The reflections raise students’ awareness of the importance of problem

38 After doing reflection, AL could find her problems namely understanding and memorizing the material which were caused by unfamiliar verbs. She also found ways to solve her problems such as studying from internet, book, material from her lecturer and listening to the western music. It means that her self- awareness of her problem solving was increased. Besides, she also made a commitment to her action. In addition, DE also had problem in understanding the material. Although DE had same problem with AL, she had her own strategy to solve her problem. She explained that she usually confused to detect the right pattern used in the error analysis. Then, she had strategy to overcome her problem. She added her study and practice time. She browsed on the internet to the material which related with error analysis. “Kayaknya aku harus menambah jam belajar sama latihanku karena aku masih belum menguasai materi. Aku juga akan cari-cari materi terkait untuk latihan biar pas aku ngerjain error analysis aku enggak bingung lagi.” DE, day 2 “I thought that I need to add my study time because I did not master the material yet. I will also search the related material in the internet so that I was not confused to do the error analysis. DE, day 2 AL and DE‟s reflections above showed that they had already used strategy to solve their problem in understanding and memorizing the material. The next problem was SA explained that he had no willingness to study Structure. In the process of reflection, SA tried to solve his willingness problem. He did some strategies such as tried to read from the internet to replace his book and watching video about the material to get better understanding and willingness 39 to do his tasks. He said that it could help him in gaining willingness because video was more attractive than a book, so he could start to think about study Structure. He also tried to do his tasks after he got new understanding from the video and internet. “Aku memiliki beberapa cara untuk mengatasi masalah dengan niat ku ini. Sebelumnya aku sudah mencoba berbagai cara tapi tetap nggak bisa, tetapi dengan cara yang ini aku bisa sedikit mulai tertarik. Cara-cara yang aku lakuin itu baca dari internet untuk mengganti buku ku yang sudah jelek, sama liat video tentang materi untuk dapet pemahaman yang lebih baik sama niat buat ngerjain tugas. Itu membantu sih buat aku karena menurutku penjelasan di video lebih menarik sama gampang di mengerti dibandingkan baca buku. Setelah, dapet pemahaman barudeh nyoba ngerjain tugas. ” SA, day 2 I had some strategies to solve my willingness problems. I had tried many strategies before, but it could not work on me. However, with these strategies I could try to begin interesting. The strategies were read in the internet to replace my bad book, and watch video about the material to get better understanding and willingness to do my tasks. It worked on me because the explanation in the video was more attractive and easy to understand than read a book. After getting understanding then I tried to do my tasks. SA, day 2 After doing reflection, SA could find his problem namely lack of willingness. He also found strategies to solve his problems such as reading article in the internet and watching video about the material. He said that it could help him to get better understanding and increase his willingness to study structure. It means that his self-awareness of her problem solving was enhanced and it can be seen from his commitment to action. Then another problem faced by AL was grumbling. AL explained that she grumbled for many times, but she did not get the answer of her tasks. It just made her to think negatively about other thing. It also happened to her schedule. She 40 could not change the schedule because it was the policy of ELESP. Therefore she chose to make different actions to gain better outcome. She tried to change her grumble into some actions. For example, she stopped to grumble and did her tasks. Another example was she tried to wake up earlier by setting alarm then she would not get late. Here is the evid ence of AL‟s reflection in day 3. “Sekarang, aku mengerti kalau keluhanku itu tidak akan mengubah apapun yang ada.Lalu, aku memutuskan buat mengubah kebiasaan jelekku yang suka mengeluh dan mulai mencoba mengerjakan tugas yang sulit tadi. Aku juga mulai untuk bangun lebih pagi dengan menyetel alarm biar tidak kesiangan. Sebenernya pas di awal kesusahan tapi aku bisa menyelesaikannya.”AL Now, I really understood that my grumble would not change anything. Therefore, I decided to change it and tried to do the difficult tasks. I also tried to wake up earlier by setting alarm so that I would not be late. Actually, it was not easy in the beginning but I finished it. AL After doing the reflection, she found that it was beneficial for her. She used to grumble many times for difficult tasks and morning schedule. Then she did the opposite by trying to stop grumbling and starting doing it. The result of doing the opposite action was she could think positively. She finished her tasks by herself and it gave her better understanding about the material, and she had healthy body because she woke up earlier in the morning. She could decide the best action; grumbling or doing it. According to Gebhard and Oprandy 1999, students need to solve problems they faced in order to be aware of their learning and help them to understand the material. Students changed their destructive behavior into good behavior. All students could enhance their skills in solving their problems. In the 41 beginning, they had many problems such as poor memorizing, poor understanding, poor time management and lack of willingness. Afterwards, they made reflection and they found that some strategies could be used to solve their problems. For example, AL used some strategies such as listening to Western music to make herself familiar with V3. Another example was SA watched video to understand the material related to the subject because he thought video was more attractive than a book. Besides, it could gain his willingness. Based on the result of student s‟ reflection, all of them said that they had improvement in their problem solving strategies.

C. The reflections Increased Students’ Awareness of Their Intrinsic

Motivation to Learn Structure This part discusses the students‟ awareness of their intrinsic motivation to learn Structure. Moreover, this part focused on the awareness of each student to make it clearer. The first student, AL, stated that in the first time she wanted good score to make her parents proud. However, she also wanted to be visible in her friends‟ eyes. She tried to prove that she was not invisible. “Aku tuh nggak punya temen lho mbak di kelas. Aku tuh kalo di kelas kayaknya enggak keliatan.Hal itu mbuat aku sedih.Aku mau buat orang tuaku bangga dan aku bakalan buktiin kalo aku itu terlihat.” AL, day 2 I did not have friends in my class. I felt invisible when I attended the class. It made me so sad. Then, I wanted to make my parents proud of me and I would prove that I was visible. AL, day 2 42 AL‟s awareness of her intrinsic motivation could be seen when she had motivation in proving that she was visible to her friends. Then after doing some reflections, DE began to realize that study is important for her career. DE understood that she had to study to get good score. Then she managed her time well and took her responsibility for her commitment. Here is the evidence of DE‟s reflection in day 3. Hal itu mbuat aku malu, makanya aku mau berubah untuk mbuktiin kalo aku itu bisa kayak temen-temen.DE It made me shame, so I want to change it to give evidence that I could be the same with my classmates. DE DE said that she did not want to be left behind her classmates. Therefore, she tried to add more her study time. She wanted to catch up her friends in learning Structure. Here is DE‟s reflection in day 5. “Aku meluangkan waktu 10 menit sehari untuk belajar dan berlatih soal-soal Structure II.Aku ingin mendapatkan nilai yang memuaskan dan membuat orang tuaku bangga. Aku akan belajar tidak hanya dari buku saja tapi juga dari internet, karena aku bisa lebih memahami materi dari berbagai sumber. Minggu lalu aku kehilangan waktu belajar Structureku karena aku memiliki tugas kelompok Speaking. Aku ngerasa bersalah sama diriku sendiri dan aku mengganti jadwalku yang hilang tadi di lain hari. DE I spent ten minutes a day to study and practice Structure II materials. I wanted to get good score and make my parents proud of me. I would study not only from book but also from internet because I could understand the topic with many sources. The previous week, I missed two days to study and practice Structure II because I had to do speaking group assignments. Therefore, I was sorry for myself and replaced the missing time to another day. DE DE explained that she added more effort to catch up her friends. In the DE‟s reflection day 3, she said that she did not want to be left behind her 43 classmates. Then, she spent 10 minutes to study and practice Structure in order to get good score like her friends. In addition, she felt sorry for herself when she could not fulfill her commitment. Therefore, she replaced her missing study time to another day. Based on the evidence above, DE‟s awareness of intrinsic motivation was increased. After that, the third student, SA, stated that he realized that useless thing such as playing game and watching soccer that wasted his time and money. SA recognized that studied in ELESP, Sanata Dharma was expensive. Therefore, he tried to decrease his useless behavior and appreciate his time and money to his study. “aku suka bolos gara-gara main game sama nonton bareng bola malem-malem. Dulu aku pikir ah nggak papa.Tapi, mama telfon kalo uang bulanan buat aku telat. Aku sadar kalo uang buat kuliah di PBI ini nggak sedikit, dan aku cuma buang-buang waktu kuliah yang udah mama bayar buat aku. Lalu aku mulai untuk mengurangi kebiasaan jelekku itu. ” SA, day 1 I used to miss the class because playing game and watching soccer in late night. I thought I was okay, but my mother called me to inform that my money for this month would be late. I realized that I need much money to study in ELESP and I just wasted my study time. Therefore, I tried to decrease my destructive behavior. SA, day 1 Based on the evidences above, all of the students increased awareness of their intrinsic motivation. According to Brown 2007, when students perform certain activities for internal interest and satisfaction, it refers to intrinsic motivation. In this case, students showed that they had intrinsic motivation after doing reflection. For example, AL wanted to be visible in her class by getting good score. Then, DE tried to catch up her friends by getting good score same as 44 AL. In addition, SA realized his mistake and tried to decrease his bad behavior to make him and his mother satisfied.

D. The reflection increased students’ awareness of reflecting their feelings

This part discusses students‟ awareness of reflecting their feelings in learning. Moreover, this part showed that the students received the reflection‟s benefits. The first student, AL, said that she enjoyed doing reflection. She thought that the activities in this reflection made her realized that she had right path in her destiny. “Aku sebenarnya membutuhkan media refleksi seperti ini karena aku dapat membagi cerita dan rasa.Aku berada disini karena paksaan dari orang tuaku.Ya pada awalnya sedih, tapi mungkin ini adalah jalan hidupku. Aku menerima takdirku dengan senang hati dan akan berusaha melakukan yang terbaik, terkhususnya untuk orang tuaku.”AL, day 5 Actually I needed the media like this reflection because I could share my story and feelings. I was here because a force from my parents. In the beginning, I was sad but maybe this is my real journey. I accepted my destiny with my full heart and did my best, especially for my parents. AL, day 5 Then, DE, stated that she enjoyed doing reflection because she could share her feelings freely. She got the benefits from it such as decreasing her stress. She could write anything to express all of her feeling and it made her comfortable. “Aku bisa menunjukan perasaanku pada subjek di dalam refleksi ini. Aku pemalu untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain. aku suka menyendiri, sehingga jika aku menemukan kesulitan-kesulitan dalam belajar Structure biasanya aku diam dan menunggu sampai dosen memberi penjelasan. Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu saya berpikir bahwa memiliki teman itu mengasyikan.Lalu aku mulai mendapat teman dan berbagi cerita dengannya.” DE, day 5 45 I could show my feelings to the subject through reflection. I am too shy to interact with other people. I would like to spend my time alone. Therefore, when I found problems in learning Structure, I usually keep my mouth in the silent mode and wait until the lecturer gave explanation. However, now I think that if I had a friend it was good. Then I start to make friends and share my stories with them. DE, day 5 After that, the third student, SA, also had similar experience with AL and DE. He said that he enjoyed writing the reflection. He told that reflection could help him in figuring out his mistakes and solving it. “Aku bener-bener enjoy nulis refleksi ini karena sebenernya aku suka nulis apa aja. Aku rasa media ini cukup menarik untuk dilakukan. Aku bisa menulis apa aja yang ada dipikiranku jadi nggak takut salah. Yang ada malah jadi tau salahnya kita dimana terus bisa diperbaiki.” SA, day 5 I really enjoyed writing this reflection because I liked to write anything. I felt that this media was interesting to be implemented. I could write anything in my thought then I was not afraid to be wrong. We could understand our own mistake and solve it. SA, day 5 The statements above showed that AL, DE and SA could clarify their feelings. According to Gebhard and Oprandy 1999, students are able to increase learning awareness through discovering their feelings of their learning. All of the students fulfilled the action about clarifying their emotional side. For example DE explained that she could show her feelings to the subject through reflection freely. She also clarified that had friends was good. She had not friend before because she too shy to made a friend. Then, AL said that she was happy here although she was being forced by her parents to study here. She shared it in her reflection to decrease her stress and get some support from herself. Next, SA shared that he