Factors that Influence Perception



This chapter consists of two parts; they are theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description presents some important concepts related to the research. The concepts are 1 perception 2 CBC, and 3 experiential learning, 4 problem solving, 5 Sekolah Alam while theoretical framework discusses major relevant theories which help to answer the research problems.

A. Theoretical Description

In this chapter the researcher discusses the theories related to this study. There are five related theories that will be viewed. The theories are perception, CBC, experiential learning, problem solving based learning, and Sekolah Alam.

1. Perception

This part presents theory of perception including factors that influence perception and perception on learning.

a. Factors that Influence Perception

In organizations theory, Gibson et al. 1985:61 there are six factors that influence someone’s perception; they are stereotyping, selectivity, self-concept, situation, needs and emotion. 1 Stereotype The first factor is stereotype. Stereotype is a set of thinking in a particular group that is generalized to all members of the groups Gibson et al, 1985:64. It means that people have set some knowledge in their mind, although they do not know whether that is true or not. In perception of the English teaching learning activity in Sekolah Alam, stereotype might be occurring. If they consider the teaching learning activities applied in Sekolah Alam are good, they will set this in their mind so they will perceive those teaching learning activities positively. Most of stereotypes are wrong perception because it is formed not based on the fact that happened in our environment. 2 Selectivity The second factor is selectivity. It is impossible for us to catch all of the stimuli that happen around us. Only certain perceptions are taken and then proceed in our mind. The perception in based on something we want to choose. People will perceive the stimuli that they want but most of the stimuli that received are that positive from them. That is why everyone has different perception about things around them. 3 Self-concept The third factor is self-concept. They way people see themselves in the form of self-concept will affect their perception about something. The students’ self- concept are often performed in their attitudes based on their on the stimuli which may result as the feeling of likes or dislikes about something. 4 Situations The press of time will exactly force the manager to overlook some details, to rush certain activities and to ignore certain stimuli such as request from other managers or from superior Gibson et al, 1985:67. People will attend to work quickly when they do not have much time. People become careless in doing something. They make decisions about certain thing without further understanding or perception toward the problem. 5 Need Perception is significantly influenced by needs and desires Gibson et al, 1985:67. People will do everything that they want to do. 6 Emotion Emotion can influence someone in forming perception. Perception formed through experiencing a particular thing can influence the perception which will be formed in the future. The forming of perception can influence someone’s motivation in doing something.

b. Perception on Learning