Background of the study

C. The Statement of the Study

Based on the limitation of the study above, the statement problem is: “is there any correlation between students’ anxiety and their English learning achievement?”

D. The Purpose of study

This study aims to know whether anxiety has any correlation with students’ English learning achievement. The writer hopes that this research will help to figure out how students’ anxiety can affect their English learning achievement.

E. The Significant of the Study

1. Theoretically Theoretically the result of this study will answer the question at the formulation of the problem whether the student’s anxiety in learning English is really important factor in English achievement. 2. Practically It is expected that the result of the study will be useful for: a. Headmaster: As feed back to the institution to improve for improving the system of education and facilitating what the teacher needs. b. Students: to get an information about correlation between students’ anxiety and their english learning achievement. In order they can stimulate themselves to increase their english achievement. c. Teacher: to give an encouragement to the students in order that heshe can improve the students’ english learning achievement. d. Other researchers: the result of this research can give information about the correlation between students’ anxiety and their english learning achievement that can be used to basic consideration and basic information to increase learning achievement especially English. 5


This chapter discusses about definition of learning, the learning theories, definition of achievement, definition of anxiety, types of anxiety and conceptual framework.

A. Theoretical Description 1. Definition of Learning

Learning has an important role in people life. The most development process is through learning activity directly. According to Santrock, Learning is a relatively permanent influence on behavior, knowledge, and thinking skills, which comes about through experience. For example: when children learn how to use computer, they might make some mistakes along the way, but at a certain point they will get the knack of the behaviors required to use the computer effectively. The children will change from being individuals who cannot operate a computer into being individuals who can. 1 It means learning is always about changes of individual who learns whether its head for good or bad, planned or not. Another thing which is always concerning about learning is experience, experience that’s classified with other people or the environment. Some expert has explained about learning, such as Witherington, he explained that learning is changes of personality, which manifestation as pattern of new responses which are skill, attitude, and knowledge. The closest opinion has defined by Hilgard quoted by Sukmadinata, he said that learning is a process where an attitude arises or changes, because of there are responses to the situation. 2 1 John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update; Preparing for Praxis and Practice, second edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001,p.210. 2 Nana Syaudih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2003,pp.155-156. Another definition that has to be informed here such as Kingsley quoted by Soemanto. He stated that Learning is the process by which behavior in the broader sense is originated or changed through practice or training. 3 Then, De Cecco also explained in his book about learning. “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice.” 4 Likewise, Morrison, he stated that “Learning refers to the cognitive and behavioral changes that result from experiences.” The experiences that make up the curriculum are at the core of the learning process, and an experience which is provided for children should be based on theory or theories of how children learn. 5 Psychologists have many different ways to explain the definitions of learning. But, either explicit or implicit, finally it has the similar meaning from the definition of learning which always directed to a process of someone behavior’s change based on practice or certain experience. Based on the description above, the writer tries to synthesize them to gain general meaning about learning. Learning is an effort in developing individual personality, either physical aspect or physiological. Learning is an activity that has purpose to make a change of behavior, attitude, habitual, knowledge, skill, etc, as a result of individual experience of interaction with the environment. Many learning definitions have been defined above. Some of them are different but there also have the same concept. The same concept looks as the learning principle. Some of learning principle has explained in the following; 1. Learning as a part of development 2. Learning long live 3 Wasty Soemanto, Psikologi Pendidikan Landasan Kerja Pemimpin Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT RINEKA CIPTA, 2006,p.104. 4 John P. De Cecco, The Psychology of Leaning and Instrucition:Educational Psychoogy, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, INC.,1968, p.243. 5 George S. Morrison, Early Childhood Education Today, eleventh edition, New Jersey: Pearson, Inc., 2009, p.113