City Walk Program Settings

A. City Walk Program Settings

In developing the quality of urban space, the strategic area is a potential vital. The space area that is formed by a series of components or the character and image become an important focus in the development of urban space, particularly in supporting the vitality and city’s attractiveness as a space for the life of its citizens.

The success of a number of cities in various countries in building the town hall is mainly supported by the increasing of urban space quality in a professional way, integrated in sector and territory, and has a clear concept. These are also supported by a reliable service system and reinforced by the system and professional area management’s strategy, progressive and sustainable, without ignoring the local resources. One of city in the world that became an inspiration in the development of City Walk concept is one of the roads in Singapore, it is called Orchard Road (G1). City Walk in the Orchard Road area have been arranged in

Furthermore, Surakarta city has a strategic area with potential social resources, culture, and diverse economy. They are: Mangkunegaran Regions, Triwindu Market, Gatot Subroto Street, Coyudan, Klewer, Kauman Batik Tourism Village, Kampung Batik Laweyan, Sriwedari Regions, Kasunanan , Regions, Gede Market Area, as well as Keprabon. In addition, there is a linear area along Slamet Riyadi street to the east until Pasar Gede. The area mentioned above, in the discourse of the government and society, has directed the development of themed areas of open space in a friendly environment for pedestrians, known as "Solo City Walk" (City Government, 2006).

The hope to develop a number of open spaces in the city of Surakarta is based on the fact that the city of Surakarta in the years prior to discourse to build the City Walk area has a lot of lost open space. Also, it is meant to recall the ancient tradition of Surakarta city that are now become obsolete. As stated by one respondent from the Planology and Urban Official of Surakarta (G1), he said that the background of the City Walk construction area is associated with the return of function space in urban areas:

"At that time, Surakarta city was loosing public space, whether the field which is a green open space for sport, and also children can be hang out together, and then Slamet Riyadi itself at that time also can be seen a lot of street vendors which should be used for pedestrians, but it is used for "At that time, Surakarta city was loosing public space, whether the field which is a green open space for sport, and also children can be hang out together, and then Slamet Riyadi itself at that time also can be seen a lot of street vendors which should be used for pedestrians, but it is used for

”Salah satunya pada waktu itu kan kota surakarta, itu kan kehilangan public space, baik lapangan yang merupakan ruang terbuka hijau untuk olahraga, dan juga anak-anak bisa untuk berkumpul bersama-sama, kemudian slamet riyadi sendiri pada waktu itu juga dapat dilihat muncul banyak sekali PKL-PKL yang menggunakan public space yang khususnya itu untuk pedestrian, pejalan kaki tapi digunakan untuk PKL ....kemudian yang berada di jalur hijau itu juga sebagian dimanfaatkan oleh PKL ....karena mungkin ruangnya ....apa itu ...idum....tidak

begitu panas ...sejuk ...gitu ya ....lha itu dimanfaatkan oleh PKL disana. Sehingga dengan kondisi itu ingin sekali pemerintah kota mengembalikan fungsi daripada ruang tersebut ....kalau itu ruang hijau ya....dikembalikan sebagai ruang hijau ....kalau itu ruang pedestrian.... ya kita kembalikan sebagai ruang pedestrian .... dan lain sebagainya .... salah satunya itu. ” Related to the maintenance of the existing culture or tradition:

"Then from the other backgrounds, we also want to raise or maintain the existing cultures in the city of Surakarta. Suppose that such…uhm.. gatherings...walking culture.. that culture can be said extinct right? The Javanese people is usually walks and then make gathering…talking about something... that’s is already gone…. the space is already gone.... In that way, when we wanted to accommodating the arts, we did’t have space yet... well, perhaps there is a representative place at the hotel room and so on… that kind of things needs cost …and if there is an active public space, the people can use it ... the proof is batik carnival, there is probably what it is called... . e. ....... cheap bazaar .... it presents batik-batik, and then reog art, and so on. "

”Kemudian dari latar belakang yang lain kita juga ingin memunculkan atau memelihara budaya-budaya yang ada di kota Surakarta. Misalkan budaya ....anu....kumpul-kumpul.....budaya jalan-jalan....kan sudah dapat dikatakan punah to itu ....jadi orang Jawa itu biasanya kan jalan-jalan trus ngumpul bersama ......membicarakan apa.......lha itu udah hilang...ruangnya udah hilang ........Nah dengan begitu hilang kita ingin memunculkan mewadahi, kesenian-kesenian itu juga tidak ada ruangnya dulu, ya ...mungkin ada tapi di ruang yang representatif di hotel dan sebagainya gitu kan perlu biaya dan kalau ada ruang publik yang aktif gitu kan masyarakat bisa memanfaatkannya ...Terbukti sekarang kan ada batik carnival, ada mungkin ”Kemudian dari latar belakang yang lain kita juga ingin memunculkan atau memelihara budaya-budaya yang ada di kota Surakarta. Misalkan budaya ....anu....kumpul-kumpul.....budaya jalan-jalan....kan sudah dapat dikatakan punah to itu ....jadi orang Jawa itu biasanya kan jalan-jalan trus ngumpul bersama ......membicarakan apa.......lha itu udah hilang...ruangnya udah hilang ........Nah dengan begitu hilang kita ingin memunculkan mewadahi, kesenian-kesenian itu juga tidak ada ruangnya dulu, ya ...mungkin ada tapi di ruang yang representatif di hotel dan sebagainya gitu kan perlu biaya dan kalau ada ruang publik yang aktif gitu kan masyarakat bisa memanfaatkannya ...Terbukti sekarang kan ada batik carnival, ada mungkin

tradition and culture, reinforce the concept to develop an open area. That area can

be used to enhance social interaction as well as the economic community of Surakarta. This discourse is also supporting the jargon of Surakarta city, that is “Solo Past as Future".

Base on the initial concept formed by the Planology and Urban Official of Surakarta, further coordinated with the regional work units who will be involved in the program. The example of SKPD’s which involved are from the Department of Public Works (MPW), Department of Hygiene and Gardening (DKP), DLLAJ or the Transportation Department, Department of Culture and Tourism, representatives of district and village. Public Works Department are involved because the City Walk development will relate to the street that is included in the authority of the Public Works Department, Department of Hygiene and Gardening which is authorized institution in relation to the manufacture of city parks along the City Walk. Transportation Department or DLLAJ is associated with road and regulatory functions of the road user, the Department of Culture and Tourism were included because its development in the area of City Walk can be used as a location for activity agenda both locally and nationally. Subdistrict and village officials are involved because the difference of the City Walk location so the input from each district or municipality is needed. This is done to facilitate the City Walk development.

Once the concept is formed in the internal government of Surakarta, and long before the development program "Solo City Walk" was held by the City of Surakarta, the discourse or discussion followed by representative stakeholders Surakarta was held. The occasion was conducted in Ndalem Wuryaningratan on June 6 th , 2006 with the theme "THE CONCEPT OF CITY WALK IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CREATION OF THE QUALITY CITY.”

The discussion was conducted in order to figure the opinion of the stakeholders based on issues and strategic issues in Solo area development, especially development of the idea of "Solo City Walk". Moreover, it needs the commitment and togetherness from all of stakeholders, such as the government (across sectors), the public and private sectors to harmonize regional development vision of Surakarta.

The objectives of this discourse are to provide a forum for interaction and argumentation in a healthy manner for all stakeholders to discuss the development of Surakarta in the concept of "Solo City Walk". In addition, the output of this activity is expected to contribute ideas and thoughts for policy makers in establishing a solid foundation to develop scenarios and development of qualified space in Surakarta City and long-term vision. The short term benefits of this discourse were the realization of the coordination, integration, harmonization and synchronization of stakeholders in the development of "Solo City Walk" ideas in Surakarta. In the long run, it is expected that this activity will produce a model of urban space development related to sustainable community-based.

A number of important issues were discussed and agreed upon in the formulation of a deal that would form the basis of departure for the preparation of action plan development. The issues were especially regarding the alignment of vision for the future perspective, cross-sector cooperation in its development as well as a more important area of sustainable development management.

On that discussion or discourse, number of important figures and also the city of Surakarta speakers from academia, consultants, Planology, entrepreneurs, community leaders and others were attended. In essence, the stakeholders who attended the ceremony were very interested and fully support the idea of building City Walk. Finally, by seeing the result of socialization through various activities and mass media, also supported by the results of discussions with a number of stakeholders, the City Walk development program successfully scheduled to be done starting from 2007 until 2010.