In the Apartment Classified Based on the Place

33 Ifty: Oh, my God. Sam, you guys... its video night at my house, and Im not even there. Joe: Check. Brad: Sam, get your dessert to go. Sam: Because, OK. Wait. This is really hard to say. For me, this is a very hard thing to say... but Im gonna stay and have my dessert here with Rita... and Im not gonna go to video night tonight. Brad: What? Joe: Gee, that figures. I knew that was coming. See on Appendices Sam’s first utterance in this conversation is classified into casual style because his words give the impression of informality. He should say ‘I didn’t like all of them’ instead of ‘I didn’t like that at all’. But, it is suitable for the condition the conversation took place, in normal situation. His second utterance is also classified into casual style because it is in non-standard language. Sam’s last utterance is classified into casual and formal styles. It is classified into casual styles due to the words that indicate informality such as ‘OK’, ‘Wai t’, and ‘Gonna’. It is also classified into formal style due to the using of standard language in the sentence ‘this is a very hard thing to say’.

II. In the Apartment

First Dialogue Sam: Uh-oh. Didnt you just go to sleep? Let me see. OK. Lucy, you look beautiful this morning. You look very beautiful. Look at that, Lucy. Nose. OK. Yeah, I-- Oopsie. Annie: What the hell are you doing to that baby? See on Appendices Sam’s utterance in this conversation is classified into formal, casual, and intimate style. The words which give the impression of formality is ‘Didnt you just go to sleep? Let me see’ and ‘You look very beautiful. Look at that’. He uses standard 34 language eventhough he is actually speaking with his own daughter. But, he also speaks casually as we can see from the words ‘yeah’, ‘OK’, and ‘Nose’. Sam’s utterance also gives an impression of intimacy from the way he calls her daughter with her nickname he gave her, Lucy. Second Dialogue Annie: Whats the matter with the baby, Sam? Sam: Everything is just so tiny, tiny. Will you come over here and help me? Annie: You know I cant do that. What does her mother say? Sam: Her mother said, This isnt my life... and I didnt want a baby with you. I just needed a place to sleep. Annie: What if the babys sick? Bring her over here. Sam, babies need food every two hours. Sam: Sorry. Im sorry, Lucy in the sky. Annie: You know... critics and fools said that that song... had some mysterious meaning, but John always said... it came from a picture his son Julian drew... of his friend Lucy OConnell. Sam: So I made a good choice? Annie: You made an excellent choice, Sam. Now, what time does this little diamond wake up? Sam: What time does this little diamond wake up? She wakes up all the time. Annie: Lets just assume she wakes up at 6:00. Keep your TV on Nickelodeon. I want you to feed her first... when Hogans Heroes comes on. And then again. Wait until I Dream of Jeannie. And then, feed her when I Love Lucy comes on. See on Appendices In this conversation, eventhough Sam speaks with his neighbour which is close enough to him, he also uses standard language which is formal language. Like what he says in his first utterance in this conversation. He says ‘Everything is just so tiny’ and ‘Will you come over here and help me?’. But he also repeats his word ‘tiny’ that can be classified into casual style. Sam’s second utterance Her mother said, This isnt my life... and I didnt want a baby with you. I just needed a place to sleep. is classified into formal style because he uses standard language to Annie, 35 his neighbour. Then, his third utterance Sorry. Im sorry, Lucy in the sky contains three styles, they are casual, formal, and intimate style. The word ‘sorry’ is not in standard language, so it is classified into casual. But, after saying ‘sorry’, Sam repeats the word with ‘I’m sorry’ which can be classiffied into formal style. In the end, Sam calls his daughter with her nickname, ‘Lucy in the sky’. The next utterance by Sam is classified into casual style because he speaks ungrammatically. He should make it ‘So, did I make a good choice?’ instead of ‘So I made a good choice?’ to make a question sentence grammatically. The last utterance by Sam What time does this little diamond wake up? She wakes up all the time. is classified into casual and formal style. It can be classified into casual style because he repeats the question which Annie says to him. But, he also uses standard language in speaking to his own neighbour. Third Dialogue Sam: We have to be quiet. Ive seen nothing. I know nothing Such a nice man for an officer. What are you doing? Im just getting Lucy asleep... and youre making noise and everything. Rhodes: Oh, sorry. Were here for video night. Brad: Eight years every Thursday video night, and you forgot? Sam: Im sorry. Brad: Its always every first Thursday of every month... Sam: Video night at Sams house. And I forgot. Yeah, and I forgot. Ifty: Beccas gone. Gone with the Wind. 1939, directed by Victor Fleming. That was a very sad movie. Robert: Here we go. Everything changes now. Soon youll forget about Wednesday night at IHOP... and then Friday night at karaoke... and I got hit by a car today. Sam: You did? Robert: It was probably that guy from the V.A. Brad: Did you bring Kramer vs. Kramer? Robert: I see whats happening here. I see. So this is all my fault now. Brad: Dont tell me you forgot again. I broke a date with a daydream to come here. Robert: Its your mother. Estelle: Hi, Robert. Hello, boys. Its me, Estelle. Brad: Ma, I told you. Video nights over at 9:00. Its only 6:30. 36 Estelle: Well, I guess Ill just wait downstairs. Sure there isnt anything. I can get you? Brad: No, Ma. You can wait downstairs. Thats fine. Estelle: OK. See you later, Rob. Robert: Bye, Estelle. Ifty: What a pretty baby. Hi, little baby. Sam: Doesnt she look smart? Ifty: She does. She looks smart. That baby looks so darn smart. Its amazing how smart she is. Shes very smart. She really does. I think shes really beautiful. Of course she looks smart. Shes already reading the paper. See on Appendices In this conversation, although Sam talks with his close friend, he uses standard language in his first utterance We have to be quiet. Ive seen nothing. I know nothing Such a nice man for an officer. What are you doing? Im just getting Lucy asleep... and youre making noise and everything.. But, he also says ‘Such a nice man for an officer’ that is ungrammatically. So, the first utterance is classified into formal and casual style. The second utterance by Sam is classified into formal style because he says ‘I’m sorry’ instead of ‘sorry’ eventhough he actually talks with his very close friend, Brad. The third utterance by Sam Video night at Sams house. And I forgot. Yeah, and I forgot is classified into casual style because he speaks ungrammatically. The forth utterance by Sam you did? is classified into casual style because he uses ungrammatical words. Sam’s last utterance Doesnt she look smart? is classified into formal style because he uses standard language in his utterance. Forth Dialogue Sam: Annie, I cant take her to work anymore... because shes too big now. Lucy: Annie. Sam: That was her first word. Lucy: Annie. 37 Sam: See? Annie: People worry youre not smart. See on Appendices The first utterance by Sam in this conversation Annie, I cant take her to work anymore... because shes too big now is classified into intimate and formal style. Eventhough Sam speaks to his neighbour in normal situation which can make him to speak informally, Sam still speaks formally to Annie. But, he also calls Annie with her first name that gives the intimacy itself. The second utterance of Sam is classified into formal style due to the standard language used. But, in the last utterance, Sam speaks casually with saying ‘see?’ to Annie that can be classified into casual style. Fifth Dialogue Sam: Because when Lucy comes through the door... everybody says, surprise You gotta stop bouncing for a second. Youll say, surprise Children: Can we keep bouncing? Sam: Youll have to come down. After Lucy gets here and we say, surprise. So you have to assume surprise position. Should we rehearse it one more time? Assume the surprise position. Annie was supposed to warn us. Brad, hit the light. Surprise Conner: Its not her. Margareth: Hi. I dont know if you remember me. Im Margaret Calgrove... Department of Child and Family Services. We met at the police station. Sam: Put the present there. You have to hurry, because Lucys coming. Come on, hide with us. Come on, over here. Annie said Lucys coming up the stairs right now. So you have to assume the surprise position. See on Appendices In this conversation, Sam’s first utterance Because when Lucy comes through the door... everybody says, surprise You gotta stop bouncing for a second. Youll say, surprise is classified into casual style because he uses non-standard language and he also speaks to the children in normal and relax situation. In the 38 second utterance, Sam uses both standard and non-standard language and it indicates that this utterance is classified in casual and formal style. Sam also calls his close friend with his nickname, Brad, so this utterance can also be classified into intimate style. In the last utterance Put the present there. You have to hurry, because Lucys coming. Come on, hide with us. Come on, over here. Annie said Lucys coming up the stairs right now. So you have to assume the surprise position. Sam uses standard language that indicates this conversation as formal style. Sixth Dialogue Ifty: Of course the judge picked the lawyer. For Gods sake, put it together. Shes the one who took Lucy away from you... so its time that you get your own lawyer now. Sam: You guys think Im guilty? Ifty: No, Sam. You didnt kill anybody. I miss Lucy, Sam. Brad: Me, too. See on Appendices One of the characteristic of casual style is it is used in our related or normal situation. Based at the dialogue, these data are categorized into casual style. Between Sam and his friends are talking in normal or relax situation. Casual style is also marked by the using of simple language and give the short reponses. It can be supported through the words such as ‘Guys’. It is so simple conversation. In addition unawareness toward grammar and the use of slang also the part of casual style. And in this conversation, they call each other with their nicknames. Seventh Dialogue Phone machine: press the red button for record. Ifty: Lets start with the O.G.M. Brad: What? I dont know. Joe: I dont think its working. 39 Robert: I think its because its a used machine. Brad: Its not used. Its pre-owned. A guy bought it for his auto shop... and then he got a secretary. Joe: Testing, 1, 2, 3. Sam: Thats a good code. I can remember that--1, 2, 3. Robert: 4, 5, 6. Ifty: 7, 8, 9. Brad: 9, 10, 1 1, 12. Ifty: Quick. Youre recording. Sam: Hi. This is-- Hi. This is Sam. Im not home. Brad: No, you really dont want to say that... because you dont want to tell them youre not home. See on Appendices In this conversation, eventhough Sam talks with his friends in his apartment, he uses standard language in his first utterance. But, in the second utterance he speaks casually by saying ‘Hi. This is-- Hi. This is Sam. Im not home’. Eighth Dialogue Sam: But, Annie, its just one day. And Lucy needs you because you went to college... and you can give the right answers. And we cant lose her. Annie: Id make it worse for you. I cant do it. Dont you think I would if I could? See on Appendices In this only utterance by Sam in the conversation, there are three styles that he uses, they are intimate, casual, and formal styles. It can be classified into intimate because he calls his neighbour with her first name that gives the impression of intimacy. It can also be classified into formal style because he also uses standard language in his utterance, that is in the words ‘it’s just one day’. But, besides formal and intimate, he also speaks casually by using non-standard language and putting conjunction in front of every sentences he uses. Ninth Dialogue 40 Rita: I can go... at least another nine rounds. But you gotta let me in. Please. Sam. There you are. Now I can see those kind eyes. So, George says that you needed a break from work. Sam: I dont really want to work there anymore.. because theres too many people. Rita: Then maybe we can find you a quieter job, because-- Remember that was one of the judges conditions... that you earn more money. You have to keep earning more money... so that you can get a new apartment... and Lucy can have her own room... for when you get her back. Sam: Yeah, except that Lucy doesnt need me anymore. She has a new family now... and she doesnt need me anymore. Rita: Is that what she said? Sam: Its because I know that. Because I just know that. Rita: Well. Thats the first stupid thing Ive ever heard you say. Sam, you can get Lucy back. The court favors reunification. But, Sam, you have to fight for her. Sam: Yeah, but I tried I tried hard Rita: Try harder Sam: Yeah, but you dont know Rita: I dont know what? Sam: You dont know what its like when you try... and you try and you try and you dont ever get there Because you were born perfect, and I was born like this And youre perfect Rita: Is that right? Sam: People like you dont know. Rita: People like me? Sam: You dont know what its like to get hurted... because you dont have feelings. People like you dont feel anything. Rita: You think you got the market cornered on human suffering? Let me tell you something about people like me. People like me feel lost and little and ugly... and dispensable. People like me have husbands... screwing someone else far more perfect than me. People like me have sons who hate them. And Ive screamed horrible things to him... a seven-year-old, because he doesnt want... to get in the car at the end of the day. And then he looks at me with such anger... and I hate him then. I know Im failing you. I know Im disappointing you. I know you deserve better, but get in the fucking car Every morning, I wake up and I fail. And I look around, and everybody seems to be pulling it off... but somehow I cant... no matter how hard I try. Somehow...lll never be enough. Sam: You re enough. Yeah, youre much more than enough. Lovely Rita. See on Appendices Sam’s first utterance in this conversation is classified into formal style due to the standard language he uses in his utterance. In his second and third utterances, he speaks formally and casually since there are words in standard and non-standard 41 language in his utterance. In his fourth utterance, he speaks with standard language but he also repeats his words that gives the impression of informality, so it is classified into casual and formal style. His fifth utterance is classified into casual style due to the word ‘yeah’ in it. Sam’s sixth utterance is classified into casual and formal styles because Sam uses standard and non-standard language in his utterance. He also repeats his words that gives the impression of informality. In his seventh and eight utterances, he uses standard language that make it become formal style. In his last utterance, there are three styles used by Sam, they are casual, formal, and intimate styles. He says ‘yeah’ that indicates it as casual. He also says standard language that indicates it as formal style. The words ‘Lovely Rita’ indicates the impression of intimacy. Tenth Dialogue Lucy: Daddy Did you know that Warren G. Harding... was the 29th president of the United States? Remember, the 29th president... in case the judge asks. Sam: What are you doing out here? Lucy: I missed you. Sam: You could get really hurted. And its really cold... and you dont have enough on to keep you warm. See on Appendices In this conversation, Sam uses standard language in his first utterance eventhough he speaks to his daughter in the normal situation. Because it gives the impression of formality, so Sam’s first utterance is classified into formal style.His second utterance is classified into casual and formal styles because he uses standard language in the beginning and he end it up with non-standard language. Eleventh Dialogue 42 Sam: Everybody behave yourself. Oh, how wonderful. You brought Willy. Hi, Willy. Willy: Hi, Sam. Sam: Its good to see you. We have to close the door because the dogs go out. Rita: My husband left this when he moved out. Sam: Lovely Rita. Rita: OK, let me see. Theyre going to put Randy on the stand tomorrow first... and then you. Sam: Theyre a very nice couple. And shes pretty, and they have a nice house... and shes smart, too. Rita: Sam, I worry. I worry sometimes. Sam: Do you worry that you did something wrong? Rita: I worry that Ive gotten... more out of this relationship than you. Sam: I have the lawyer that never loses. Rita: Thats me. Sam: And the manager at the Pizza Huts gonna testify... and thats good. Rita: Absolutely. Sam: And Annie said that George thinks-- that George Harrison couldnt-- maybe, he couldnt write a song... but then he wrote Here Comes the Sun... and she said that it was one of the best songs on Abbey Road. Rita: George was always my favorite Beatle. See on Appendices In this conversation, Sam uses non-standard language in his first utterance Everybody behave yourself. Oh, how wonderful. You brought Willy. Hi, Willy. that makes these data as casual style. But, he also uses formal style when he says ‘You brought Willy’. His second utterance Its good to see you. We have to close the door because the dogs go out. is classified into formal style because he uses standard language in it. His third utterance is classified into intimate style since Sam calls Rita with the words ‘Lovely Rita’ which gives the impression of intimacy. Sam uses non- standard language in his fourth utterance so it is classified into casual style. Sam’s fifth utterance is classified into formal style due to the using of standard language. Sam’s last utterance is classified into formal style because he uses standard language. 43 Twelfth Dialogue Randy: Shes OK. Sorry. She fell asleep in the car. I was gonna turn back and tuck her in... in her room. You know, that I-- in her room that I made for her. Because I tried to make a really nice room for her. But I was afraid shed wake up at our house... and want to come home. Sam: Thats a girl. Randy: I have to apologize to you... because I was gonna tell that judge... that I could give Lucy the kind of love she never had. But I cant say that, because Id be lying. I hope... Sam: I hope youre saying what I think youre saying. I hope youre saying what I think youre saying. Randy: I am. Bye. Ill see you in court tomorrow. Save me a seat, Sam. On your side. OK? Sam: Yeah. Ill save you a seat on my side. Bye. Randy: Bye. Sam: Randy? If I tell you a secret... that I cant do it by myself... will you tell the judge on me? Randy: No, Sam. Sam: Promise? Randy: I promise. Sam: Because I always wanted Lucy to have a mother. I always wanted her to have a mother. Help. I need somebody. Help. Not just anyone. And youre the red in her painting. Because I think youre the red in her painting. Randy: Thank you, Sam. See on Appendices In this conversation, Sam’s first utterance Thats a girl is classified into formal style because he speaks grammatically. Sam speaks casually in his second utterance because says ‘you’re saying’ instead of ‘you say’. Sam’s third utterance is classified into casual and formal styles. We can see the informality by the words ‘Yeah’ and ‘Bye’. But, in the middle of those words, he speaks grammatically. Sam’s fourth utterance is classified into intimate and casual style. We can see the impression of intimate by the way Sam calls Randy by her first name and Sam uses non-standard language to talk to Randy. Sam’s next utterance ‘Promise?’ is classified into casual style because it is non-standard language. Sam’s last utterance is classified into casual and formal style. We can see the casuality in his words by 44 seeing the conjunction in every sentences. But, he also uses standard language in the sentence ‘I need somebody’. Thirteenth Dialogue Sam: Rebecca Gertie: You the one responsible for this? Sam: Im sorry. Gertie: Too late for sorries. Get over here and hold her hand. Are you okay? Nurse: Got a live one, Gert. Gertie: Good. Come on. Focus and breathe. Jamison: This is it. Sam: This is it. This is it. Jamison: And its a girl Sam: Its okay. Gertie: Whats her name? Sam: Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Lucy Diamond Dawson. Youre my daughter. Im your father. See on Appendices Sam’s first utterance in this conversation i.e. Rebecca is classified into intimate style because Sam calls his wife with her first name, Rebecca. Then, the next utterance ‘I’m sorry’ is classified into formal style because Sam talks to the doctor who handles his wife and he also talks in standard language. He says ‘I’m sorry’ instead of ‘sorry’. Sam’s third utterance This is it. This is it. is classified into formal and casual style. It can be formal style because he speaks in standard language. But, due to the repeating he does with the same words gives the impression of informality, that utterance is also classified into casual style. The next utterance It’s okay is classified into formal style, because he says ‘it’s okay’ instead of only ‘okay’. It gives the impression of formality. Sam’s last utterance Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Lucy Diamond Dawson. Youre my daughter. Im your father. is classified into formal style because Sam uses standard language. So, these data are 45 classified into formal style because the dialogue was in formal condition that occurred between Sam and The Doctor in the hospital. The dialogue though formal enough which discussed about one topic, the responsibility of Sam whom the wife is giving a birth. And the words with care from the doctor to Sam like “ Whats her name?” which asks Sam the name of his child can indicate these data as consultative style.

III. At the Street