Observation Data Analysis Content Analysis

44 that would be given to the students as well as the reading comprehension exercise. The researcher consulted the materials to the English teacher on Wednesday, April 6, 2016.

b. Acting

The researcher conducted the first cycle in one meeting. The researcher was helped by three peer-observers to record and write down everything happened in the class. In the meeting, there were seven students who were absent and thus the total number of present students were twenty-four. The researcher presents the results in the acting stage in a form of a story as the researcher only reported what had happened in the class. After entering the class, the English teacher told the students that there would be another teacher that would teach them. The researcher then greeted the students and introduced herself as well as the observers. After that, the researcher asked the students about the difficulty of reading. Most of them answered that reading was not really difficult but there was almost no particular method or strategy to help them understand the text deeper. However, when the researcher stated that they would read a text today, some students seemed to complain and express their disinterest. This reaction might indicate students’ reading habit which was still low and it had been informed by the English teacher in the preliminary study. The researcher also added that they were going to try a strategy called the Venn diagram to help them in reading the text. 45 Afterwards, the researcher informed the students about the analytical exposition text. The researcher asked students what they had known about this text type. The researcher also asked them what the main element of an analytical exposition text was. Only few students answered. However, they seemed unsure about their answers. Therefore, the researcher wanted to play a video as a part of the observing step. The researcher played a video to help students get a glimpse of what was contained in an exposition text. Watching a video might give a clearer image since it provided visualization. However, after several searcher minutes trying to connect the laptop to the projector, the researcher could not play the video. To save the time, the researcher then continued the lesson by directly stating the main topic: same-sex marriage. This activity was included in the gathering data step. This particular topic was chosen since the researcher this topic debatable. This topic also facilitate students to see how others perceived this issue. For some time, the students laughed and were quite noisy after being informed the topic. The researcher then asked what their opinion was toward this issue and some students gave various opinions. The researcher somehow tried to relate their opinions and arguments to the text that they were going to read. After that, the researcher drew a Venn diagram in the whiteboard. The teacher explained the use of each circle and how to fill in the intersection part. The researcher told them the general function of the diagram which was to compare two or more concepts. The researcher also explained how to use a Venn diagram in reading. The researcher told that the first circle was labeled PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI