Making Conclusions Research Procedure

31 “Aku enggak pernah belajar kalau enggak ada tugas dan aku biasanya belajar malemnya kalau ada tes atau kuis.Ya memang sih nyantol tapi banyak lupanya.Hal itu membuat nilaiku enggak maksimal.”SA I never studied unless I had homework and I usually study a night before quizzes or tests. In fact, I could remember it in short time and easily to be forgotten. It made my achievement was not good. SA All of the students faced the same problem that was poor time management. Although they had same problem, each student had different experiences. Then, the second and the third problems faced by the students were lack of memorizing ability and difficult in understanding the course. Here are the examples of AL‟s reflection in day 1. “Ada banyak banget masalah saat aku belajar Structure. Saking banyaknya aku tidak bisa mengatur dan menyelesaikan semua permasalahanku. Aku sering kabur dari masalahku di kelas Structure. Alasan utama yang aku punya adalah aku tidak mengerti pelajaran itu dan itu membuatku sulit untuk mengingat mengenai pelajaran itu. Misalnya aku belajar tentang perfect tense, aku tau rumusnya kayak gimana tapi kalo pas ngerjain soal tanpa liat catatan pasti aku kebalik-balik sama rumus tenses lain. Aku juga tidak ngerti perfect tense itu kapan digunakan. Lalu, menurutku penjelasan dosen itu gak jelas. ”AL There were many problems when I learned Structure. Therefore, I could not handle and solve my problems. I usually escaped from my problems in structure class. The main reason was because it was difficult to be understood and it made me difficult to memorize that subject. For example, I studied perfect tense, I knew the patterns but when I did a task without saw my note I was confused with other tenses. I also did not understand when perfect tense is used. Then, I thought the lecturer‟s explanation was not clear. AL “Aku juga punya masalah lain yaitu dalam hal mengingat materi baru dengan cepat. Contohnya aku tidak bisa mengingat V3 dari 32 perfect tense, karena V3 jarang dipake sebelumnya jadi aku merasa tidak familiar .” AL I also had another problem in memorizing new material quickly. For example I could not remember the V3 from perfect tense, because V3 was seldom to be used before so I felt unfamiliar. AL AL explained that she had problem in learning structure. She said that she had difficulty in understanding new material when doing tasks without seeing her notes. It was confusing for her to choose the right tenses used in sentences. It was difficult for her to memorize all of the material because they were unfamiliar for her. The second student, DE, also had problem in understanding the material. She said that Structure has many patterns and its functions which made her confused. She explained that she usually confused to detect the right pattern used in the error analysis. “Aku suka bingung kalotugas error analysis. Kan gak ada instruksinya kalo harus pake pattern yang mana sama pas nyocokin ke soalnnya yg susah dimengerti.” DE, day 2 I was confused in the tasks of error analysis. There was no instruction to use what pattern and when match the pattern and the task which was difficu lt to be understood.” DE, day 2 Next, the fourth problem faced by the third student, SA, was no willingness to study Structure. SA explained that he had problem in willingness to study Structure. It was difficult for him to gain willingness to study because he thought that structure was really difficult to be understood. However, he said that he also did not have willingness to open the book because he said that his book