Definition of Achievement The correlation between students’ anxiety and their English learning achievement

“Briefly to help student whose eyes or ear are not good enough teacher move them to the forward seat”. 27 Giving vitamins to our students preventively can help them protect their physical condition in this case; teacher can cooperate with student’s parents. 2. Psychological factors Generally among psychological factors of the student that seem essential are “intelligent of student, attitude, aptitude, interest and motivation”. 28 a. Intelligent “…… intelligent is one of human abilities to do activity and it is had been exist where ha was born”. 29 The quality of student intelligent cannot be doubted. It is influence student success in learning. It means that higher student’s intelligent bigger opportunities. They will be success in contrast lower student’s intelligent smaller opportunity they have. All teachers must realize that student’s intelligent superior or borderline generally will make our students get difficulty in learning. The smart students, they will be boring if the lessons are easy for them whilst the lower students will by very tired if the lesson too hard for them. b. Attitude “Attitude is internal phenomenon that have effective dimension tendency to response response tendency with stabile method toward object negatively or positively….” 30 The teachers have to able to manage the students, lessoned and also themselves in order to make positive attitude of the 27 Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi.,p.146 28 Ibid.,p.146 29 Cronbach in Sardirman, Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar,Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003, p.46 30 Ibid.p.149 students and avoid negative attitude of students. It aims to avoid negative attitude of our students and our profession as teacher. The teacher not only master the lesson, but also able to make the students sure that the lesson will be useful for them. c. Aptitude “Generally aptitude is the ability of human to get the goal or success in the future…..”. 31 Based on this definition, we may state aptitude will influence high and low of our student’s achievement, in specific lesson. So that it is not a brief treatment if we and parents force our students to go to specific skill school without knowing our children aptitude. Foreign our student will give bad influence to the achievement of our students. d. Interest and Motivation About interest and motivation have been discussed that interest and motivation have correlation each other. Motivation and interest caused by same thing. “Motivation comes because of the need of human and interest is also like it”. 32 Interest is the basic motivational elements. The process of learning will be run well if the students have good interest in the lesson, because they have motivation from their self. b. External factors Muhibbin Syah gives external factors influencing student’s achievement to be social environment, national environment, learning approach factor. 33 31 Sudirman AM, Interaksi dan Motivasi,.p.150 32 Ibid,.p.94 33 Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi,.p.152 1. Social environment Social environment such as school, teacher, staff administration, and friends can influence spirit of learning of the students. 2. National environment Factors included in national environment are school building and the place, houses of the students, learning tools, season, and the time of learning. This factor considered has great influence in our students. 3. Approach to learning Approach of learning can be considered as all method or strategies. Used by our students in improving effectiveness and efficiency of learning process. In this case learning approach means a set of operational theory to solve the problems to get goal of special learning. 34 Beside internal and external factors, approaches to learning also considered have great influence in the success of our students in learning. A student who use deep approach maybe has greater opportunity to get better achievement than who whose surface approach or reproductive approach 35 As Sabri have stated in his book, that Psychological factor involves interest, motivation, intelligence, perception, think, and memory. 36 Their perception that English as a foreign language, then they think English is difficult to learn. This condition can affect learners’ English learning achievement and arising anxiety indirectly. It can be said that English learning achievement will be different depend on what the kinds of anxiety of the learner has. Although English learning achievement can be depended into the learner within his anxiety, in education or learning system, learning 34 Larso in Muhibbin, Psikologi,.p.155 35 Ibid.,p.155 36 H. M. Alisuf Sabri, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet 3, Jakarta: CV. Pedoman Ilmu Jaya, 2007,p.60. achievement have to be measured. Curriculum or syllabus in learning shows the general achievement called standard competences. It shows minimum target of learner which is explained by affective, cognitive, and psychomotor standard. Those standards are appropriate with the educational theory used by the nation. In conclusion, learning achievement is target measured by competences of the learner in learning which are shown by score as a sign and score.

4. Definition of Anxiety

If someone is deal with something, and this certain thing can threat himher or, at least, can cause unpleasant thing to himherself which inhibit emotion or physiological, then heshe can be said have an anxiety. Talking about anxiety, Anxiety is one of dominant factor that can affect students learning. Commonly, learners have anxiety, when heshe faces the difficult lesson, oriented to get the high scores, pressure from teacher in teaching and also having anxiety in test. According to Spielberger 1983 quoted by Sara Atef-Vahid and Alireza Fard Kashani, Anxiety can be described as the subjective feelings of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system. 37 The other psychologist tries to make a general definition of anxiety like Branca. He mentions that, Anxiety is “best defined and described by comparing it to fear. The feeling-tone of anxiety is very similar to the feelings experienced in fear.” 38 Similarly with Kowalski 2000 stated that the basic meaning of anxiety, “Anxiety involves a vague, highly unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension.” 39 It means that anxiety is normal thing or an emotion condition that will happen to any individual. This common reaction also 37 S. Atef-Vahid and A. Fard Kashani, The Effect of English Learning Anxiety on Iranian High- School Students’ English Language Achievement,p.2. 38 Albert A. Branca, PSYCHOLOGY the Science of Behavior, U.S.A: Allyn and Bacon, INC.,1964,p.432. 39 John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update; Preparing for Praxis and Practice, second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001,p.189. happen in classroom activities especially English classroom. Because of it can inhibit new learning behavior and performance which had been learned previously by all students. Anxiety is believed to consist of two components: 1. Cognitive anxiety which refers to the mental aspect of anxiety experience including negative expectations, preoccupation with performance and concern about others’ perceptions. 2. Somatic anxiety which refers to learners’ perceptions of the psychological effects of the anxiety experience as reflected arousal and unpleasant feeling states such as nervousness, upset stomach, pounding heart, sweating, and tension Morris, Davis and Hutchings 1981. To some researchers Lang 1971; Cheng 2004 anxiety has three different components rather than two: cognitive, physiological somatic, and avoidance behavior behavioral. It is believed to involve a variety of dysfunctional thoughts, increased physiological arousal and maladaptive behaviors. Some studies find somatic anxiety and cognitive anxiety covary and are hard to separate. Learners experience apprehension, worry and dread. They exhibit behavior such as missing the class and postponing the work or assignment. The relations among anxiety, cognition and behavior are best seen as recursive or cyclical where each influences the other. A demand to answer a question in a foreign language class may cause learners to become anxious and anxiety leads to worry and rumination. Cognitive performance is diminished because of the divided attention and therefore performance suffers, leading to negative self evaluations and more self deprecating cognition which further impairs performance. In an educational setting anxiety may impair the ability to take in information, process it and retrieve it, can limit the use of both short and long term memory. 40 From the definition above, they could be concluded that anxiety is an unpleasant condition that can’t be ignored by anybody as a response from 40 Feryal Cubukcu, Foreign Language Anxiety, Izmir, Turkey, Iranian Journal of Language Studies IJLS, Dokuz Eylul University, Vol. 12, 2007: p.2. any situation which threats the forthcoming marked by complaints such as: worry, apprehensive, and fear. Every learner has different rates of anxiety. This anxiety can be observed directly. As Michael W. Passer mentioned that anxiety responses have four components. They are: 1. A Subjective-emotional component, including feelings of tension and apprehension, 2. A Cognitive component, including worrisome thoughts and a sense of inability to cope, 3. Physiological responses, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension, rapid breathing, nausea, dry mouth and, 4. Behavioral responses, such as avoidance of certain situations and impaired task performance. 41 English anxiety also called a foreign language anxiety that is a situation or reaction to learners in facing inconvenient condition when they’re in English teaching-learning process. Actually this anxiety is less than anxiety of English test. This anxiety, considered as a one of resistor factor in teaching-learning process, which bothers learners performance of cognitive functions, such as concentration, remember, concept form, and problem solving Sieber, 1977. 42 Besides, English lesson is ‘scary’; anxiety also can arise by teaching system, teachers’ capability and students’ academic ability. There are three main types of foreign language anxiety on which all practitioners agree: 1. Communication apprehension is a type of shyness characterized by fear of and anxiety about communicating with people. Difficulty in speaking in public, in listening or learning a spoken message is all manifestations of communicative apprehension. 41 Michael W. Passer and Ronald E. Smith, PSYCHOLOGY The Science of Mind and Behavior, second edition, New York: McGraw Hill, 2004,p.513. 42 Ratna Yudhwati Dany Haryanto, Teori-Teori Dasar Psikologi Pendidikan, Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka, 2011,p.152. 2. Test anxiety refers to a type of performance anxiety stemming from a fear of failure. Test anxious students often put unrealistic demands on themselves. 3. Fear of negative evaluation, apprehension about others’ evaluations, and avoidance of evaluative situations. Learners may be sensitive to the real evaluations or imagined of their peers. 43 English anxiety is usually similar with students’ disbelief in learning English. They think English is difficult and fright which arisen because they’re not sure with their ability, attitude, and hopeless. It will affect learners’ learning development. According to Sabri, definition of ‘development’ is changes of qualitative and quantitative which concerns aspects of human mental-psychology. 44 It means individual conditioning from child always be forced by parents to learn English and must get best score, with having this experience will cause anxiety, or having mental- conflict in choosing lesson which is liked by students, but inappropriate with they hope or will.

B. Conceptual Framework

According to Sabri, Students’ learning achievement can be influenced by some factors, come from internal and external factors of the students. One of internal factor is psychological term that can affect the students’ learning achievement are IQ, talent, interest, and cognitive ability, including anxiety. 45 Students’ achievement is signed by their final scores. It is resulted from the average of their daily scores formative scores and their final test score. Students’ anxiety especially in learning English as one factor that is assumed can interfere the students’ learning achievement in English by the following reason : 43 Feryal Cubukcu, Foreign Language Anxiety, p.3. 44 H. M. Alisuf Sabri, Psikologi Pendidikan, p.11. 45 Ibid,.p.60.