Research Method Data and Source of Data


3.1. Research Method

This thesis applies qualitative method. Qualitative method is characterized by observation and description in forms of words or sentences. Djajasudarma 2006:11 states that qualitative methodology is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral language in society. He also said that the collected data are not numbers, it can be words or descriptions of something Djajasudarma, 2006 : 16. The reason why the writer chooses this method is regarding to the data which will be analyzed. The writer considers the data are fulfilled the criteria to use qualitative method that the data are formed in group of words not numbers.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

The data for this study are taken from Time online magazine’s articles. The online edition is chosen because it is more actual, more up to date, easier to access, and cheaper than the printed edition. In this online edition, there are many articles with various topics. There are US News, politics, world news, business, technology, health, science and entertainment. In this study, political articles are chosen because political news is intriguing to many people. There are six articles from six different days of publications which are used as the source of the data. The reason why those articles were chosen is Universitas Sumatera Utara because at the publication time, those news were overwhelming and being top news of the world. The articles are chosen intentionally from six different days respectively to make the proportion of the data equal. Those articles are : 1. “ Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions” published on December 09, 2013, written by Maya Rhodan. 2. “White House Touting Mental Health Funding After Sandy Hook School Shooting” published on December 10, 2013 written by Noah Rayman. 3. “Pivotal Senator Backs Out of Iran Sanctions Push” published on December 11, 2013 written by Dan Kedmey. 4. “Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform” published on December 12, 2013 written by Alex Rogers. 5. “Women in Federal Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men” published on December 13, 2013 written by Nate Rawlings. 6. “Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama” published on December 14, 2013 written by Zeke J Miller. The data which are used for the analysis of transitivity process are the clauses found in those political articles, while the data for the analysis of schematic structure are the whole text of those political articles.

3.3 Data Collecting Method