Number of Effective Lesson Hours Financial Management Policy


d. Number of Effective Lesson Hours

Number of effective hours are the number of time allocation of the school for doing teaching and learning process effectively. According to the data of lesson planning, detail of effective week, and academic calendar in which it can be seen the details of the number of effective lesson hours of each levels. The table below shows the details of effective time allocation according to the data had been obtained. Table 8. Details of effective lesson hours Classes Number of lesson hours in a weekclass Number of lesson hours in a week Level Number of Effective Weeks Number of effective lesson hours X 50 400 33 13.200 XI 50 400 33 13.200 XII 53 424 21 8.904 Total 153 1224 87 35.304 Source: Data of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid that had been processed

e. Financial Management Policy

1 Planning and and Budgeting The process of financial management in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid starts from the process of planning and estimating which includes in School Work Plan and Budget RKAS. School Work Plan and Budget RKAS is arranged depending on general meeting among the teachers, school employees and commitee to discuss things to do in the upcoming year. Then, it is planned and re-arranged by those who concerned in it: Principal, Treasurer, Vice Principal and School Commitee, to fulfill school needs. 2 Implementing and Managing There are two treasurers in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid who deal with implementing school budget. First is commitee treasurer whose duty is to manage the fund from community students‟ parents while the second is BOS treasurer whose duty is to manage the fund from government BOS PUSAT, BOSDA, APBD and APBN. Following table is the funding source that is received by SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid according to the information written on RKAS. 47 Table 9. School Funding Sources of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid Academic year 20141015 No Funding sources Total Proportion 1 School Commitee a. Educational funding minus BOS funding - 183 students x Rp 0.00 Free of Charge Rp 0,00 - 309 students x Rp 35,000.00 x 12 months Rp 129.780.000,00 - 258 students x Rp 60,500.00 x 12 months Rp 187.308.000,00 - 1 student x Rp 80.000,00 x 12 months Rp 960.000,00 b. Donation for School Development Class X = 255 students x Rp 2,500,000 Rp 637.500.000,00 Class X Repeater = 1 student x Rp 225,000 Rp 225.000,00 Class XI = 247 students x Rp 225,000 Rp 55.575.000,00 Class XII = 248 students x Rp 200,000 Rp 49.600.000,00 Total income from Commitee Rp 1.060.948.000,00 56,38 2 Government assistance a. BOS Pusat Rp 751.000.000,00 b. BOS KabupatenKota Rp 69.960.500,00 Total income from Government Rp 820.960.500,00 43,62 Total income Rp 1.881.908.500,00 100 Source: RKAS of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid in Academic Year 20142015 Funding sources proportions = x 100 3 Reporting and Accountability Reporting is done by arranging the realisation of the school budget in the form of report. Reporting is in the form of Letters of Responsibility SPJ that is arranged in accordance with RKAS. SPJ is made by every organizers of the funding sources, which will be reported to the government as funding resources obtained.

B. Data Analysis