Technique of Collecting the Data and Research Instrument

3. Validity Instrument According to Saifudin Azwar, research instrument validity questions whether an instrument that will be used has a capability to measure something to be measured and standard minimum validity coefficient is 0.3. 19 Based on the scale result of try out validity scale in English anxiety for 40 students in 1 st year students of SMP Bhakti Mulya 400 which consists of 30 items, there are 19 valid items and 11 invalid items. The numbers of valid item are: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. The numbers of invalid item are: 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, and 30. 4. Reliability Instrument Reliability defines whether an instrument can measure something to be measured constantly from time to time. Thus, the key words for qualifying requirements are consistency or unchanged. 20 To measure reliability in this research, the writer need measuring tool, and measuring tool which is used technique of Alpha Cronbroach. To measure the reliability, the writer used SPSS Statistical Product for Service Solution 16 are used.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer used the correlation technique, by using: a. The analysis technique of qualitative data Writer used inductive and deductive method it means that the writer presented the problems specifically then make general conclusion or versa versus these concluded from some general theories. 19 Syaifudin Azwar, Penyusunan Skala Psikologi, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2006 p.99-103 20 Syaifudin Azwar,.p.83. b. The analysis technique of quantitative data Arikunto said that “to count the correlation we used statistics”. Statistical technique can be used to count among two or more variables. 21 Based on the statement above the writer used statistics method that is using SPSS to count the correlation between students’ anxiety and English achievement in learning English of students of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan As Arikunto said “product moment correlation used to decide correlation between two interval phenomena.” 22 Pearson’s product moment correlation as follows: r xy : Coefficient Correlation N : Number of Respondents ∑ XY : Total Numbers of X multiplied by Y ∑ X : Total Score of X ∑ Y : Total Score of Y ∑ X 2 : Total Score of squares of X ∑ Y 2 : Total Score of squares of Y 21 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.498 22 Ibid,.p.255 6


A. Description of Data

As the writer discussed in the previous chapter, to get the data about students’ anxiety, firstly he did a research by giving a questionnaire to all first year students which number are 109. Then they took 40 randomly as a sample. The questionnaire consists of four answers alternative. Second, to get the data about students’ anxiety in learning English, he took students’ scores from the document of final test UAS of second semester of the first year of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan. Finally, after the writer analyzed both data to see the correlation between students’ anxiety in learning English and students’ learning achievement by applying the formula of Pearson’s product moment correlation.

B. The Finding 1. Students’ Anxiety scores

In this case, students’ anxiety in learning English is an independent variable variable X. The following table describes the result of students’ anxiety. 1 As shown on the table, we can see the result of questionnare about students’ anxiety in learning English, from 40 respondents are 4459 by applying SPSS program, it is showed that the minimum score is 99; the maximum score is 139; the median is 110,00; the mode is 115; and the mean is 111,48.

2. Students’ English scores

Students’ English learning achievement is as dependent variable variable Y. To know it, the writer took the students’ English score of 1 See appendix 5 first grade students of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan, from final test UAS. The data is described on the following table From the table, we can see the total score from 40 respondents are 2939 by applying SPSS program, it is showed that the minimum score is 46; the maximum score is 82; the median is 75,00; the mode is 80; and the mean is 73,48. 2

C. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the step in the procedure of processing data. Data processing is the step to know the result of the research. To find out whether, students’ anxiety has significant correlation with their English learning achievement at the first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400. From the calculation of statistic by applying SPSS program, it was known that r xy = - 0,657. Based on the data collected above, the degree freedom df is 40. In this paper the writer used the degree of significance of 5. df = N-2, 40-2= 38; α alpha 5 so, “r” table = 0,312. if the writer compare with table of “r” values at the level of significance, the result is - 0,657 0,312. According to the explanation about analysis of the result above, the writer can interpret that there is negative correlation between students’ anxiety in learning English and students’ English learning achievement at first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.

D. The Test of Hypothesis

According to Product Pearson Moment, the value of correlation is between 1 to -1. It means correlation between two variables are strength, but in other way, the value near to 0. It means correlation between two variables is weak. Positive value shows one direction X up, then Y up, and negative value shows the contrary X up, then Y down. 3 See Appendix 6 http:www.jonathansarwono.infokorelasikorelasi.html . Retrieved on January, 11 th 2013.