The limitation of the study

Another definition that has to be informed here such as Kingsley quoted by Soemanto. He stated that Learning is the process by which behavior in the broader sense is originated or changed through practice or training. 3 Then, De Cecco also explained in his book about learning. “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice.” 4 Likewise, Morrison, he stated that “Learning refers to the cognitive and behavioral changes that result from experiences.” The experiences that make up the curriculum are at the core of the learning process, and an experience which is provided for children should be based on theory or theories of how children learn. 5 Psychologists have many different ways to explain the definitions of learning. But, either explicit or implicit, finally it has the similar meaning from the definition of learning which always directed to a process of someone behavior’s change based on practice or certain experience. Based on the description above, the writer tries to synthesize them to gain general meaning about learning. Learning is an effort in developing individual personality, either physical aspect or physiological. Learning is an activity that has purpose to make a change of behavior, attitude, habitual, knowledge, skill, etc, as a result of individual experience of interaction with the environment. Many learning definitions have been defined above. Some of them are different but there also have the same concept. The same concept looks as the learning principle. Some of learning principle has explained in the following; 1. Learning as a part of development 2. Learning long live 3 Wasty Soemanto, Psikologi Pendidikan Landasan Kerja Pemimpin Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT RINEKA CIPTA, 2006,p.104. 4 John P. De Cecco, The Psychology of Leaning and Instrucition:Educational Psychoogy, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, INC.,1968, p.243. 5 George S. Morrison, Early Childhood Education Today, eleventh edition, New Jersey: Pearson, Inc., 2009, p.113 3. Learning achievement affected by bring factors, environment, mature and also effort from self-individual 4. Learning includes the whole aspect of life 5. Learning activity occur in every place and every time 6. Learning happens with or without a teacher 7. Learning scheduled and with intentional gain high motivation 8. Learning act varieties from simple to complex 9. In learning occur the inhibitions 10. In the certain learning activity is needed help or guide from other people. 6 Learning is continuing process and long live education, occurs in house, school, even in society environment. In facing and adapting the requirement of world development, UNESCO formulated four pillars of education, they are; a. Learning to know, it may be regarded as both a means and an end of human existence. People have to learn to understand the world around them. To provide the cognitive tools required to better comprehend the world and its complexities, and to provide an appropriate and adequate foundation for future learning. b. Learning to do, Learning must transform certified skills into personal competence. It is assessed by looking at a mix of skills and talents, social behavior, personal initiative and a willingness to work. To provide the skills that would enable individuals to effectively participate in the global economy and society. c. Learning to live together, Education should help in inculcating a spirit of empathy in students so that it can have a positive effect on their social behavior throughout their lives. Understanding each other, resolving conflicts through dialogue and discussion should be the essential tools of present day education. 6 Nana Syaudih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, pp.165-166.