which device he want to install the router. This script will be put in bin directory. Make directory for the directory of script. Write he script for this menu installer, save it. Here the developer saved it as setup-BS in directory that already made. Package the directory into .lzm. Figure 4.23 Installer 4. Make ISO bootable Before make ISO image, the developer needs to manage what directories that will be used to put the scripts and packets. There are two mains directories, router directory and boot directory. Router directory consists of packet core, additional packets that were added in router and menu installer. Boot directory consists of installer harddisk and boot loader. Installer flash disk is put outside the router directory and boot directory.

4.1.4 Deployment Delivery and Feedback