Research Design Iqbal As The Victim Of Poverty Portrayed In Francesco D’adamo’s “Iqbal”


3.1 Research Design

The analysis of poverty and child labour sounded as the understanding of social problems. It is because poverty happens in the society and it is also the root of other social problems. This matter can be found in literature such as novel. A literary work is written by an author that is also a part of society. It is also addressed to society as the reader. In other words, an literary work connects to the society The method which is going to be used in analyzing Iqbal novel is qualitative method. This method is being used in order to understand how and why something is occured. Qualitative method is a method which concludes the data and the results by words. Bogdan and Taylor 1975:5 explain that qualitative method is a research procedure that descriptive data such as written word or verbal expression from the people and their behavior that have been observed. There are six characteristics of a qualitative research: 1. The importance of context. Qualitative researchers emphasize the importance of social context for understanding the social world. they hold that the meaning of a social action or statement depends, in an important way, on the context in which it appears. When a researcher removes an event, social action, answer to a question, or conversation from the social context in which it appears, or ignore the context, social meaning and significance are distorted. 2. The case study method. The researchers might gather a large amount of information on one or a few cases, go into greater depth, and get more details on the cases being examined. 25 3. The researcher’s integrity. The researchers ensure that their research accurately reflects the evidence and have checks on their evidence 4. Grounded theory. A qualitative researcher begins with a research question and little else. Theory develops during the data collection processs. This more inductive method means that the theory is built from data or grounded the data. 5. Process. Qualitative researchers look at the sequence of events and pay attention to what happens first, second and so on. Because qualitative researcher examine the same case overtime, they can see an issue involve, a conflict emerge, or a social relationship develop. The researcher can detect process and casual relations 6. Interpretation. The data are in the form of word, including quotes or descriptions of particular events. The researcher interprets data by giving them meaning, translatin them, or making understandable. In this thesis, library research and internet research are also applied to support and to enlarge the researcher’s ideas as well as to get materials and insights that are needed. The primary source of data acquires from the novel entitled Iqbal. The writer reads the novel as the source of data of Pakistan society’s social problems firstly. The secondary data are drawn from other books as references which are concerned about the social problems in the novel. Data will be used to support the ideas of the researcher. 26 Researcher Source of the Data Iqbal Conclusion Data: Quotations from the text of novel Iqbal Data Selected – Interpreted - Analysis Method Qualitative Method Sociology of Literature Theory Historical Approach 27

3.2 Data Collection