The Presentation of the Designed Digital Storytelling

subtitle to the digital storytelling so that it can be used to check the answer when doing the exercise.

2. The Presentation of the Medium

The researcher presented the media in a digital platform through Youtube. The Teacher’s Guide was presented both in written form and digital form so that any teacher could download it easily. The researcher also provides subtitle which can be used to check the answers of the exercise.

B. Recommendations

The researcher has some recommendations for English teachers, senior high school students, and further researchers who are interested in making research in similar field, especially in designing digital media for teaching English.

1. For English teachers

Teachers should be creative and innovative in using teaching media, especially if dealing with 21 st century learners. Teachers must also actively involve the students in the teaching learning activity and help the students to develop their skill in learning English.

2. For Senior High School Students

Students should be active in involving themselves in the learning activities. They must not limit their learning sources to certain media only. There are a lot of digital media that can be used to help them in learning English and understand certain topic. They can use various tasks and learning media to help them develop their English skills.

3. For Future Researchers

For future researchers that are interested in this research, the researcher suggests them conduct further research and implementation to improve the quality of the media because the researcher did not conduct it. For those who are interested in making research in similar field, the researcher suggests developing digital storytelling that can be used to teach English for different topics. 54 REFERENCES Anderson, M. Anderson, K. 2003a. Text types in English 2. Australia: Macmillan Education. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Sorensen, C. K. Razavieh, A. 2010. Introduction to research in education 8 th Ed.. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning. Behmer, S. 2005. Literature Review Digital Storytelling: Examining the Process With Middle School Students. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology Teacher Education International Conference pp. 822-827. Blair, N. 2012. Technology integration for the new 21 st century learner. VA: Principal. Borg, W. R. Gall, M. D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction 4 th Ed. . London: Longman Inc. Creswell, J. W. 2003. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, a nd mixed methods approaches 2 nd Ed.. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc. Dokumen Kurikulum 2013. 2012. Kemendikbud. Dreon, O., Kerper, R., Landis, J. 2011. Digital Storytelling: A Tool For Teaching And Learning in the Youtube Generation. Middle School Journal, 425, 4-10. Gage, N. L. Ed.. 1963. Handbook of research on teaching: A project of the American Educational Research Association Vol. 2. Rand McNally. Garcia, P., Rossiter, M. 2010, March. Digital Storytelling As Narrative Pedagogy. In Proceedings of society for information technology teacher education international conference Vol. 2010, pp. 1091-1097.