Sample selection

1. Sample selection

Samples selection used as the data source of this study are done by selecting respondents of adequate knowledge and also inform able to answer questions of this study. Indeed, stakeholders of the city of Surakarta are respondents of this study. The respondents chosen are assumed as those who have high awareness and information on the city development ensuring their precise quality of role as respondents.

Government officials, academicians, humanists, business practitioners, common people, and legislatures are incorporated as the respondents of this study. The government officials particularly include the working group of city walk yet it is possible to extend such respondent category to its broader range due to the researcher’s need.

Base on the decree of the regional secretary of Surakarta No. 556.4.05/14/I/2010 of the formation of public area’s working group’s management, it is stated that heads of SKPD appointed are Transportation Department Chief as a chairman, Public Works Department Chief as a member, Planology and Urban Official Department Chief as a member, Hygiene and Gardening Department Chief as a member, Culture and Tourism Department Chief as a member Finance and Asset Management Department Chief as a member. The group have started to do their duties since January 28th, 2010 thus, it can be said that all things related to any occasions in city walk will always be related to Transportation Department as well as if there are damages and disruptions of the site will be inserted to the agency’s business particularly and the working group in general. Long before this decree is issued, any businesses concerning city walk is under the responsibility of Planology and Urban Official.

To this position, however, the main respondents are officials of Planology and Urban Official. This could be happened since the agency is the pioneer of the city walk’s initial concept. Thus, it is supposed to gain relevant information on the process of the city walk establishment. Respondent of this agency is surely the head of building conservation and cultural heritage who had involved in the establishment of city walk. The interview was conducted in the office of Planology and Urban Official at the third floor of Bale Tawang Pradja Balaikota Surakarta.

Respondents coming from Transportation Department are needed to acquire information on the agency’s role concerning with any occasions Respondents coming from Transportation Department are needed to acquire information on the agency’s role concerning with any occasions

Next, respondents coming from Hygiene and Gardening Department are needed to find out their roles in maintaining the city walk site. She was not the head of this department but she has a lot of experience and information related to gardening. This is reasonable for this site will look so dry and dirty unless there are landscape gardening surrounding it. This is very important to beautify the city walk site to make it more attractive.

Respondents from Publics Works Department are needed since this agency is responsible for coping with particularly infrastructure of high way. He was one of employee who worked on City Walk development. City Walk is indeed not a high way but it is located next to the high way and directly connected to it so that this city walk’s establishment has always be directly related to the high way’s aspects such as water channel beneath the city walk site, materials specified for it, and so fold. Concerning with the establishment of this site, many officials of the agency were involved with the tenders for they were supposed to be well acquainted with the material specified for the site’s establishment and the road establishment’s technique.

Respondent from Finance and Asset Management is needed to support data of budget mechanism for the city walk project. He was the chief on it. Moreover, this agency is responsible for managing economic activities of the business actors in the city walk site.

Due to the purpose of the development of city walk site to promote tourism matters, respondents from Culture and Tourism Department are needed to find out its officials’ roles. He was a truly informant in spite of he was not a chief but he was a sub leader on promoting divisions. It can not be denied that a beautiful precise city arrangement through the local culture arrangement in the site of city walk will attract tourists.

Yet the agency of Market Department does not involve in the working group of city walk, respondents from it were needed since there are so many cadgers in the site. They are indeed under the responsibility of the agency. They are included in the cadger community who are permitted to vend surrounding the site. It is an official of Sub Sie PKL and being an informant is becoming the researcher’s respondent.

Respondent from the Regional Monitoring Agency is required given the duty and authority of this institution to supervise the performance of local government. He actually retired from this institution now, but when the City Walk begin, he was one of the chief on that matter.

The number of respondent from the above institutions are each one respondent or one informant, because there was only single chief on each department. Moreover, the reason on selecting the head of institutions are this The number of respondent from the above institutions are each one respondent or one informant, because there was only single chief on each department. Moreover, the reason on selecting the head of institutions are this

Some cadgers in the city walk site were recruited as respondents of this study since they are relevant objects of any development of the site. All of them are located along the site that the interviews were conducted in their vends or their office. The number of respondent from these categories is average 10% from the total number of vendors there.

The businessmen were recruited as respondent too. They have different business background and most important they were concern and are able to give lot information related to the City Walk Program and its implementation.

Academicians and humanists were selected as the respondents to find out their opinions on effects of the city walk site’s development. They were met at campuses or at their office. The academician had a different academic background start from economic background, engineering background and also tourism background. Actually the numbers of academician are a lot, but the academicians who have information and concerning about this topic are limited. The all three academician hopefully ever have an experience to deal with this program. After all other respondents of common people are needed to find out their opinions on the existence of city walk. Event organizations, humanist were chosen as the next respondent. Latest, trying to get the opinions from the tourist visiting to Solo, especially when they were enjoying the city walk. There were not lot respondents from common people, an event organization and tourist, but all of them give their self as informants to the researcher. Respondent form the humanist categories, it Academicians and humanists were selected as the respondents to find out their opinions on effects of the city walk site’s development. They were met at campuses or at their office. The academician had a different academic background start from economic background, engineering background and also tourism background. Actually the numbers of academician are a lot, but the academicians who have information and concerning about this topic are limited. The all three academician hopefully ever have an experience to deal with this program. After all other respondents of common people are needed to find out their opinions on the existence of city walk. Event organizations, humanist were chosen as the next respondent. Latest, trying to get the opinions from the tourist visiting to Solo, especially when they were enjoying the city walk. There were not lot respondents from common people, an event organization and tourist, but all of them give their self as informants to the researcher. Respondent form the humanist categories, it

Finally with these entire diversity respondents, the researcher believes the all respondent would be representative as respondent and can give more insight dealing with this issue. Furthermore, again in qualitative research it does not matter about the quantitative respondent but the most important thing is the quality of information from the informant as respondent (Byrne 2001).