The reflection increased students’ awareness of reflecting their feelings

48 “Sejujurnya banyak sekali yang didapat dari menulis refleksi yaitu pertama, aku bisa mengerti kelemahan dan kekuatanku. Kedua, membatuku mengatur waktu belajarku, sehingga masalah kesulitan belajar dapat diselesaikan dan yang ketiga memberikan kesadaran diri terhadap kemampuan dan realita yang aku jalani.” SAInterview Honestly, there were many benefits from wrote reflection. First, through it I could understand my weaknesses and my strengths. Second, it helped me to manage my time in learning, so my problems could be solved. Third, it gave me awareness to my capability in learning. SA Interview The interview result above supported that reflection was a very good media to enhance self-awareness. He said that the important thing was the reflection gave his awareness to his capability in learning. Personal development starts at a point of self-awareness; in fact, it may as well be the ultimate end Johns, 2005. Eventually, reflection helps students to be active learners by consider their learning obstacles and to find out the strategies to overcome their problems. In addition, reflection allows the students to increase their intrinsic motivation because intrinsic motivation is needed by the students to struggle their study. Moreover, reflection also permits the students to clarify their feeling about learning processes. 49


This chapter presents the conclusions of the research and the recommendations. There are two major sections of discussion in this part. The first section discusses the conclusions after the research was conducted. The second section discusses some recommendations for ELESP students, English teachers and future researchers.

A. Conclusion

This research investigates how students’ reflection to enhance their self- awareness in learning Structure II. The research problem was answered through reflection and interview. Based on the discussion in Chapter IV, the researcher found that reflection could enhance students’ self-awareness in learning Structure II. All of the students had experienced the same experiences after doing reflection. The students agreed that reflection helps them to obtain self-awareness. By making reflection the students are aware of their problems and able to find the solution. Besides, reflection also makes the students to be more aware of their intrinsic motivation and feelings. Furthermore, all of the students agree that they make reflection because it influences their learning by giving some benefits. They perceive that reflection is able to make them see their learning and take action to make the learning better. 50

B. Recommendations

After conducting this research, the researcher propose some recommendations for ELESP lecturers, ELESP students, and future researchers.

1. ELESP Student

Reflecting previous learning helps students to obtain self-awareness. When students reflect their learning, they will be able to examine their past learning and be aware of how their learning is. The researcher recommends ELESP students to reflect their learning process in order to gain benefits from reflection.

2. ELESP Lecturers

The conclusion from this research is the researcher found that reflection could enhance students’ self-awareness in learning Structure II. From these findings, the ELESP lecturers will gain better understanding about the use of reflection to enhance students’ self-awareness in learning Structure II. Not only in literary subject but reflection can also be used to every subject. After having better understanding, the researcher recommends that ELESP lecturers can implement reflection in order to help students to enhance students’ self-awareness in learning process.

3. Future Researcher

This research can be a reference for future researchers who are interested in conducting study about reflection and self-awareness. The future researchers are recommended to conduct a study about reflection in different settings. By conducting a study in other settings, future researchers will know the enhancement of the students’ self-awareness. Besides, future researchers will gain 51 a better understanding about s tudents’ beliefs in other abilities to accomplish tasks and achieve goals in relation to the use of the reflection. 52 REFERENCES Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., Sorensen, C. 2010. Introduction to research in education 8 th ed.. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Bernard, H. 1988. Social research methods qualitative and qualitative approaches. Washington DC: Sage Publications, Inc. Biggs, J. 1999. Teaching for quality learning at university. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Boud, D., Keogh. R., Walker, D. 1985. Reflection: turning experience into learning. New York: Routledge. Brown, L. V. 2007. Psychology of motivation. New York: Nova Science Publisher. Burns, N. Grove, S., K. 2003. Understanding nursing research. 3 rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. Campbell, L., Campbell, B., Dickinson, D. 2000. Teaching and learning through multiple intelligences. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. 2007. Research methods in education. 6 th ed.. New York: Routledge. Deci, E. 1975. Intrinsic motivation. New York: Plenum Press. Eyler, J., Giles, Jr., Schmeide, A. 1996. A practit ioner’s guide to reflection in service-learning: student voices and reflections. Nashville: Vanderbilt university. Fraenkel, J.R., Wallen, N.E. 2009. How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill. Gebhard, J. G. Oprandy, R. 1999. Language teaching awareness: a guide to exploring beliefs and practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gibson, K. Purdy, N. 2012. Reflect-select-defend: a model for student and teacher reflection. Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, 03, 14- 30. Ghaye, A. Ghaye, K. 1998. Teaching and learning through critical reflective practice. London: David Fulton Publisher. 53 Goleman, D. 1996. Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Retrieved from: accessed on January 7, 2017. Hendricks, G. 1981. The centered teacher: awareness activities for teacher and their students. Englewood: Prentice Hall, Inc. Holloway, I. Wheeler, S. 2002. Qualitative research in nursing. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. Jensen, L. P. 2009. Using reflective journal to imp rove students’ learning and awareness. Retrieved from: http:sefi.bewp-contentabs1033.pdf accessed on December 22, 2016. Johns, C. 2005. Reflection on the relationship between technology and caring. Retrieved from: accessed on 3 January 2017. Kolb, D. A. 1984. Experiental learning: experience as the source of learning and development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. Kuswara, E. 1987. Existential Psychology I. Bandung: Eresco. Lincoln, Y. S. Guba, E. G. 1985. Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Lier, L. V. 1996. Interaction in the language curriculum: awareness, autonomy, authenticity. London: Pearson Education Limited. Merriam, S. 2002. Qualitative research in practice: examples for discussion and analysis. San Francisco: A Willey Company. Morrison, K. R. B. 1996. Developing reflective practice in higher degree students through a learning journal. Studies in Higher Education, 21, 317- 320. Ong, R. 2004. The role of reflection in students’ learning: a study of its effectiveness in completing problem-based learning environment. Retrieved from: http:www.myrp.sgsggedresearchparersrole_of_reflection_in_students ’learning.pdf accessed on December 23, 2016. Panduan Akademik Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. 2012 Parahoo, K. 1997. Nursing research: principles, process and issues. London: Macmillan. Silverman, D. 2005. Doing qualitative research: a practical handbook. 2 nd ed. London: SAGE.