45 considered to give the opportunities to the students to evaluate their peers, particularly their arguments in their critical writing

2. Cycle 1

Cycle 1 was conducted in two meetings on Wednesday, March 23 rd 2016 and Wednesday, March 30 th 2016. Each meeting in cycle 1 consisted of four steps: the planning, the action, the observation, and the reflection.

a. Planning

The researcher presented the result of the preliminary study to Mr. Priyatno Ardi, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the lecturer of CRW II. The result of the preliminary study was considered in composing the lesson plan of cycle 1. Collaborative learning was also suggested to the lecturer to be implemented in the meetings during the research. As the result, the lecturer agreed to apply collaborative learning to help the students improve their critical thinking skills in CRW II. The lesson plan consisted of eight parts: goals, indicators, materials, source of learning materials, learning methodology, learning media, learning steps, and learning assessment. The goals were taken from the syllabus of CRW II from the lecturer. The indicators consisted of two points: behavioural indicator students’ participation during discussion in small group and prod uct indicator students’ score in argumentative essay. Three techniques from collaborative learning method were implemented in the lesson plan: peer involvement, peer assessment, and peer feedback. Peer involvement was implemented to give students opportunities to share their arguments in discussions. The type of the peer involvement was intra class in small group work with each group consisting of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 around three to four students Gaies, 1985. Peer assessment was implemented to give students’ opportunities to share their arguments on their argumentative essay with their peers, to assess each others’ draft, and to give feedbacks as the result of the assessment so that their peers could revise the draft and also improve their arguments in the essay. The type of the peer assessment was assessment of a specific performance to assess students’ writing performance Brown, 2004. Scoring rubric was designed as an instrument to help the students during the peer assessment. Peer feedback was implemented to facilitate the students to give feedback to their peers in evaluating their drafts. The type of the peer feedback was student-initiated correction and editing which gave students opportunity to work in pairs or small groups, exchange and compare their papers, and have discussion on their papers. Feedback is given to each other in the discussion while teacher may circulate among the students to monitor the discussion Gaies, 1985. The materials were argumentative essay; the students brought their argumentative essay draft, exchanged their drafts with their peers, shared arguments on their drafts, assessed their peers’ drafts, and gave feedback on their peers’ draft. All teaching-learning activities were structured with critical thinking skills as the goal of the learning process in frame of Bloom revised taxonomy by Anderson et al. Eds., 2001 with the last three levels of the cognitive process dimension as the critical thinking skills: analyzing, evaluating, and creating claims and arguments. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI