Communication Quick Plan and Quick Design

4.2 Second Prototype

The second prototype was made based on the feedback from the customers.

4.2.1 Communication

In communication for second prototype, objectives of the research are still same as First Prototype. But for the user requirement, there is additional user requirement for the Second Prototype. The user requirements for the Second Prototype are: 1 The router can do static routing. 2 The router is for IP version 4. 3 Building the installation Text User Interface: a. Installation to flash disk. In installation flash disk, the user can choose the location of flash disk automatically, so that the user does not need to type manually. b. Hard disk PC. The program can detect the partition of hard disk automatically that will be installed for the router. 4 Building the configuration Text User Interfaces a. Interface for setting ip address. The program can detect the Ethernet that are available in the computer installed the router. b. Interface for routing. The user just chooses Ethernet that will be used for routing and then the routing process will be running. c. Interface for setting DNS. Interface DNS has been seprated with setting IP. The user can add new DNS or add more DNS to set up the router. d. Main menu interface to configurations interface. This is the new interface in the second prototype. It has menu of interface program that can be chosen by user. 5 Developing using Linux kernel. 6 All packets needed are open source.

4.2.2 Quick Plan and Quick Design Quick Plan 1. Preparation There is no additional preparation for the second prototype. The preparation is same as First Prototype preparation. 2. Installation Interfaces The algorithms that were used in installation interfaces flowchart First Prototype are similar with the installation interfaces flowchart Second Prototype. a Hard Disk Installation Figure 4.43 Hard disk installation Flowchart 2 Based on Figure 4.43 hard disk installation 2 Flowchart, the harddisk installation algorithms are: The program will ask whether the user want to create new partition or not. If there is the partition, the program detect it automatically. The partition will be formatted by the program and installed by the router. b Flash disk Installation The flash disk flowchart was created to help in building the program. Figure 4.44 Flash disk Installation Flowchart 2 Based on Figure 4.44 Flash disk installation 2 Flowchart, The flash disk installation algorithms are: Input Flash disk location. The installation process is running. The router system will be copied into flash disk or portable device. The program will install boot loader to flash disk. 3. Configuration Interfaces In this part, there are three interfaces: setting IP, DNS, and routing. a Setting IP The setting IP flowchart for the second prototype is not same as the setting IP flowchart with the first prototype. In the setting IP flowchart for the second prototype, there is no setting DNS. Figure 4.45 SettingIP 2 Flowchart Based on Figure 4.45 Setting IP2 Flowchart, the algorithms of setting IP are: The user choose the ethrnet hat will be used, and then setting IP address and netmask. The program will process the IP address and netmask. And then the program will ask whether want to continue to set IP address or not. If yes, the program will repeat the step from the choosing ethernet until netmask. If not, the program will ask the gateway. Setting gateway and finish. b DNS DNS is an additional interface that is made for the second prototype. Before writing the script, it needs to create the flowchart. Figure 4.46 Setting DNS Flowchart Based on Figure 4.46 DNS Flowchart, the algorithms of DNS are: Input DNS setting of the network. The program will process it and store in the system. c Routing Routing in the first prototype is different with routing in the second prototype. In the second prototype, the user is asked to choose the ethernet. Here the routing flowchart. Figure 4.47 Routing-2 Flowchart Based on Figure 4.47 Routing-2 Flowchart, the routing algorithms: The program ask the user which ethernet that is chosen for routing. Read the IP address that already input before. If IP adress is not set yet, the program will ask the user to set the IP address. The process routing will be running. Quick Design 1. Interface Installation In installation there are two choices: install in harddiskPC and install flash disk. In the second prototype, there are differences with the First Prototype. a Hard disk Installation The user is be able to choose whether want to install in harddiskPC and flash disk. Figure 4.48 Prototype2 Model hard disk-1 If the user choose install on your laptop, the user will be ask whether he want to create partition or not. If yes the router will run CFDISK, and create the partition. Figure 4.49 Prototype2 Model hard disk-2 After create partition, It will show the partitions that are available to install the router. Figure 4.50 Prototype2 Model hard disk-3 To make sure the partition that is chosen is right, the program will ask if the user is sure or not. Figure 4.51 Prototype2 Model hard disk-4 After that, the installation is running. b Flash disk Installation The user is be able to choose whether want to install in hard diskPC and flash disk. Figure 4.52 Prototype2 Model flash disk-1 After that there are the choices in which device the user wants to install the router. Figure 4.53 Prototype2 Model Flash disk-2 The program asked the path source of the router. Figure 4.54 Prototype2 Model Flash disk-3 The router will be installing to flash disk. 2. Configuration Interfaces In the second prototype, there is a menu to put all of the interfaces that is to communicate between the user and the applications. Figure 4.55 menu a Setting IP Setting IP in second prototype is quiet different with setting IP in the First Prototype . In the second prototype, the user can choose which ethernet that will be used in the router. The program will show what ethernat that are connected with the router. Figure 4.56 Prototype 2 Mode setting IP-1 If one of the ethrnet is chosen, the program will ask to input IP address. Figure 4.57 Prototype 2 Model Setting IP-2 After inputing ip adress, the program will ask to input the netmask. Figure 4.58 Prototype2 Model Setting IP-3 After finishing complete setting one of the ethernet, the program will ask whether the user want to continue with setting another ethernet or go to next step, setting gateway. Figure 4.59 Prototype2 Model Setting IP-4 If the user chose Yes, the program will be back to the ethernet choices. If No, the program will run setting gateway. Figure 4.60 Prototype 2 Model Setting IP-5 After finishing set gateway, the program will exit. b DNS DNS interface is one of additional requirement for the second prototype. Firstly, the program will ask whether the user want to set DNS or just add other DNS. Figure 4.61 Prototype 2 Model DNS-1 The user is required to input DNS. The user can add more than one DNS by choosing Add more DNS. Figure 4.62 Prototype 2 Model DNS-1 c Routing The design interface from the routing in the second prototype is different with the design interface with the first router prototype. When the user choosed routing, the program would ask which ethernet that would be used for the routing. Figure 4.63 Prototype2 Model routing 1 If the ip address is not set yet, the program will inform that the ip address is not set yet. Figure 4.64 Prototype2 Routing-2 If the routing success, it will show that the routing is succeed. Figure 4.65 Prototype2 Routing-3 4.2.3. Construction Prototyping Construction Prototyping for second prototype is still same as the First Prototyping , but there is additional construction based on quick plan and quick design. Main menu will be put in usrbin. The step are: make directory to put the directories of scripts. Copy menu script to tmpsettingusrbin. Figure 4.66 menu command Setting IP script, DNS script, and routing script are put in one directory. They will be put in usrsharerouter and then package it. The steps are: make directories tmpsettingusrsharerouter. It will be used to place setting IP script, DNS script, and routing script. copy all scripts setting IP, DNS, and routing into tmpsettingusrsharerouter Package the directoy. Put file menu.lzm into router directory routerbase. Figure 4.67 Package

4.2.4. Deployment Prototyping and Feedback