


This undergraduate thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Education in Faculty of Econimics

Yogyakarta State University


Mita Septiana Hidayah 12818244010






This undergraduate thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Education in Faculty of Econimics

Yogyakarta State University


Mita Septiana Hidayah 12818244010







v Einstein)

“You do not have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.” (Abdul Rachman, Founder GenBI)

“Barangsiapa bersungguh-sungguh, sesungguhnya kesungguhan itu adalah untuk dirinya sendiri” (QS. Al Ankabut : 6)

“Belajar dari masa lalu untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.” (The Author)


With the mercy of Allah SwT, this simple work is dedicated to:

1. My Lovely parents Mr Mukh. Ta'yin and Mrs. Umi who was compassionate and always support me. 2. Dearest Sister Tamya Fadly Nur Laeli and My

Brother Muhammad Yasfa Al-muttaqi who always motivated to be a good sister.

3. Pakde Hardi and Bude Siti which I deem as constant reminders to do my best

4. My big family who always give the best support and motivation


vi Oleh:

Mita Septiana Hidayah 12818244010


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaranya biaya satuan (unit cost) penyelenggaraan pendidikan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid dengan menggunakan model perhitungan Activity Based Costing (ABC).

Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari kepala sekolah, bendahara, wakil kepala sekolah, serta pegawai TU. Objek penelitian ini adalah unit cost siswa di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan untuk memaparkan hasil perhitungan nominal angka unit cost siswa di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid

Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa unit cost penyelenggaraan pendidikan dengan menggunakan model perhitungan Activity Based Costing (ABC) di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid per siswa adalah Rp 551.614,86 per bulan.

Kata kunci: unit cost, Activity Based Costing (ABC), SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid, Layanan pendidikan


vii By:

Mita Septiana Hidayah 12818244010


This research is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. This study aims to determine the amount of unit cost education in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid using the calculation model Activity Based Costing (ABC).

Data collection was conducted by interview and documentation. Subjects of this study consists of the principal, treasurer, vice-principals, and employees of administration office. The object of this study is the unit cost of students at SMAN 1 Kota Mungkid in the academic year 2014/2015. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive with quantitative approach. The descriptive analysis with quantitative approach carried out to expose the results of the calculation of unit cost nominal rate of students in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid

Based on research that has been done, the educational unit cost by using Activity Based Costing (ABC) model in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid for each student is Rp 551. 614,86 per month.

Keywords: Unit Cost, Activity Based Costing (ABC), SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid, Education



His mercy so that this undergraduate thesis entitled “THE ANALYSIS OF UNIT COST WITH ACTIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC) MODEL IN SMA NEGERI 1 KOTA MUNGKID MAGELANG ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2014/2015” finally been finished. I realize that it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of many people. Therefore, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the following:

1. Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., M.A, Rector of Yogyakarta State University

2. Dr. Sugiharsono, M.Si., Dean of Faculty of Economics YSU who had given the research permission for undergraduate thesis.

3. Abdullah Taman, S.E, Akt., M.Si., Chief of Accounting Education Program and also my supervisor who had kindly supervised me and encourage me during the research.

4. Mrs. Annisa Ratna Sari, M.S.Ed and Mrs. Diana Rahmawati, M.Si as Lecturer academic advisors who have guided us during the study and always gives motivation to do the best.

5. All lecturers and teaching staff at the State University of Yogyakarta, which has helped to smooth during this study.

6. Head of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid Mr. Drs.Asep Sukendar, M.Pd who have given permission for research.








ABSTRAK ... vii

FOREWORD ... viii



LIST OF IMAGE ... xiii



A. Background problem ... 1

B. Problem Identification ... 4

C. Problem Restriction ... 5

D. Problem Formulation ... 5

E. Research Objectives ... 5

F. Benefits Research... 6


A. Theoretical Description ... 7

1. Definition of Cost ... 7

2. Educational cost ... 7

3. Unit Cost ... 17

4. Activity Based Costing (ABC) ... 19

B. Relevant Research ... 23

C. Framework ... 26

D. Research Questions ... 27


A. Research Design... 28

B. Setting And Time Of The Research ... 28




A. Result ... 35

B. Data Analysis ... 44

C. Discussion ... 50

D. Limitation of the Study ... 52


A. Conclusions ... 53

B. SuggestionS... 54



Table 4 Number of Student ... 38

Table 5 Number of Teachers ... 39

Table 6 Number of Staff ... 39

Table 7 Number of infrastructure ... 40

Table 8 Details of effective lesson hours ... 41

Table 9 Source of School Funding Sources of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid Academic year 2014/1015 ... 43

Table 10 Cost classification to various activities ... 47

Table 11 Cost categorization and Cost driver ... 48

Table 12 Determining value Per Unit Cost Driver ... 49




APPENDIX 4 Result Interview Principal ... 61

APPENDIX 5 Result Interview Vice Principal of Tool and Infrastructure ... 64

APPENDIX 6 Result Interview Treasure ... 66

APPENDIX 7 RKAS Academic Year 2014/2015 ... 69

APPENDIX 8 List of Student Academic Year 2014/2015 ... 109


APPENDIX 10 RESEARCH LETTER TO SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid. ... 139





1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Problem

Education is one of the benchmarks and quality assurance of human resources for a country's progress. A developed country is a country with great human resources and care to education. If the education system is not having a good reputation, automatically the human resources of the country will have not good quality. That „s why education is so important for everyone. Therefore, education is very important. In fact right now, not all people can get formal education with a good facilities. It is caused by the inefficient education management which doesn‟t planned well and

doesn‟t have a long-term vision. In the implementation of education must

have a good planning, in order to run smoothly and in accordance with the stated goals.

In micro perspective, education management was done by the smallest sector which is school. School is a formal education institution which are giving the service and executing the program. In this case, the school programs are executed directly. As a formal education and non-profit institution, school can‟t be focused on non-profit, but they should focus on social aspect. The product of educational institution is a service, it means school should be able to educate their student to have a good qualification to expand their carrier recently.


A formal educational institution such as school is very important to have information about accounting, because they are non-profit institution. Without this information, the school management can‟t measure the incomes comparing to their outcomes. Besides, they also will not be able to acquire the accuracy in establishing the school cost whether it is too high or too low. So that they also don‟t have standard to allocate any other economic sources.

The cost of education is an important component in the inaugural education. Education costs come to some sources, including the following: funds from the Central Government, local governments, private donations, and also from the parents. Based on the Government Regulation (PP) number 32 2013 about education standards (SNP) explained that generally consists of educational cost investment costs, operating expenses, and personal expenses. Investment costs include the cost of education providers and infrastructure, human resource development, working capital and fixed. Education unit operating costs include the salaries of educational personnel and educators as well as all the benefits inherent in salary, consumables, and operational costs of the educator. Personal expenses include costs that must be incurred by the learners to be able to follow the learning process on a regular basis and sustainable. While processing the budget in all schools currently do most still use the traditional way, i.e. by calculating some activities only. This leads to inaccurate calculations at each school.


In the progress of the times should be able to take into account the cost of school education using the right method and corresponding epoch. In this regard, schools need to use modern methods, no longer using the traditional methods are only taking into account some activities only.

Activity Based Costing (ABC) is a new development in the world of accounting costs. This model was developed in the early 1990s by the Consortium of Advanced Manufacturing-International (CAM-I). Cost classification that is used by this model is based on the activity. This method can control costs by providing information about the activities which cause the cost. Here are the main differences the cost of education by using traditional methods and using Activity Based Costing (ABC) is the homogeneity of costs in shelter costs. In the calculation of ABC requires shelter costs for an activity, as well as identification of trigger events for each significant activity.

In the concept of education finance important things that need to be studied and analyzed that the overall education costs (Total Cost) and also the unit cost per student (Student Unit Cost). By analyzing both, the school is expected to be able to know the efficiency of the use of sources of funds in schools, education investment and equity of public spending for education and government. Cost Analysis Unit gave the basic formula to calculate the institution in charge of one's education during the Study.


In this study, the writer conducted a research in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid, one of the top public schools in Magelang. In academic year of 2014/2015, the calculation of education costs in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid is determined at the time of the committee meeting and is calculated based on all components of the existing financial (income, expenditure and the number of students). The cost is based on the maximum amount of the educational cost as stated on the local regulations of magelanng district. The current cost of education is determined by the income of parents, so that every student should pay different amount of fees each month. Of the 751 students, 183 students receive scholarships (free of tuition fee each month), 309 students charged Rp. 35,000 each month, 258 students Rp. 60,500 each month, and one student charged for Rp. 80,000. The existing calculation might give inaccurate information about the real unit cost of education. One possible solution is to do a cost analysis using the calculation model that could provide more detailed and accurate information based on the school‟s activities. The Activity Based Costing model (ABC) has never been used to calculate the education cost in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid.

Based on the above exposure, the application of Activity Based Costing model in the calculation of the educational unit cost can reflect the costs occuring from activities at the school. Therefore, the writer intend to conduct a study on the analysis of the unit cost of education by using Activity Based Costing model entitled : "THE ANALYSIS OF UNIT



B. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the above issues existing problem can be identified:

1. An inadequate system related to cost of education calculation can provide in accurate information and may lead to poor financial management at school.

2. There is no analysis to calculate the unit cost of education using Activity Based Costing model in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid.

3. The lack of cost information presented by the school to the education stakeholders (parents). The existing cost can't provide an information about the real unit cost of education.

C. Problem Restriction

Based on the identification of the problem, then this study is limited to the calculation of the unit cost education providers by using the model calculation of Activity Based Costing in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid academic year of 2014/2015.


D. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the above problems, it can be the formulation of the problem: How much education Unit Cost using the calculation model Activity Based Costing (ABC) in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid Magelang academic year of 2014/2015?

E. Research Objectives

The objectives to be achieved in this research is to know the education unit cost in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid.

F. Benefits Research 1. Theoretical Benefits

The results of this research will enrich the knowledge concerning the calculation of the education unit cost by using Activity Based Costing model (ABC).

2. Practical Benefits a. For Researcher

As a means to expand knowledge especially on education unit cost and school‟s financial management.

b. For schools

For SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid, this research can be used as guidelines in calculating the student's needs for the next year and


can be used as a standard in the determination of the cost of a unit of education per student per year.

c. For the Government

For the Government, this research is expected to be able to serve as a recommendation in the calculation of the overall cost of education, especially in Magelang Regency.

d. For other researchers

This research is expected to serve as a reference for research and further discussion about the analysis of the unit costs of education in Indonesia.




1. Definition of Cost

Cost is a resource sacrificed or forgone to achieve certain goals. A cost is usually measured in the amount of money to be paid in order to obtain reciprocal such goods or services. Besides the cost is also an all expenses that have occurred (expired) used in the production process produced.

According to Carter (2006: 29), the cost is defined as the exchange rate, expenditures, sacrifices to obtain benefits. in financial accounting, expense or sacrifice on acquisition represented by the depreciation of current or future in the form of cash or other assets. Hansen and Mowen (2009: 47) defines the cost as:

“Cost is a money saving or an equivalent value of money saving which sacrificed to get goods or services that are expected to give benefits for an organization in the future. It is equivalent because it is a source which can be exchanged for expected goods or services. So, cost is a dollar as an expected measurement to achieve particular benefits.”

According to Mulyadi (2007: 4), Cost is the cash or the equivalent value is sacrificed to obtain goods and services that are expected to benefit now or in the future.


From that expert‟s explanation above, it can be concluded that cost is a kind of sacrifice action to get goods or services that can be calculated by amount of money. It aims to get benefits in the future.

2. Educational Cost

a. Educational cost‟s definition

Educational cost is a kind of sacrifice action taken. It can be a resource such as money paid to achieve purpose of an education. Money is actually needed for teaching-learning process, also for supporting activity such as extracurricular, study tour and many other activities. Therefore, cost becomes one of supporting system in education. A good achievement in education will can‟t be separated from the educational cost itself. Mulyasa (2004:47) stated that finance and cost become two important resources for effective and efficient educational management. Educational cost is a very important instrumental input in school. It is almost impossible for any activity which ignore educational cost, so it bold that without cost, teaching-learning process (in any educational institution) will not work.

Nanang Fattah (2012: 112) defines "education fee as the amount of money earned and spent for various purposes education”. Cost is one aspect of supporting and determinants in an educational process. Where almost all processes in


education costs, ranging from core activities are the teaching and learning activities to support activities such as study tours student activities, both need whose name cost.

Dedi Supriadi (2003: 3) defines the cost of education as all kinds of expenses relating to the provision of education, either in cash or in kind and labor (which can be priced with money)

From some expert‟s points of view above, in general it can be concluded that educational cost is curtain amount of money from government, stakeholder, society, or parents in case of goods, opportunity sacrifice, or money, to proceed teaching-learning activity which support the effective and efficient education.

b. Educational Cost Classification

In the theory and practice of educational cost, whether in micro or macro, there are some category of it, they are:

1) Direct Cost and indirect Cost.

Direct Cost is every credit that support educational activity directly. Whereas indirect Cost is cost that indirectly support educational activity, although the activity is in school. As examples, student‟s living costs, transportation


cost, logistics cost, health cost, and opportunity cost.

2) Private Cost and Social Cost.

Private cost is a cost paid by a family, also known as household expenditure. Social cost is a cost paid by society to education, whether directly to the educational institution or through tax from government. Costs from government actually is a social cost.

3) Budgetair and Non-Budgetair

budgetair is education costs spent by students or parents. while, non-budgetair is the cost of education obtained and spent by the school as an institution.

In fact, these three categories can overlapping one another, for example there is private and social cost which is direct and indirect and can be monetary or non-monetary cost. Besides, there is direct and indirect expense also private and social cost and in monetary or non-monetary cost.

Besides, there is an educational budget which has some components, they are:(1) revenue, income; and (2) expenditure. Seen from its nature, there are a routine/recurrent budget, and investment/development budget.


According to Mulyasa (2004:48), routine budget is an annually direct budget paid, such as salary (teacher and staff), operational cost, building maintenance costs, facilities, and teaching media (consumable goods). Meanwhile, building maintenance costs such as land development costs, building constructions, building renovation, furniture purchasing, or any other purchase for non-consumables goods. Meanwhile, building maintenance costs such as land development costs, building constructions, building renovation, furniture purchasing, or any other purchase for non-consumables goods.

In Indonesia budgeting system, routine costs are allocated for educational institutions through The Activity Checklist (DIK / Daftar Isian Kegiatan), meanwhile building costs are allocated in The Project Checklist (DIP / Daftar Isian Kegiatan), besides there is also the list of supplement activity (DIKS Daftar Isian Kegiatan Suplemen), it is a list of budget allocated from society. Government subsidies distribution to educational institution can be earmarked allocation, block grant, or inkind allocation such as teacher, books, or stationary (Caldwell, Levacic and Ross, 1999).


In Panduan Fasilitas Penghitungan Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan (BOSP) and the policy arrangement (2008:9) described that unit cost in education can be classified based on:

(1) input type, (2) using nature, (3) using kinds, (4) stakeholders, (5) its existence nature.

Each classification can be described as follow: 1) Educational unit cost based on input

It can be classified into operational cost and investment cost.

a) Operational cost is limited to use for a year or less, and repeatedly issued annually. Operational costs are for: salaries and allowances, textbooks, some goods which should frequently replace, student‟s customs, welfare service costs (canteen, transport, accommodation and sport), buildings and equipment maintenance, bandwith consumption (internet), also electricity, telephone, and water.

b) Investment costs is an educational costs for more than a year. This cost including: land purchase,


office building, education service building, laboratory building, library procurement book, human resources development, long term teaching learning equipment, dormitories building, educational ground procurement, etc. 2) Educational unit cost according to the using nature.

Educational unit cost can be differed by direct expense and indirect expense.

a) Direct expense is allocated cost which directly relate the teaching-learning process. This direct educational unit cost includes: teacher salary, teaching media, and building to teach.

b) Indirect expense is for activity which doesn‟t

relate with teaching-learning process directly, but this cost is to support indirectly. They are: the cost of bureaucracy overhead including central government and any debit which not to students.

3) Educational unit cost based on the using type.

Particularly for operational costs, it can be divided into personnel operational cost and non-personnel operational cost.


a) Personnel operational cost is cost for personnel welfare and development. Personnel in this case are teachers and educational staffs.

b) Non-personnel operational cost is cost to purchase any equipment or media such as books, stationary, building maintenance, etc.

4) Educational unit cost based on bear parties.

According to bear parties, it can be differed into private unit cost, public unit cost, and social unit cost.

a) Private unit cost paid by parent every year. Private cost including donation, stationary, and school‟s accommodation.

b) Public unit cost paid by government, parent, and society every year.

c) Social unit cost is total cost paid by government and parent, it is same as private cost increased by public cost.

5) Educational unit cost based on its nature of existence can be divided into factual cost and ideal cost.

a) Factual cost is a real cost paid.


According to Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 48 Tahun 2008 about educational funding, article 3. Educational cost is divided into unit cost, the implementation cost and/or management cost, and student‟s private cost. Educational unit cost consist of (1) investment cost it is land investment and non-land investment cost; (2) operational cost consist of personnel cost and non-personnel cost; (3) tuition assistance, and (4) scholarship. Implementation and/or management cost consist of: investment cost which are land investment cost and non-land investment cost; (b) operational cost which are personnel and non-personnel cost. Personnel cost consist of: (a) personnel educational cost, it is for basic salary and allowance to the staff, subsidise of functional allowance for teacher,, professional allowance for teacher, special allowance for teacher, and honour allowance for professor; and (b) personnel cost of education implementation and management consist of basic salary, allowance from salary, structural allowance, and functional allowance.

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang

Standar Nasional Pendidikan Pasal 62 (government regulation number 19 year 2015 about national education standard article 62) stated that educational costing consist of investment cost,


operational cost, and personal cost. Unit cost of educational investment consist of facility and infrastructure purchasing, human resources development, and fixed capital. Personnel educational cost consist of consist of some costs paid by student so they be able to join teaching-learning programs regularly and sustainably. Some of those costs are uniform, transportation, private books, logistics, accommodation, etc. meanwhile, operational education cost including: (1) teacher

and staff‟s salary and allowance, (2) short-term school‟s

stationary, (3) indirect operational costs such as electricity, water, telecommunication, facility and infrastructure maintenance, overtime pay, transportation, logistics, tax, assurance, etc.

According to some classification of educational cost above, it can be concluded that educational cost can be classified into: (1) educational unit cost, (2) educational management cost, and (3) student‟s personnel cost. Besides, those educational costs are depend on: (1) input kind, (2) nature in using, (3) kind in using, (4) stakeholder, and (5) the nature of its existence.


To clarify the classification of the educational costs, see the picture below:


a. Educational Resources Cost

According to government policy number 48 year 2008 about educational funding, article 51 Clause (1) stated that the source of education funding are from central government, local government, and society. Next, in article (4) stated that educational managed by government can be funded from: (a) government budget, (b) local government help‟s, (c) student/parent‟s budget according to government regulation, (d) fund from stakeholders, (e) helps from not-binding foreign parties, and/or (f) any other legitimated sources.

According to the sources, Harsono (2007:9) argued that educational cost can be divided into 4 (four) kinds, they are educational cost paid by government, cost paid by society/parent, cost paid by society non-parent such as sponsor or financial institution, and cost paid by educational institution.

According to Supriadi (2010:5), educational costs are from: (1) earnings from tax sector (any kinds), (2) earnings from non-tax sector, such as the utilization of natural resources/ oil or non-oil sector, (3) earnings from goods and services export, (4) any other state enterprise, including BUMN stock investment, also (5) grant and loan from international financial institution (such as World Bank, ADB, IMF, IDB, JICA) or government, through multilateral or bilateral cooperation. Fund


allocated in any building sector, including education, clearly stated in RAPBN every year.

Wagner (1983:139) stated about educational funding sources as follow:

“Public funding consists of: (1) appropriations made to the

provider of federal, state, or local government; (2) grants and scholarships awarded through federal, state, or local government program; and (3) tax expenditures for tuition aid, charitable contributions, and spending for training (private providers


3. Unit Cost of Education

Nanang Fattah (2009: 26) defines the unit cost per student is the average cost per student is calculated from the total school expenditures divided across existing students in school. The unit cost of education is very important in determining the cost for each student. But not many people talk about it.

According to Agus Irianto (2013: 159), the unit cost of education is the average cost incurred to implement school education budget per pupil per year, which is a function of the amount of school spending as well as the number of students from the school. The unit cost can be determined by dividing the entire school expenses each year with the number of students in that year. The budgeting system in Indonesia is ideally use the principle of money follow function, ie where the allocation of the budget to fund an activity is based on the duties and functions of


each work unit in accordance with the mandate of the law. This principle explains that the cost or the money needed is in accordance with the activity or activities that have been made in advance instead of money there first and then draw up new activities. This principle allows the entire activities can be done properly and planned.

According to Piet A. Sahertian, unit cost can be divided into two kinds, they are:

1 Unit cost for routine needs, it is to educate students in a grade of educational institution in a year.

2 Unit cost for capital cost, it is to place a student in a grade of educational institution in a year.

Unit cost per student is a measurement to reflect how much the cost which should be allocated to schools, so student can get the education effectively.

The description above distinguish the unit cost in operational and unit cost in capital or investment, each costs are different. If we want to know the unit cost for each student we see the unit cost for routine needs, when we need to add more facilities and infrastructures so we calculate unit cost for capital. Indonesian ministry of financial have regulated the unit cost for any institution in Peraturan Menteri

Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 37/PMK/.02/2012 about


cost, and index to arrange debit of activity cost component. It used for arranging RKA-K/L berbasis kinerja 2013 besides SBM also have function to be maximum standard in estimating a cost.

From all description provided, we can conclude that unit cost is an average cost paid by each student in a certain period of time to get education. This cost can be used as a standard in fulfilling the needs of each student in school

4. Activity Based Costing (ABC)

a. Definition of Activity Based Costing

Charles T. Horngren (2008: 170) mentions one of the best ways untukmemperbaiki cost calculation system is to implement a system of Activity Based Costing. Activity Based Costing repair cost calculation system with emphasis on activity as an object of base cost (fundamental). Abdul Halim (1999: 460) mentioned that Activity Based Costing as an improvement over the old cost accounting system and also emphasizes on activities that add value for products and seeks to eliminate the incidence of activities that lead to waste. Mulyadi (2007: 53) states that the Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an activity based information system designed to motivate personnel in cost reductions in the long term through the management activity. Carter (2006: 496) defines the


Activity Based Costing (ABC) is a system where the cost calculation shelter overhead costs of more than one allocated based on one or more factors that are not related to volume. The basis used to allocate overhead costs in ABC called a driver. resource driver is the basis used to allocate the cost of the resources that they apply to every aspect of the activity.

From the descriptions of ABC above, we can sum up that ABC is a system which focus on activity to produce goods or services. ABC calculatestheir funding based on the activity and time allocated. The first step to implement this system is by identifying the activity based on the vision, mission, aim, target, and the environment of the educational institution. The cost should be calculated based on the tridharmaactivity (education, research, and community service) or management activity.

b. Stages of Cost Calculations Using Activity Based Costing

According to Mulyadi (1993: 94), the procedure of loading overhead to the system of Activity Based Costing through two phases of activity:

1) The first stage

The collection costs in the cost pool which has a similar activity or homogeneous, consisting of four steps:


b) Classifies the activity into various activity fees, the cost of this step is classified into activity that consists of four categories: activity level unit costing, Batch related activity costing, product sustaining activity costing, activity costing sustaining facility. These levels can be explained as follows:

(1) Unit Level Activities

These activities are conducted for each production unit. Unit-level activity costs are proportional to the number of production units. The unit-level driver is a measure of activity that varies with the amount of goods produced and sold. all trigger level is proportional to the output unit and is the only basis for allocation related to the volume used in ABC. For examples of the trigger level unit are the direct labor hours, direct labor costs, the amount of raw material components, and engine hours.

(2) Batch Level Activities

Activities carried out every batch is processed, regardless of how many units there are in the batch. For example, jobs such as making production orders and customer delivery arrangements are batch-level activity. Batch-level driver is a measure of activity that


varies with the number of batches produced and sold. an example of a trigger level is batch preparation, the hours of preparation of production orders and demand for raw materials.

(3) Product Level Activities

Product-level activity related to a specific product and is usually done regardless of how batch or unit produced or sold.

(4) Facility-level activities

Activity-level facilities are activities that sustain the company's operations, but the extent of this activity is not related to volume. This activity is used jointly by various kinds of different products.

c) Identifying Cost Driver, is a factor that can explain the consumption of overhead costs. Intended to facilitate the identification step in determining the unit cost driver. d) Determine the rate per unit Cost Driver, is the cost per unit

Cost Drivers were calculated for an activity. Unit cost driver can be calculated with the following formula:


2) Second Stage

Search and charging of each activity to products using cost driver. Imposition of the overhead of each activity is calculated by the following formula:

BOP is in charge = × c. Benefit of Activity Based Costing Method

Mulyadi (2007: 93) ABC system promises numerous benefits or can be regarded as advantages, including:

1) Provide an abundance of information about the activities that are used by companies to produce products and services for customers.

2) Provide facilities to prepare rapidly activity-based budget 3) Provide cost information to monitor the implementation of the

cost reduction plan

4) Provide accurate and multidimensional cost of products and services produced by the company

d. The weakness of Activity Based Costing method

Activity Based Costing method is not a perfect system. Using Activity Based Costing system also has weaknesses, among others: 1) Activity Based Costing systems are very complex and require a

significant increase in activity measurements. 2) Measurement of the activity can be expensive.


3) Implementation of Activity Based Costing system is not yet well known, so the percentage of rejection of this system is quite large.

4) Lack of resources for the implementation of Activity Based Costing, Activity Based Costing some adjustments are needed in collecting and processing data are not fully available.

B. Relevant Research

1. Masyhudi AM (2008) in his research entitled " Analisis Biaya Dengan Metode Activity Based Costing Kepaniteraan Klinik

Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Unissula Di Rumah Sakit

Pendidikan (Studi Kasus Di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung)." Based on calculations by the ABC method showed that unit cost-per-part cost of clinical work without distinguishing portions are large and a small portion is Rp. 1.335.690.-. Unit cost for their clinical costs per part, on the part of the IDR. 1,874,694, -. These results are higher than the cost of the Clerk Clinic currently set is the amount of Rp. 1.450.000, -. There is an increase of Rp. 424 694, - or 29,3%. Unit cost per part cost Registrar of the Clinic for Small Parts is Rp. 1,004,766, - These results are higher than the cost of which is currently set in the amount of Rp 950.000, -. There is increasing Rp. 54 766, - or by 5.7%. The equation of this research with the research conducted that use the same model of activity Based Costing. While the differences in this study is a research and years of research.


2. Rika Agustina S (2013) with the title ”Perhitungan Biaya Satuan Pendidikan di SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta”. This study aims to determine the amount of (1) the unit cost of investment education personnel, (2) the unit cost of investment education non-personnel, (3) the cost of the education unit operational personnel, (4) the cost of education units in non-personnel, and (5) the cost of the unit education per learner per year in junior BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta.

The results of this study indicate the unit cost per learner per year which includes (1) the cost of the investment unit personnel Rp. 35 188; (2) non-personnel costs of investment unit amounted to Rp.199.825; (3) The operational unit personnel costs amounted Rp.1.405. 651; (4) the cost of non-personnel operating unit Rp.1.200.936; (5) The total unit cost of education Rp.2.841.599. The equation of this research with the research that has been done is equally descriptive quantitative and equally, calculate the unit cost of learners. The difference in the model calculations. The model calculation is to use the traditional model. Besides another difference is where the research and years of research.

3. Ahmad Juanda and Nikki Vertik Lestari (2012) in the journal the Review of accounting and finance. Vol.2 No. 1. April 2012, entitled "Analisis Perhitungan Biaya Satuan (Unit Cost) Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Kedokteran (Studi Kasus pada Fakultas Kedokteran


to determine to calculate the unit cost for the educational process in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang by using the ABC system. The results of this study indicate that the unit cost of medical education at the Medical Faculty of UMM is not efficient because, based on the comparison of the input and output, where the input is a realization cost incurred by the agency, while the output is the fee charged to students who show 0:52% or the difference in the value of the rupiah Rp 5,940,335. According to Ulum (2009), said to be efficient when a certain output can be achieved with the use of resources and funds as low. However, the efficiency ratio is determined not only in absolute form but in the form of relatively. The equation of this research is using the same calculation model ABC. While the difference is where the research and years of research.

C. Framework

The general description of an educational cost is a certain money value from any educational resources which are used to manage the teaching-learning process, it is related to the implementation directly. Educational cost consists of investment cost and operational cost.The cost of education in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid is generally comprised of investment costs and operational costs. The second charge can be used as the cost of education to classify each cost based on activity.


Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an accounting system that focuses on the activities undertaken to produce a product and services. ABC system calculates financial expenses based on activities and the allocation of time to work on these activities. The initial step in the ABC system is to collect fees in the cost pool which has a similar activity or homogeneous. then, identify and classify costs into various activities. After that, Classify activity into various activities fees, the cost of this step is classified into the activities that consists of four categories: unit level activtiesy, batch level activities, product level activities and facility level activities, but in this study, the writer uses only three categories only. Product level activities category is not used, because this research based on the unit cost of education, not the unit cost of products.

After classifying by the above categories, the next step is to determine the cost driver. after a specified cost driver then determines the rate per unit cost driver.

The second stage of the Search and charging of the activities that use cost driver.


Figure 2 Conceptual Framwork

D. Research Questions

The research questions are as follow:

1. Which component that calculated to proceed unit cost in SMAN 1 Kota Mungkid by using ABC system?

2. How to determine cost driver?

3. How to calculate rate of activities cost?

4. How is the result of the unit cost calculation by using ABC method in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?




A. Research Design

This study was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Descriptive research is used to interpret the meaning contained in the interviews and documents collected. While the quantitative approach used to obtain the amount of the component unit cost of education.

B. Setting and Time of The Research

The setting of this research was conducted in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid Magelang. The address is in Jalan Letnan Tukiyat. The time of the research was conducted started on March to May 2016.

C. Research Subject and Object

Suharsimi Arikunto (2002: 107) The subject of research is the source of the data that the information held according to research problem. As is the source of the research is the subject from which the data was obtained. Subjects were considered to be the person who can provide information about what data is needed to serve as the object of research. Subjects of this study consists of the principal, treasurer, vice-principals, and employees of Administration. The object of this study is the unit cost of students at SMAN 1 Kota Mungkid in the academic year 2014/2015.


D. Definition of Research Operational Variable

This study uses a variable that is the unit cost of providing education of each student. The unit cost of providing education of each student is calculated by using Activity Based Costing. This method emphasizes the activity as an object of base costs, thus greatly affect the reduction of costs incurred by an organization and is expected to create effectiveness, especially in terms of financing. While the initial step for the implementation of the ABC system is to identify activities that are tailored to the vision, mission, goals, and educational environment. Then the unit cost calculated based on the activity or activities undertaken.

E. Data Collecting Technique

The data collecting technique used in this research are: a. Interview

Interview is a conversation situation with particular meaning. This method done by interviewer (give the question) and interviewee (give feedback and answer). It is a formal interview. The purpose of this interview is to get information related to school financial management data, the arrangement of RencanaKegiatandanAnggaranSekolah (RKAS), school‟s activity, and reporting system that expected to be an accurate source from the interviewee. The sources of this interview are principal, the head of administration, and school‟s treasurer.


b. Document

Document is an article or photograph which have the information in it. Besides, it is also used by the researcher to analyse or define their research. There are two kind of documents, it is private document and official document. Private document is an article or photograph which reflect memorable experience. Meanwhile, official document is a document which serve some information issued by an institution.

The documents required in this study is RKAS the academic year 2014/2015 and documents related facilities and pre facilities in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid. This document is used to analyze the cost of education based on existing activities in school.

F. Research Instrument

According to SuharsimiArikunto (2013:203), research instrument is a tool used by the researcher to collect the data, so it will make the research becomes easier and the result will be easier to proceed. In this case, researcher will use some question plan in interview as the research instrument, they are:

Table 1. Interview questions to the principal

No. Item Number of interview


1. School Profile 1

2. The process of financial management in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid.

2,3 3. Current cost of education in SMA N 1

Kota Mungkid.


Table 2. Interview questions to the vice principal of tool and infrastructure

No. Item Number of interview

questions 1. The land and buildings in SMA N 1

Kota Mungkid

1 2. Tool and Infrastructure SMA N 1

Kota Mungkid.

2,3,4 3. The source of funds for procurement

of facilities and reporting infrastructure has in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid.


Table 3. Interview questions to the financial administrator

No. Item Number of interview

questions 1. Task of school treasurer 1

2. The process of financial management at SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid

2,3,4,11 3. Factors inhibiting and support in

financial management at SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid


4. Cost education in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid the school year 20014/2015

6,7, 5. The number of teachers and

employees in SMA N 1 City Mungkid in the academic year 2014/2015


6. The salary system and allowances for teachers and employees


G. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis techniques used in accordance with the purpose of this study is to get a nominal fee calculation per student per month on the basis of calculations using Activity Based Costing (ABC). In calculating the unit cost used method of Activity Based Costing.


According to Mulyadi (1993: 94), the procedure of loading overhead to the system through two phases of activity:

1. The first stage

The collection costs in the cost pool that has that kind of activity or homogeneous, consisting of four steps:

a. Identify and classify costs into various activities. Such costs include: the cost of salaries of civil servants, Competency Development, Development Costs Teachers and Education Personnel, Development Costs Processing Standards, Development and Implementation costs scoring system, the cost of Infrastructures Educational Development, Development Costs Management Standards and Standards Development Financing costs.

b. Classifies the activity into various activity fees, the cost of this step is classified into activity that consists of three categories: activity level unit costing, Batch related activity costing, activity costing sustaining facility. These levels can be explained as follows:

1) Unit Level Activities

These activities are conducted for each production unit. Unit-level activity costs are proportional to the number of production units. For example, providing power to run the equipment, because the power is likely to be consumed in proportion to the number of units produced.


2) Batch-Related Level Activities

Activities carried out every batch is processed, regardless of how many units there are in the batch. For example, jobs such as making production orders and customer delivery arrangements are batch-level activity.

3) Facility-level activities

Activity-level facilities are activities that sustain the company's operations, but the extent of this activity is not related to volume. This activity is used jointly by various kinds of different products.

c. Identifying Cost Driver

Cost Driver is a factor that can explain the consumption of overhead costs. Intended to facilitate the identification step in determining the cost driver.

d. Determine Cost Driver

Determaining cost driver per unit is by deviding total cost with the cost driver.

2. The Second Stage

Search and charging of each activity to products using cost driver. Imposition of the overhead of each activity is calculated by the following formula:


Based on the above stages, the Student unit cost can be calculated by dividing the total BOP charged with a number of students.




1. General Data a. School Profile

SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid is an institution of senior high school that is located in the center of the capital of Magelang regency, which is in Jalan Letnan Tukiyat, Deyangan, Mertoyudan, Magelang, 56511 (before 2013, it was called Jalan Mayor Unus). That area belongs to the Administration Center of Magelang regency, which is Kota Mungkid, that includes Desa Deyangan, Kelurahan Sawitan, Desa Pasuruhan and Desa Mendhut. SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid established on the 18th of July, 1983. Its location which is in the center of educational area has cool atmosphere, peaceful and is also completed with the building and environment arrangement that implemented the concept of Green School, making this school realy pleasant and interesting to be visited. In 2010, SMAN 1 Kota Mungkid was also becoming the runner up of Healthy School in National level.

In the upcoming academic year of 2016/2017 SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid will be the only one of state school which will implement Credit semester System (SKS) in the teaching learning process. SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid also has school vision and


mission. The vision and mission of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid are as follows.

1) The vision of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid is “Encouraging students

for having Godfearing, Loving homeland, Discipline, Smart, Skilled and Good manners”

With this vision, it is expected that every school activities refer to the achievement of learning outcomes to enhance human resources for being able to compete both nationally and globally.

2) The mission of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid are:

a) Establishing students based on faith and devotion to God Almighty.

b) Cultivating love for the homeland and uphold the noble values of the nation Indonesia.

c) Fostering a culture of discipline.

d) Providing priority guidance of the subjects in national examination.

e) Implementing learning which oriented in raising standards mastery learning to optimize the school resources.

f) Providing the maximum provisions to compete to State Universities (PTN).


g) Developing, establishing and having a solid and competitive contest team.

h) Conducting learning for life skills that are creative and effective.

i) Harmonizing the relationship among people in schools, communities and institutions.

3) Goals of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid General goal:

Forming learners to be able to become an intact person based on faith and devotion to God Almighty, love the country and uphold the noble values of the nation Indonesia by being discipline and developing the potential optimally in the field of science and technology, skills and necessary attitudes to be used in studying to university and living in society.

b. Organizational Structure of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid

Vice Principal : Drs. Asep Sukendar, M.Pd Vice Principal of Curriculum : Fatchurohman, S.Pd

Vice Principal of Public Relation : Marjono, S.Pd Vice Principal of Tool and Infrastructure : Drs. Ardani Vice Principal of Students Affairs : Mulyadi, S.Pd


Head of Physics Laboratory : Drs. Tri Anggara Head of Chemistry Laboratory : Dra.Enny Nastyanti Head of Language Laboratory : Drs. Suhardi

Head of Computer Laboratory : Kismawanto, S.T

2. Specific Data

a. Students and Study Group

SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid is a senior high chool which has 8 classes every year, with the detail as follows.

Table 4. Number of Students Expertise


Class X Class XI Class XII

Number of Classes Number of students Number of Classes Number of students Number of Classes Number of students Mathematics

and Science 4 130 3 95 3 96

Social Science 4 125 5 151 5 152

Total 8 255 8 246 8 248

Source: Data of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid

b. Teachers and Staffs

In the teaching learning process, the school is supported by teachers and staffs that are 53 teachers and 20 staffs. The details are as follows:


Table 5. Number of teachers

No. Level of education

The Number of Teachers and Status

Total Civil Servants


Honorary Teachers


1. S2/S3 2 - - - 2

2. S1 26 16 4 4 50

3. D-4 - 1 - - 1

4. D3/Bachelor - - - -

TOTAL 28 17 4 4 53

Source: Data of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid

Table 6. Number of Staffs

No Position

Staffs’ number and

status Total Civil servants Non Civil Servants


1 Head of Administration Office - 1 - - 1 2 Staffs Affair Administrator 1 - - - 1 3 Financial Administrator 1 - - - 1 4 Infrastructure Administrator 1 - - - 1

5 Head of Library 1 - - - 1

6 Students affair administrator - - - 1 1 7 Letters administrator - - - 1 1 8 Laboratory assistant - - - 1 1

9 Medical assistant - - - 1 1

10 Office‟s staff - - - 2 2

11 Security - - - 3 3

12 Cleaning service - - - 3 3

13 School guard - - - 2 2

14 Driver - - - 1 1

TOTAL 4 1 0 15 20


c. Infrastructure

Infrastructure of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid that support the teaching and learning process are described below:

Table 7. Number of infrastructure

No Name of the rooms Number

of rooms

Large ( )

1 Classrooms 24 1.728

2 Science laboratory 1 162

3 Chemistry laboratory 1 162

4 Physics Laboratory 1 162

5 Biology Laboratory 1 162

6 Computer Laboratory 3 216

7 Library 1 120

8 Hall 1 48

9 Auditorium 1 800

10 Medical room 1 48

11 KOPERASI 2 18

12 Counseling room 1 72

13 Principal‟s room 1 36

14 Vice principal‟s room 1 24

15 Teachers‟ room 1 180

16 Administration office 1 40

17 Students union room 1 28

18 Toilet for Male teachers 2 12 19 Toilet for Female teachers 2 12 20 Toilet for Male students 11 66 21 Toilet for Female students 11 66

22 Shed 2 48

23 Mosque 1 144

24 School‟s guide house 4 96

25 Kitchen 1 19,5

26 Canteen 7 168

84 4.637,5


d. Number of Effective Lesson Hours

Number of effective hours are the number of time allocation of the school for doing teaching and learning process effectively. According to the data of lesson planning, detail of effective week, and academic calendar in which it can be seen the details of the number of effective lesson hours of each levels. The table below shows the details of effective time allocation according to the data had been obtained. Table 8. Details of effective lesson hours

Classes Number of lesson hours in a week/class Number of lesson hours in

a week / Level

Number of Effective Weeks Number of effective lesson hours

X 50 400 33 13.200

XI 50 400 33 13.200

XII 53 424 21 8.904

Total 153 1224 87 35.304

Source: Data of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid that had been processed

e. Financial Management Policy 1) Planning and and Budgeting

The process of financial management in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid starts from the process of planning and estimating which includes in School Work Plan and Budget (RKAS). School Work Plan and Budget (RKAS) is arranged depending on general meeting among the teachers, school employees and commitee to discuss things to do in the upcoming year. Then, it is planned and


re-arranged by those who concerned in it: Principal, Treasurer, Vice Principal and School Commitee, to fulfill school needs. 2) Implementing and Managing

There are two treasurers in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid who deal with implementing school budget. First is commitee treasurer whose duty is to manage the fund from community/ students‟ parents while the second is BOS treasurer whose duty is to manage the fund from government (BOS PUSAT, BOSDA, APBD and APBN). Following table is the funding source that is received by SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid according to the information written on RKAS.


Table 9. School Funding Sources of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid Academic year 2014/1015

No Funding sources Total Proportion

1 School Commitee

a. Educational funding minus BOS funding

- 183 students x Rp 0.00 (Free of Charge) Rp 0,00 - 309 students x Rp 35,000.00 x 12 months Rp 129.780.000,00 - 258 students x Rp 60,500.00 x 12 months Rp 187.308.000,00 - 1 student x Rp 80.000,00 x 12 months Rp 960.000,00 b. Donation for School Development

Class X = 255 students x Rp 2,500,000 Rp 637.500.000,00 Class X Repeater = 1 student x Rp 225,000 Rp 225.000,00 Class XI = 247 students x Rp 225,000 Rp 55.575.000,00 Class XII = 248 students x Rp 200,000 Rp 49.600.000,00

Total income from Commitee Rp 1.060.948.000,00 56,38% *

2 Government assistance

a. BOS Pusat Rp 751.000.000,00

b. BOS Kabupaten/Kota Rp 69.960.500,00

Total income from Government Rp 820.960.500,00 43,62% *

Total income Rp 1.881.908.500,00 100 % *

Source: RKAS of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid in Academic Year 2014/2015

*Funding sources proportions = x 100%

3) Reporting and Accountability

Reporting is done by arranging the realisation of the school budget in the form of report. Reporting is in the form of Letters of Responsibility (SPJ) that is arranged in accordance with RKAS. SPJ is made by every organizers of the funding sources, which will be reported to the government as funding resources obtained.


B. Data Analysis

1. Identifying and grouping funding to various activities

According to the research, activities that happened in the implementation of education are:

a. Civil servants‟ salary

In SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid, There are 50 teachers and staffs who have status as civil servants and the total for their salary for a year is Rp 3,089,166,550.00. So, if it is counted the mean of

civil servants‟ salary in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid every months is

as follows:

The mean of civil servants‟ salary =


b. Cost of Developing Graduate Competence

Cost for developing graduate competence comprises the cost for tests in one academic year, including Midterm test, Semester Final Examination and National Final Examination, the

costs include: meeting honorarium, giving civil servants‟ and non

civil servants‟ overtime work salary, giving overtime work salary for the test items‟ maker, copying the test items, giving salary for coordination meeting for test supervisors, copying the administration, logistics, coding and correcting, score recapitulating, analysing/verifying, and composing temporary SKHU and finishing Ijazah and SKHUN.


c. Cost of Developing Teachers and Educational Workers Competence

Cost of developing teachers and educational workers comprises workshops and discussion among teachers with the same subject (MGMP).

d. Cost of Developing Standard Process

Cost of developing standard process comprises the cost of: routine guidance for OSN (National Sains Olympiad), intensif training, preparation for Recruitment for new students (PPDB), Students Orientation event (MOPD), School Leadership Training event (LDKS), honorarium for extracuricular teachers, PERSAMI event to recruit guest ambalan, sports extracurricular (Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Athletics, Futsal, Tae Kwondo, Silat (Traditional self-defence arts), Badminton and Swimming), building activity Youth Red Cross (PMR), Scientific Youth (KIR) coaching, Theater coaching, Choir coaching, and religious activity. e. Cost of Developing and Implementing Assesment System

This cost includes the cost related to the assesment system which is cost of work meeting.

f. Cost of School Infrastructure

Cost of School Infrastructure comprises cost of supplying and maintaining the infrastructure.


g. Cost of Developing Standard Management

Cost of developing standard management includes cost of goods and services (medicines, minerale water refill, cleaning tools, newspaper or magazine, stationeries, Materai, Practicum tools and materials, sports clothes for teachers and staffs).

h. Cost of Developing Standard Payment

This cost includes standard payment of financial support and salary for honorary teachers and staffs.

2. Clasifying Activity Cost to various activities a. Based on unit-level activity cost

Activities in unit-level activity cost are including Cost of developing graduate competence, Cost of developing standard process.

b. Based on batch-related activity cost

This activity depends on the number of batch products being produced, including, Cost of Developing teachers and educational workers, Cost of developing and implementing Assesment system.

c. Facility-sustaining activity cost

This activity deals with the activity to maintain school facilities. The activities include civil servan‟s salary, cost of Developing School Infrastructure, cost of developing payment standard, and cost of developing maintaining standard.


The following table is the complete cost to various activities: Table 10. Cost classification to various activities

Cost element Total (Rp)

a. Unit-level activity cost Cost of developing graduate

competence 166,072,780.00

Cost of developing standard process 181,735,820.00 b. Batch-related activity

Cost of Developing teachers and

educational workers 5,640,000.00 Cost of developing and implementing

Assesment system 38,447,600.00 c. Facility-sustaining activity

Civil servants‟ salary 3,089,116,550.00

Cost of developing school

infrastructure 872,025,000.00

Cost of developing management

standard 353,838,960.00

Cost of developing standard payment 251,037,500.00 Source: Data of RKAS had been processed

3. Identifying Cost Driver

After classifying activities to each category, then the next step is identifying cost driver of each cost-activity. The aim is to determine Cost Driver and Driver. In determining number of days Driver, researcher assumed that the implementation of normal teaching and learning process is six days in a week. So, education implementation in a year is 6 days x 87 weeks x 8 (number of classes in each level) = 4,176 days. The following table is the cost categorization and the cost driver :


Tabel 11. Grouping costs and cost drivers

No. Aktivitas Driver Cost

Driver Jumlah (Rp)


Unit-level activity cost Cost of developing graduate


Number of

students 749 166,072,780.00

Cost of developing standard process

Days number of teaching learning


4,176 181,735,820.00


Batch-related activity Cost of Developing teachers

and educational workers

Number of

students 749 38,447,600.00 Cost of developing and

implementing Assesment system

Number of

effective hours 35304 5,640,000.00


Facility-sustaining activity

Civil servants‟ salary effective hours Number of 35304 3,089,116,550.00

Cost of developing school

infrastructure Large of building 4637.5 872,025,000.00 Cost of developing

management standard

Number of

effective hours 35304 353,838,960.00

Cost of developing standard payment

Days number of teaching and learning process

4,176 251,037,500.00

Source: Data had been processed

4. Determining value cost driver per unit

The way to determine value cost driver per unit is by dividing total cost with the cost driver. The following table is the table of determing value per unit cost driver:


Table 12. Determining value Cost Driver Per Unit

No. Activities Total (Rp) Cost

Driver Cost /unit (Rp)


Unit-level activity cost Cost of developing graduate

competence 166,072,780.00 749 221,726.01 Cost of developing standard

process 181,735,820.00 4176 43,519.11


Batch-related activity Cost of Developing teachers and

educational workers 5,640,000.00 35304 159.76 Cost of developing and

implementing Assesment system 38,447,600.00 749 51,331.91


Facility-sustaining activity

Civil servants‟ salary 3,089,116,550.00 35304 87,500.47

Cost of developing school

infrastructure 872,025,000.00 4637.5 188,037.74 Cost of developing management

standard 353,838,960.00 35304 10,022.63 Cost of developing standard

payment 251,037,500.00 4176 60,114.34 Source: Data had been processed

5. Charging cost to products using cost driver value and activity measurement.

In this step, products have responsibilty on activity cost depending on the consumption each product activity. Charging cost can be calculated by the following formula:


Tabel 13. Determining Cost Per Unit Cost Driver

No. Activity Cost /unit



Driver Total (Rp)


Unit-level activity cost Cost of developing graduate

competence 221,726.01 749 166,072,781.49 Cost of developing standard process 43,519.11 4176 181,735,803.36


Batch-related activity Cost of Developing teachers and

educational workers 159.76 35304 5,640,167.04 Cost of developing and

implementing Assesment system 51,331.91 749 38,447,600.59


Facility-sustaining activity

Civil servants‟ salary 87,500.47 35304 3,089,116,592.88

Cost of developing school

infrastructure 188,037.74 4637.5 872,025,019.25 Cost of developing management

standard 10,022.63 35304 353,838,929.52 Cost of developing standard

payment 60,114.34 4176 251,037,483.84 Total of class fee 4,957,914,377.97

Number of students 749

School fee per student in a year 6,619,378.34 Student unit cost every month 551,614.86 Source: Data had been processed

C. Discussion

From the calculations above, it can be known that there are lots of activities and they are various. Activities that occured in school

organizations include cost of Civil servants‟ salary, cost of developing

graduate competence, cost of developing teachers and educational workers, cost of developing and implementing assesment system, cost


of developing infrastructure, developing standard management and developing standard payment. Those activities were divided into three which are unit-level activity cost, batch-related activity cost and facility-sustaining activity cost. After classifying the cost, the next step is determining driver and cost driver. From determining the driver, it could be found the number of workdays, number of students, number of efective hours and total large of building.

After identifying and classifying, the next step is calculating the cost or the cost per unit cost, that is:

Then, charging cost to products using cost driver that cover number of effective hours which counted from effective weeks in every level of SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid then it is multiplied with workdays in school and the workhours everyday, the result is 35.304 hours. Number of students in academic year of 2014/2015 are 749 students. Days number of teaching and learning process are 4176 days which counted 6 days multiplied by 87 multiplied by 8 classes. The total of building wide is 4637,5 .

From the calculation using Activity Based Costing method suitable with those steps, it can be known that unit cost per students per year is Rp 6.619.378,34. That result is obtained from the total of payment in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid is


Rp4.957.914.377,97 divided by total of the students are 749 students. Whereas unit cost is Rp 551.614,86 /month.

D. Limitation of the Study

1. The calculation in this study using the reference of Rencana Anggaran Kegiatan Sekolah (RKAS) in academic year 2014/2015 is assumed that the budgeting became realization in 100%.

2. Researcher could not be found the realization data of RKAS. 3. Determining the cost driver partly using some certain assumptions

because of the limitation of the researcher to complete the data. 4. The results calculation of cost education using the ABC model

more than the existing calculation in school, because the results are not calculated with the government funding or the school operational assistance.

5. The writer only analyzes the educational unit cost in general, do not consider the different activities between classes X, XI and XII class.

6. The writer just uses the ABC model and doesn't compare with the traditional model.




According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that cost components that are considered in determining unit cost in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid comprises Civil servants‟ salary, cost of developing graduate competence, cost of developing teachers and educational workers, cost of developing and implementing assesment system, cost of developing infrastructure, developing standard management and developing standard payment. From those costs, it could be classified into three activities, that are unit-level activity cost, batch-level activity cost and facility-sustaining activity cost.

Cost driver is the variable that has the causal link between changes in the level of activity or volume with changes in the level of total costs. In this study, cost driver is determined based on the activity. Cost of developing teachers and educational workers, and cost of developing graduate competence is determined by Number of students. Cost of developing standard process and cost of developing standard payment is determined by the number days of teaching and learning process. Cost of developing and implementing Assesment system, civil servants‟ salary and cost of developing management standard is determined by a number of effective hours. Cost of developing school infrastructure is determined by Large of building.


The activities cost is determined by dividing total cost with the cost driver. The results of calculations for each activity is as follows: Cost of developing competence graduate Rp221.726,01 per unit, Cost of developing a standard process Rp43.519,11 per unit, Cost of developing teachers and educational workers Rp159,76 per unit, Cost of developing and implementing assessment system Rp51.331,91 per unit, Civil Servants' Salaries Rp87.50,47 per unit, Cost of developing school infrastructure Rp188.037,74 per unit, Cost of developing management standards Rp10.022,63 per unit, Cost of developing a standard payment Rp60.114.34 per unit.

The result of unit cost using Activity Based Costing (ABC) model in SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid in academic year of 2014/2015 is Rp551.614,86 per student per month.

B. Suggestions

According to the result study, researcher give some recommendations, they are:

1. For school

This study can be one of source of study in determining unit cost. Besides, the school also can make cost analysis so it can be used as evaluation to the school.


2. For Government

This study can be used for resource study in analysing educational cost and can be used to allocate educational cost appropriate with the needs.

3. For Academician

This research can be used as reference to the next study by paying attention to the limitation of this study, so it will gain better the quality.



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63 Lokasi :

Narasumber : Kepala Sekolah

I IDENTITAS 1. Nama : 2. NIP :


1. Bagaimana profil dari SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

2. Bagaimana dengan proses manajemen keuangan di SMA N 1 KotaMungkid?

3. Bagaimana pengawasan dan pertanggungjawaban terkait keuangan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

4. Berapa biaya pendidikan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid pada tahun 2014/2015?

5. Bagaimana menentukan biaya pendidikan pada saat itu?


64 Lokasi :

Narasumber : Wakil Kepala Sarana dan Prasarana

I. IDENTITAS 1. Nama : 2. NIP :


1. Berapa luas tanah dan bangunan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid? 2. Terdapat fasilitas apa saja di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

3. Bagaimana cara untuk pengadaan fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada di 4. Bagaimana proses perencanaan pembiayaan untuk pengadaan

sebuah fasilitas yang disediakan?


65 Lokasi :

Narasumber : Bendahara

I. IDENTITAS 1. Nama : 2. NIP :


1. Apa saja tugas dari Bendahara Sekolah?

2. Bagaimana cara penyusunan RKAS di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

3. Bagaimana pengawasan dan pertanggungjawaban terkait keuangan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

4. Darimana sumber dana di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

5. Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam sistem pembiayaan yang ada di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

6. Berapa biaya pendidikan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid pada tahun 2014/2015?

7. Bagaimana menentukan biaya pendidikan pada saat itu?

8. Bagaimana sistem penggajian Guru dan Karyawan di SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid?

9. Berapa jumlah Guru Tetap dan juga Guru Tidak Tetap?

10.Bagaimana penentuan pemberian tunjangan kepada guru dan juga 11.Darimana sumber dana untuk pembangunan di SMA N 1 Kota


66 Lokasi : SMA N 1 SALAMAN Narasumber : Kepala Sekolah


1. Nama :Drs.Asep Sukendar,M.Pd 2. NIP : 19610501 198703 1 016


1. Bagaimana profil dari SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid? Jawab :

Profil sekolah bisa dilihat dari berbagai sumber. Terutama sumber daya manusianya. Untuk guru semua sudah S1. Untuk siswa dilihat dari kenaikan row input. Row input itu adalah kenaikan rerata SKHUN SMP yang setiap tahunya mengalami kenaikan. Selain itu kelulusanya 100 % setiap tahunya. Akan tetapi untuk rata-rata nilai UN masih seimbang. Sedangkan dilihat dari komponen yang lain. Untuk sarana fisik, jumlah kelas bertambah, yang semula setiap angkatan itu berjumlah 8 kelas, mulai tahun ajaran 2014/2015 bertambah menjadi 10 kelas. Kemudian profil yang lain itu ada progam sekolah selain progam wajib, juga ada progam tambahan yang tangible productnya bisa lebih dirasakan. Misalnya progam intensive english for conversation (IEC) yang sebelumnya lebih dikenal sebagai english party.Progam ini mengajarkan tentang percakapan dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris tanpa melihat struktur katanya, asalkan setiap siswa bisa berbicara dengan orang asing. Kira-kira progam tambahan seperti itu. Apalagi sekarang sekolah kita dinaikan statusnya menjadi sekolah unggulan. Sedangkan sekolah unggulan di kabupaten









