Relationship between Literature and Psychology

Eric and Paul and their personalities change in the story. The analysis of the character in the story will be based on the theory of character that has been stated before. Meanwhile, the theory af characterization is cited fr om Murphy’s theory as the most suitable method to give more understanding about character. The second problem formulation is to find out the love relationship between the main characters. The theory of love is used to answer this problem. The relationship of the main characters’ love give big influence to the changes of their personality. The writer used theory of love from Rollo May, Elizabeth Hall, Fredman and friends. Meanwhile, the third problem formulation is to see the personality development of the main characters which influenced by their feeling of love. In answering this problem, the theory of personality development from Hurlock, Bryne and Kelly is used to analyze the change of their personalities. 20 21


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is one of the Gaston Leroux‟s novels entitled Phantom of the Opera, which was published in October, 1910. Initially, the story sold very poorly upon publication in a book form and was even out of print several times during the twentieth century. It is overshadowed by the success of its various film and stage adaptations. It was first published as a serialization in Le Gaulois from September 23, 1909 to January 8, 1910. The most notable of these were the 1925 film depiction and in the 1976 Ken Hill‟s musical at the Theatre Royal Stratford East Leroux, 2010: 2. The novel of the Phantom of the Opera represents the cultural attempt of the nascent bourgeois class up homogenize and regulate anything that could disturb the security and balance of the world. Leroux narrates the young protagonist of Chritine Daeé‟s descent underground in a near trance-like state-accompanied by Phantom- he is in fact describing an adolescent‟s astonishment and uneasiness about descending into her own unconscious and down the unknown river of her most distant, repressed desires Pellegrini, 2010: 15. The novel Phantom of the Opera is the tragedy triangle love story. Gaston Leroux‟s novel, The Phantom of the Opera contents of 271 pages. This novel is about a girl named Christine Daeé, a ballet dancer at the Paris Opera House. She is the student in music class of a man who most call the Opera Ghost but who she