Personality Development Definition on Terms

literary genre: it is a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a distinctive type of person. ” The second one is character is “the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue- and by what they do- the action. ” The grounds in the characters temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation 1981: 23. Each character has his or her own characteristics. A character in a literary work has his or her own personalities and physical appearances or characteristics that make him of her different from each other. Based on their psychological behavior, there are two kinds of characters namely flat and round characters. The flat characters are the characters that represent single characteristics, treat, idea or limited number of qualities. The flat characters are static and do not develop as fully as round characters. Round characters are complex in temperament and motivation. Round characters are dynamic and often appear as the center of the story. They represent number qualities or traits and complex multidimensional characters of significant intellectual an emotional depth that have the capacity to grow and changes Forster, 1978:73. The writer agrees that each character has his or her own characteristic as stated by Forster. The writer thinks that each person grown up from different background. They have different experience, heritage, and generation. As we can see in some movies, there are brothers and sisters even twins who grow up from different background and they grow to be the person they like. So, in this thesis, 10 the story of The Phantom of the Opera is one of presentations of the uniqueness of the character. Rohrberger and Woods stated that characterization is the process by which an author creates a character. Not only the physical appearance that the reader can imagine the character, but also through his or her behavior and thought 1971: 20. While Barnet and Bruto have opinion that characterization is defined by what the characters do, by what they say, by what others say about them and by the setting in which they move 1988:746. Based on these opinions above, can be concluded that characterization is the way of the author presents the character. M.J. Murphy in his Understanding Unseen 1972:161-173 mentions nine ways on how an author may describe the character’s personalities and traits to the reader. a. Personal Description The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothing. He can describe clearly, what the characters are like and tell the reader the details of the character’s appearance: the face, skin, eyes, and clothing. b. Characters as seen by others The author describes the character’s appearance or personality by letting other characters in the story tell what they see about this character. c. Speech The author can give the readers an insight into the character of one of the person in the story through what the person says. Whenever the person 11