Qualitative Data Analysis Descriptive Statistics


F. Research Procedure

The research was conducted through a systematic procedure from the preparation until the end of the research. The researcher asked for permission from the lecturer to conduct the research in his class and the permission was granted on February 17 th , 2016. The researcher started the research by conducting preliminary study in the classroom, which was followed by conducting the research cycles, analyzing the data, and writing the research report. Below is the research timeline: Table 4: Research timeline No Activities Date 1. Asking for permission from Mr. Priyatno Ardi, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the lecturer of CRW II Class B to conduct the research in his class February 17 th , 2016 2. Classroom observation as the preliminary study February 24 th , 2016 February 26 th , 2016 3. Cycle 1 meeting 1 March 23 rd , 2016 4. Cycle 1 meeting 2 March 30 th , 2016 5. Cycle 2 meeting 1 April 1 st , 2016 6. Analyzing the data April – May, 2016 7. Writing the research report May – July, 2016 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42


The result and the discussion of the research are presented in this chapter. The result and the discussion of the research are presented in form of narrative discourse and descriptive statistics of the data gathered during the research; the narrative discourse presents and analyzes the steps of each cycle in the action research, and the descriptive statistics presents and analyze students’ writing scores from the peer assessment. Furthermore, the research questions are answered in this chapter with the evidence from the research result.

A. The Implementation of Collaborative Learning Method to Improve

Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Critical Reading and Writing II Class B Semester 4 English Language Education Sanata Dharma University This part explains the implementation of collaborative learning to improve students’ critical thinking skills and the findings on students’ difficulties in improving the critical thinking skills in Critical Reading and Writing II class B semester 4 English Language Education Sanata Dharma University as the answers for the two research questions. The implementation of collaborative learning was presented in form of two cycles in the classroom action research. 43

1. Preliminary Study

The researcher did a preliminary study by doing direct observation in the classroom. The preliminary study was conducted twice on Wednesday, February 24 th 2016 and on Friday, February 26 th 2016. The classroom activity was recorded by using digital camera and the observation was noted in the observation sheets. The data gathered from the preliminary study was then considered during the preparation of the first cycle in the classroom action research. From the preliminary study, the researcher concluded that there were three things which need to be improved related to students’ critical thinking skills: 1. The students still had difficulties in getting more perspective in reading and criticizing a text. Based on the second observation on Friday, February 26 th 2016, most students shared same arguments on the topic single sex school versus mixed school. The students especially those who disagree; four out of eight groups disagree with single sex school generally put their opinion on inter-gender relationship between male and female students, which showed that the students still stick with only one perspective on reading and criticizing the text. The students needed to develop their critical thinking skills by reading the text from many perspectives. Based on the first observation on Wednesday, February 24 th 2016, the students had potentials to get more perspectives when they were involved in small group discussions and supposed to argue other people’s argument with their peers. Therefore, peer involvement and peer feedback Gaies, 1985 were 44 considered to help the students in handling the difficulties by giving more perspectives among them as peers. 2. The students needed more organized discussions to improve their critical thinking skills. Based on the first observation on Wednesday, February 24 th 2016, the debate activity was not well organized by the lecturer and the students. The class was divided into two big groups. There were groups in group; each group was naturally divided into groups in their discussion without a leader in each big group pros and cons, which led the discussion and the debate not well organized with random thoughts and arguments. Therefore, peer involvement in small group discussion Gaies, 1985 was considered for the students to share ideas and having arguments among them in well organized discussions to improve their critical thinking skills. 3. The students needed opportunities to have arguments with their peers. Based on the first observation on Wednesday, February 24 th 2016, the students had more potential to improve their critical thinking skills when they were given opportunities to practice their critical thinking skills by having arguments with their peers. It was consistent with Meyers 1986 who states, “Students will develop good critical thinking skills only by being challenged to practice critical and analytical thinking p.5.” The opportunities of having arguments with peers would give the students opportunities to practice building critical arguments and evaluating other people’s arguments. Therefore, peer assessment Brown, 2004 was 45 considered to give the opportunities to the students to evaluate their peers, particularly their arguments in their critical writing

2. Cycle 1

Cycle 1 was conducted in two meetings on Wednesday, March 23 rd 2016 and Wednesday, March 30 th 2016. Each meeting in cycle 1 consisted of four steps: the planning, the action, the observation, and the reflection.

a. Planning

The researcher presented the result of the preliminary study to Mr. Priyatno Ardi, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the lecturer of CRW II. The result of the preliminary study was considered in composing the lesson plan of cycle 1. Collaborative learning was also suggested to the lecturer to be implemented in the meetings during the research. As the result, the lecturer agreed to apply collaborative learning to help the students improve their critical thinking skills in CRW II. The lesson plan consisted of eight parts: goals, indicators, materials, source of learning materials, learning methodology, learning media, learning steps, and learning assessment. The goals were taken from the syllabus of CRW II from the lecturer. The indicators consisted of two points: behavioural indicator students’ participation during discussion in small group and prod uct indicator students’ score in argumentative essay. Three techniques from collaborative learning method were implemented in the lesson plan: peer involvement, peer assessment, and peer feedback. Peer involvement was implemented to give students opportunities to share their arguments in discussions. The type of the peer involvement was intra class in small group work with each group consisting of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI