The Method of the Research

data needed, they are ordinal data that came from the result of the questionnaire and ordinal data that came from the English test. Data source is the subject of research from where data can be obtained. Data source can be classified into three sources, that is : Person, Place, and Paper. 14 In this research, the quantitative data were taken from the questionnaire and the result of the test. It means that the data source of this research was person.

F. Technique of Collecting the Data and Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher uses Questionnaire, Administering English Scores test to get the needed data. a Questionnaire Arikunto says, “A Questionnaire is a number of written question which is used to obtain information from the respondents about their personality or something they had known”. 15 In addition, Margono says, “Questionnaire that” Alat pengumpul informasi dengan cara menyampaikan sejumlah pertanyaan tertulis untuk menjawab secara tertulis pula oleh responden. 16 In this research, the Questions in the Questionnaire were written in Indonesian. It was done in order to make easier the respondents answer the questions. The questionnaire consisted of thirty 30 questions in the form of multiple choices. In this part, the researcher asked the students to choose one option that they agree with. It means that the answers must reflect their personality or experience in their real life. The questions would be asked to the students was about their attitude, motivation, also intensity of anxiety in learning English. The instrument of this research used by the writer in collecting data is a questionnaire which is formulated and designed based on the indicators of the variables of students’ anxiety in learning English. The questionnaire consists of 30 items in the form of Likert’s scale. 14 Karniyani, A Paper Presented,.p.1 15 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.151 16 Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan,Rineka Cipta,1996,p.167