The Problem Definition The Scope of Problem Aims and Objectives

Based on that reasons, the titled for this thesis is “Developing Small Portable Router GNULinux with Text User Interface For Student Learning”.

1.2 The Problem Definition

Based on the background, there are some points to decide the problem definition. The first, almost routers do not use open source utilities to develop the router; second, the router in example are less portability, no one could install in flash disk or portable storage; the third is the interface of those routers are not inside the system; the fourth is the students cannot know how to develop a router that can be installed in portable storage because the license and the last is interface for installing the router, the students do not know how develop installer. So that the problem definition in this thesis is how to develop a portable router GNULinux that is simple, all utilities are open source, included interface inside the system and build interface for installing the router.

1.3 The Scope of Problem

In order to avoid deviation in this discussion, the author would like to discuss the scope of the problems: 1. The Building Interface. Interface was built with Text User Interface by using bash scripting. The interfaces consist of installation interfaces and configuration interfaces. 2. This router can do static routing. 3. Using Linux kernel and all utilities are open source. 4. For IPv4 only. 5. For DHCP interface, it sets in subnet mask 6. Student can use the router for learning.

1.4 Aims and Objectives

The objectives of the research are: 1. To develop a portable router GNULinux that is open and easy to be used by end user student and lecture. The aims that will be got in the research are: For the writer: 1. To make understand deeper the function and how the router works. 2. To learn about how to develop open source software For the student: 1. The students understand how the router works. 2. The students know about the developing portable operating system that has function as a router. 3. The lecture can use this portable router for teaching and practicing.

1.5 Contents of Thesis CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION