106 106 The goal is to convince the reader that our opinion is right by giving strong-logical reasons and relevant-reliable evidences on the topic. c. Generic Structure There are two patterns of argumentative essay: - Block Pattern

I. Introduction

– Explanation of the issue; thesis statement II. Body Block 1 a. Summary of the other’s argument b. Rebuttal to the first argument c. Rebuttal to the second argument d. Rebuttal to the fourth argument Block 2 a. Your first argument b. Your second argument c. Your third argument III. Conclusion – include a summary of your point of view. - Point by point pattern I. Introduction – Explanation of the issue, including a summary of the other side’s argument; thesis statement

II. Body

d. Statement of the other side’s first argument and rebuttal with your own contra-argument e. Statement or the other side’s second argument and rebuttal with your own contra-argument f. Statement or the other side’s third argument and rebuttal with your own contra-argument III. Conclusion – include a summary of your point of view. 2. How to Write Argumentative Essay

1. Choose a controversial topic debatable and interesting

107 107 2. Write an argumentative thesis statement.

3. Generate ideas free writing or brainstorming

4. The thesis statement should define the scope of the argument and make an assertion that is open to debate. 5. On the whole, while writing argumentative thesis statements, be sure to have a debatable topic, state your claim and stance as strongly as possible and make the reader understand that your aim is to persuade rather than only to inform. 6. Think of the introduction as having a funnel shape 7. Build the body paragraphs; the first topic sentence of the first paragraph will be the first reason that supports your position. 8. The final sentence in each paragraph should sum up and make a transition to the main idea of the next paragraph. 9. Support your thesis statement by making supporting arguments and rebutting counter arguments 10. Explore what others think to rebut the counter arguments 11. Indicate in the conclusion that you have shown the thesis statement to be true. 12. Has a powerful ending often relating to the introduction. 13. Do not include any new information in a conclusion. For further materials, please check the following sites: NTATIVE20ESSAY.htmsample_essay https:www.roanestate.eduowlargument.html PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI