Components of Operating System

2.1.2 Components of Operating System

According to Masyarakat Digital Gotong royong 2006:10, an operating system can be divided into some components. a. System Process Management. A process is a program that is being executed. Operating System has responsibility in activities in a process management, such as: 1. To make and to delete user process and process system 2. To delay or to continue the process. 3. Providing mechanism to synchronize the process. 4. Providing mechanism to communicate the process. 5. Providing mechanism to manage the deadlock. b. System Memory Management. Main memory is an array that is from word or byte, the size is until hundred or million. Every byte has its own address. Main memory has function as datainstruction storage that the data access is used by CPU and inputoutput device. Main memory is volatile data storage. Operating System has responsibilities in memory management: 1. Keeping the track from the used memory and who used memory. 2. Choosing the program that will be loaded into memory. 3. System File Management The file is the collection of information that related each other, in accordance with the objective of the owner of the file. The file can have structure that is hierarchy directory, volume, etc. Operating System implements the concept from the file by managing storage mass media such as tapes and disk. 1. Creating and deleting file 2. Creating and deleting directory 3. Supporting the file and directory manipulation 4. Doing file mapping 5. Backup file to non-volatile storage c. System Management IO It is called device manager. Operating system components for system management IO are: 1. Temporary storage data from and to system inputoutput. 2. Spooling: scheduling the usage of inputoutput 3. Providing drive. d. Management Secondary Storage Data that is saved in main memory is temporary. So that why, to save a whole of data and computer program are needed permanent secondary storage that can be able store many data as backup from main memory. Examples of secondary storage are hard-disk, diskette etc. Operating system has responsibilities in management secondary storage: 1. Free space management 2. Storage allocation 3. Scheduling disk e. Protection System It is used to control access that is occurred by programs, processor, or user. Protection mechanism should be: 1. Can differ user that has privilege to access data and ordinary user. 2. Specific control 3. Providing tools to implement the system. f. Network Distribution System is a collection of processors that has its own memory and own clock. Those processors connect via network communication. Distribution system provides user access to kind of resources. That access causes increased computing speed an increases the ability of providing data. g. Command-Interpreter System Operating system waits instruction from the user command driven. Programs that read instruction and interpret control statement usually called: control-card interpreter, command-line interpreter, and sometimes it are called shell.

2.1.3 Operating System Structure