35 Wallace and Wray, 2011. It gave an opportunity for the researcher to assess students’ critical thinking skills by assessing the quality of students’ argumentative essay. The quality standard and criteria of students’ argumentative essay writing was determined in the scoring rubric, which was employed as an instrument to measure students ’ critical thinking skills. As a performance assessment, the most suitable instrument in writing test is scoring rubric. “Performance assessments are typically scored according to rubrics that specify in advance the type of performance that is expected for each activity” Slavin, 2012, p.433. The scoring rubric was presented as a form of analytic scoring. The criteria of critical writing were mentioned in the scoring rubric to be scored; the criteria were arguable arguments, relevant evidences, particular target audience, effective logical organization, and reliable sources. Analytic scoring will help the students to recognize their weaknesses and their strengths Brown, 2004. The criteria of critical writing were determined by summarizing the elements of critical writing from the book “Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument” by Barnet and Bedau 2011 and from the book “Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates” by Wallace and Wray 2011, which can be seen in the scoring rubric see Appendix A. The scoring rubric was used by the students in peer assessment.

3. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was employed in the end of the research after cycle 2 was conducted to gather data related to students’ difficulties and the use of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 collaborative learning method in improving students’ critical thinking skills see Appendix A. Wilson and McLean 1994 states , “The questionnaire is a widely used and useful instrument for collecting survey information” as cited in Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, 2011, p.377. The questionnaire consisted of two open- ended questions to gather as much information from the students. The first question wa s “What kinds of difficulties do you have in improving your critical thinking skills in CRW II class?” The first question aimed to find students difficulties in improving critical thinking skills. The second question wa s “How does collaborative learning method Group Discussion, Peer Feedback, and Peer AssessmentScoring when writing argumentative essay help you to improve your critical thinking skills in C RW II?” The second question aimed to find the use of collaborative learning method in im proving students’ critical thinking skills.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The research used qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection and analysis. All instruments were used to gather data on students’ difficulties and the implementation of collab orative learning to improve students’ critical thinking skills in Critical Reading and Writing II Class of English Language Education Sanata Dharma University. There were two data analysis techniques in this research: qualitative data analysis to analyze the data gathered from the observation and the open-ended questionnaire; and descriptive statistics to analyze the numeric data from the writing test. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI