Quick Plan and Quick Design

a. Installation to flash disk. For the input location of flash disk, the user still needs to input the partition that he has manually. The user choose the location of flash disk automatically. b. Hard disk PC. The user input available hard disk that will be installed manually. The router cannot detect available hard disk yet. 4 Building the configuration Text User Interfaces a. Interface for setting ip address. Setting IP interface include DNS and setting IP. After the user set up IP address, the user will be asked to input DNS directly. b. Interface for routing. For this interface, the algorithm is still complex for routing algorithm. 5 Developing using Linux kernel. 6 All packets needed are open source.

4.1.2 Quick Plan and Quick Design Quick Plan Figure 4.1 Quick Plan After communication, the developer was doing quick plan. In the quick plan, there are 3 steps to develop the router. There are preparation, installation interfaces, and configuration interfaces. 1. Preparation In the preparation step, the developer prepared the network topology. The topology of router is used as a guidance to test the router. Figure 4.2 Topology Besides preparing network topology, the developer also prepared what tools that are needed in the developing the router. Tools that are needed in developing the router are: a Core. The router uses core slackware. That core can be downloaded in http:www.slax.orgmodules1dl001-core.lzm. b Kernel Linux. The kernel that is used in the router is kernel version 1.4.2. Actually the kernel already include in core, but it can be downloaded separately in ftp:ftp.slax.orgLinux-Livekernels2.6.27.27linux- i486-1.tgz. c Toroo live tools. It is used to make ISO image for the router. It can be downloaded in http:toroo.intoolstoroo-live-tools-6.3.0.tar.gz. d Dialog source code v1.1. It is used for interface. It can be downloaded in http:linux.softpedia.comgetSystemSoftware-DistributionDialog- 7923.shtml. e Iptables. Iptables that is used is iptables version 1.4.2. It can be downloaded in http:www.netfilter.orgprojectsiptablesfilesiptables-1.4.2.tar.bz2. f VirtualBox. VirtualBox that is used is VirtualBox version 4.0.10. 2. Installation Interfaces There are two kinds of installation in this router, installation in hard diskPC and installation in flash disk. a Hard disk Installation Figure 4.3 Hard disk Installation Flowchart Based on flowchart in Figure 4.3 about hard disk installation, the algorithms in hard disk installation are: The program will ask whether the user want to create new partition or not. If the user wants to create new partition, the program will show a help to help user in partition the hard disk. If the user does not want to create partition, the program will ask the user to input partition to install the router. The partition will be formatted by the program b Flash disk Installation The developer created the flowchart first before building the flash disk text user interface. Figure 4.4 Flash Disk Installation Flowchart Based on Figure 4.4 Flash disk Installation Flowchart, The flash disk installer algorithm: The program will show where the media or flash disk mounted. The program will ask the user to input the flash disk location. The installation process is running. The router system will be copied into flash disk or portable device. The program will install boot loader to flash disk. The program will set the flash disk, so that when the flash disk plug-in in the laptop, it will run directly. 3. Configuration Interfaces The developers build two interfaces, setting IP interface and routing interface. a Setting IP In order to not make wrong program in setting IP, it needed to make the flowchart first. Figure 4.5 Setting IP Flowchart The algorithm for setting IP interface: Setting looping to process inputting ip address, netmask, and interface. Looping is set until twice looping. Declare the variables that are needed for setting IP. The program will ask user to input the interface, IP address and netmask that will be set for the network. Process looping occurs. After that the user will be asked to set gateway ad DNS. b Routing Before building routing program, flowchart routing needed to be made. Figure 4.6 Routing Flowchart The algorithm for routing: The program will input interface router, IP addess router, netmask router, inerface client, IP address client, netmask client and then process it. After that the routing program active ip forward. The program will ask to input DNS and then restore DNS. After that process routing will be running. Quick Design Quick design is used to give description how the interfaces appear. Quick design include interfaces that are built in the router. The interfaces that are provided in quick design are: Interface installation hat include hard disk installation and flash disk installation Configuration interfaces that include setting IP interface and routing interface. 1. Interface Installation As mentioned in quick plan, there are two kind of installation, hard disk PC and flash disk. So that first step interface design, the user can choose which device that will be installed the router. Figure 4.7 Choosing installation a Harddisk Installation If the user choose number one, the program run installation to the laptop or hard disk. Figure 4.8 prototype1 model harddisk-1 After that, the user will be asked whether the user want to create partition or not. If the user want to create partition, the program will run command to create partition. After that the user will be asked to input in which partition the the router installed. It is same the output If the user choose not to create partition, the user will be asked to input in which partition. Figure 4.9 prototype1 model hard disk-2 After that to make sure you input the right device, the program will ask you. Figure 4.10 prototype1 model hard disk-3 After that the process installation will be running. b Flash disk Installation When the user choose install on your flash disk, there is the information which devices that are connected into the computer. Figure 4.11 prototype1 model flash disk-1 When click Yes, the user will be asked to input the device of flash disk and when click No, it will cancel the installation. Figure 4.12 prototype1 model flash disk-2 After input the device of flash disk, the router will be installing into flash disk. 2. Configuration Interfaces As mentioned in quick plan, there are two configuration interfaces, setting IP and routing. After creating the flowcharts, it needed to create design how the interfaces appear to the users. a Setting IP In setting IP address, firstly the user will be asked to input ethernet which will be set. Figure 4.13 prototype1model setting IP-1 After that, the program will ask to input IP address. Figure 4.14 prototype1 model setting IP-2 After inputting IP address, the user will be asked to input netmask. Figure 4.15 prototype1 model setting IP-3 The program will do looping, so it will repeat from input ethernet, ip address, and netmask. After looping, the user can input gateway. Figure 4.16 prototype1 model setting IP-4 The last thing that the user should input is DNS. The program will show the interface to input DNS. Figure 4.17 prototype1 model setting IP-5 b Routing When the user type command to call routing setting, it will show the information that inform the user if the routing will be started. Figure 4.18 prototype1 routing model

4.1.3 Construction Prototyping