The First Grade Students of Sekolah alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta

lesson while the students were busy by themselves and not paying attention to the teacher indicated that teacher was not in control. First grade students of Junior High School needed simple activities that attracted and could help them learn English, such as games. However, because of the limitation of the time and abundant materials that had to be finished, it was difficult to provide games in English teaching learning activities. In order to avoid students’ boredom since games were difficult to be conducted, the teacher had some tricks. The students, sometimes, were invited to learn English outside the class or even invited them to the public place. On the other occasion, the English teacher invited a native speaker. These tricks could attract the students’ attention when the games could not be conducted. In teaching learning activities, the teacher could vary the activities which involved both students and teacher in it to attract the students’ attention and make them enjoy the lesson. In order to make students accustomed to English utterances, the English teacher usually applied bilingual language method while teaching. The English teacher usually tried to speak English while communicating with the students. The English teacher rarely translated into Bahasa Indonesia, the English teacher asked the students to find out or solve the problem by themselves.

2. The First Grade Students of Sekolah alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta

Junior High School’s Perceptions on Their English Teaching-Learning Activities In order to find out first grade students of Sekolah alam Nurul Islam Junior High School Yogyakarta’s perception on their English teaching learning activities, the researcher distributed questionnaire. The following table is the detailed information about the questionnaire distribution. Table 4.1. Questionnaire Distribution Date Time Location Total number students of the class Total participants May 28, 2012 10.30 – 11.00 Class of VII 20 20 In this study, the participants was the first grade students of Sekolah alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta Junior High School. The target of this study was the English teaching learning activities. Below are the results of the questionnaire analysis that was discussed per item. Part A. Students’ Perceptions on the Importance of Learning English and Their Reasons to Learn in the School This part consists of four items. The aim of this part is to find out the importance of English for the participants and their reasons in learning English. Below is the table that shown the percentage of the questionnaire’s result: part A Table 4.2. Questionnaire Result of Part A No Statement Percentage STS TS S SS 1. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris itu penting. 75 25 2. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris termasuk pelajaran yang diujikan di ujian akhir. 65 35 3. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris supaya lebih mudah mendapat pekerjaan. 20 65 15 4. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional sehingga kelak mudah berkomunikasi dengan orang asing. 30 70 In table 4.2 there are some abbreviations. STS means that the participants state that they were strongly disagree with the statement. The alphabet TS means that the participants were disagree with the statement. S means that the participants agree with the statement. While ST state that the participants were strongly agree with the statement. Next is the discussion of the questionnaire of part A. which is discussed per item. Item 1. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris itu penting.I learnt English because learning English is important Retmono and Quinn 1994 state that English is important to be learnt for some purposes, such as English is used for the purposes of conducting communication with other nations, to prepare students to continue their study at tertiary level, and to transfer knowledge originating in foreigners countries. The participants had a positive perception on learning English. All participants stated that learning English in important. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, as shown in table 4.2. Out of twenty participants, more than half of participants or fifteen participants 75 agreed that learning English is important; while the rest of participants or five participants 25 strongly agreed that learning English is important. Item 2. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris termasuk pelajaran yang diujikan di ujian akhir.I learnt English because it would be tested on the final exam. Retmono 1994 states that most Indonesian students learn English because the subject is included in school curriculum. This is caused by the position of English in Indonesia which is considered as a foreign language, which definition is language which is taught often widely at school but it does not play an essential role in national and social life. It means that students learn English because of some reasons from the outside that made them have to learn it and not come from inside to learn English. Some of the reasons are because English included in the curriculum and it would be tested in the exam. Through the questionnaire gathered the result that the students had a reason why they learned English. According to this reason the participants had a negative perception that they learnt English because it would be tested. From the questionnaire proved that most participants had the same opinion to Retmono 1994. The result showed that out of twenty respondents, more than a half of participants or thirteen participants 65 agreed that they learnt English because it would be tested; while the rest of the participants or seven participants 35 strongly agreed with the statement. The result of this item implied that they were extrinsically motivated to learn English. It seemed that there was something from the environment that forced them to learn English. The result of learning English would be better if the participants were intrinsically motivated in learning it. Therefore, the English teacher should take some actions in order to increase students’ intrinsic motivation. Item 3. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris supaya lebih mudah mendapat pekerjaan. I learnt English in order to get a job easier For this statement, the participants had a positive perception. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, as shown in the table 4.2.; showed that most of the participants agreed that they learn English to prepare their future when they had graduated from school and they had to look for a job. They realized that they could get the job easier if they master English than they who did not master English. Out of twenty participants, there were more than half of participants or thirteen participants 65 agreed with the statement and three participants 15 were strongly agreed. On the other hand, there were four participants 20 who did not agree with the statement that they learnt English for preparing their future especially for looking for a job. Item 4. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional sehingga kelak mudah berkomunikasi dengan orang asing. I learnt English because English is an international language so I can communicate with foreigners For the fourth statement, all participants had positive perception. One of the participants’ reasons for learning English was in order to be able to communicate with the foreigners. This reason made the students more curious about English and learnt it. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed. Out of twenty participants six participants 30 agreed with the statement that they learnt English because English is international language. And the rest of the participants or sixteen participants 70 strongly agreed with the statement. It means that the participants realized that it was important to learn English in order be able to communicate with the foreigners. Based on the data gathered from the questionnaire it was concluded that they were have positive perception on the first category of the questionnaire about students’ perceptions on the importance of learning English and their reasons to learn in the school. It was proved by the data that there were 58.7 of participants chose agree for this category. Part B. Students’ Perception on Their Preparation Activities In this part consist of three items. The aim of this part is to find out the students’ perception on their preparation before following the teaching learning activities in the school. Preparation before following the lesson is very important; it will influence the students’ understanding of the material and their attitude in the class during the teaching learning activities. Therefore, preparation has an important role in students’ perception on the teaching learning activities. Below is the table that showed the percentage of the questionnaire’s result and the discussion of per item in the part B. Table 4.3. Questionnaire Result of Part B No Statement Percentage STS TS S SS 5. Mempersiapkan diri belajar setiap sebelum jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris disekolah membantu saya dalam mengikuti pelajaran. 35 55 10 6. Saya selalu mempersiapkan diri belajar setiap sebelum pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. 45 55 7. Saya selalu mempersiapkan peralatan lengkap kamus, LKS, buku paket, buku tulis, bolpoin setiap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris karena membantu saya selama pelajran berlangsung. 60 40 Item 5. Mempersiapkan diri belajar setiap sebelum jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah membantu saya dalam mengikuti pelajaran. Preparations before English teaching learning activities help me understand and follow the teaching learning activities Students’ preparations before the class hold an important role in teaching learning activities. Students’ preparation would affect the students’ understanding on the material, the attitudes during the lesson and the final result of the materials. Preparations help the students to follow the teaching learning activities well and their understanding the material. Based on the questionnaire, most participants agreed that the preparation before English teaching learning activities help them in understanding the materials and follow the lesson in the class. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, it shown that most of the participants or 11 participants 55 stated that they agreed with the statement. There were two participants 10 strongly agreed that preparation before the lesson help them follow the lesson. While there were only seven participants 35 who stated that they did not agreed that preparation before English class would help them and make them easier in receiving the materials. Item 6. Saya selalu mempersiapkan diri belajar setiap sebelum pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. I always prepare myself before the English class Students’ preparations influenced their readiness to follow the lesson in the class. Based on the data gathered from the questionnaire; it was shown that more than half of participants always prepare themselves before English lesson. Out of twenty participants or eleven 55 stated that they agreed with the statement. While there were nine participants 45 who stated they were not agreed that they always prepare themselves before the English class. Always have preparation before the class, actually, was not only for the students in understanding materials that teacher taught in the class, but also to prepare students’ awareness to be involved in teaching learning activities actively. When students were involved actively in teaching learning activities, it would help them in following the class. The students would produce better work and enjoy the class more than when they were answering the questions to get rewards. Most participants realized that preparation before the class was needed. Therefore they could enjoy the teaching learning activities and understood the materials well. Yet the English teacher had to keep students’ awareness to prepare themselves before the lesson and motivated them in understanding of the importance of the self-preparation. It should be done in order to make students know why they have to do or learn something. Part 7. Saya selalu mempersiapkan peralatan lengkap kamus, LKS, buku paket, buku tulis, bolpoin setiap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris karena membantu saya selama pelajran berlangsung. I always prepare my equipment in an English class because help me during the lesson Equipment is one of the important things for the students to follow the lesson in the class. When the students did not bring their equipment, it could the problem in the class. They would disturb others because they should borrow those equipment from other and this situation would make the class noisy. The result of the questionnaire for this item little bit surprisingly. For two items above, most students had a positive perception; they agreed that preparation themselves was needed. Yet for this item, most students have a negative perception. It proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire, it was shown that more than a half of the participants or twelve participants 60 stated that they disagreed that they prepared the equipment that support the lesson to follow teaching learning activities in the class. While rest of the participants or eight participants 40 stated that they were agreed with the statement. Based on the result of the questionnaire above, overall the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Junior High School Yogyakarta had positive perception on fourth category. It was proved by the data that there were half of the participants or 50 of participants chose agree their agreement of the statements on the second category. Part C. Students Perception during the Class The part C of the questionnaire is consisting of ten items. The aim of this part is to find out the students’ perception on their teaching learning activities in the class. The activities in the class influence the students’ attitudes in following the class. Besides it also could influence students’ understanding to the materials. Below is the table that showed the percentage of the questionnaire’s result and the discussion of per item in the part C. Table 4.4. Questionnaire Result of Part C No Statement Percentage STS TS S SS 8. Suasana belajar di kelas menyenangkan sehingga saya mudah mengertimemahami materi yang disampaikan. 5 25 55 20 9. Cara penyampaian materi yang digunakan bapakibu guru membuat saya mudah mengerti dan memahami materi yang disampaikan. 25 75 10. Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris karena harus mempelajari dan menghafal kosakata vocabulary. 10 75 15 11. Saya merasa terbebani belajar Bahasa Inggris apabila harus mempelajarai struktur kalimat termasuk berbagai jenis tenses. 5 25 60 10 12. Kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini menarik dan menyenangkan. 5 50 45 13. Suasana kelas selama kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris sangat mendukung . 20 30 35 15 14. Selama pelajaran Bahasa Inggris berlangsung saya selalu aktif. 20 70 10 15. Saya selalu merasa tertantang untuk dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yng diberikan guru, baik tugas yng dikerjakan disekolah maupun dikerjakan dirumah. 5 25 55 15 16. Mendapatkan penghargaan pujian atau nilai tambahan meningkatkan motivasi saya untuk belajar bahsa inggris. 10 40 50 17. Mendapat nilai yang bagus membuat saya lebih termotivasi untuk belajar lebih giat supaya mendapat nilai yang lebih baik. 15 50 35 Item 8. Suasana belajar di kelas menyenangkan sehingga saya mudah mengertimemahami materi yang disampaikan. Teaching learning activities in the class is interesting, it makes me easier understand the materials Situation and condition during teaching learning activities in the class influenced the students’ attitudes and understanding the materials. The situation that not support the class would make the class noisy and uncontrolled because students feel bored and did not enjoy the class. This situation gave bad impact to the students on the final test. Based on the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed showed that most participants agreed with the statement. It was proved from the table 4.4, it showed that more than half of the participants or 55 of participants stated they were agree that class situation is interesting then help them in understanding the materials easier. While there were four participants or 20 of participants stated they were strongly agree with the statement. Yet there were students who stated that they were not agree that the situation in the class is interesting. As shown in the table 4.4, there were five participants or 25 of participants stated that they were not agreed with the statement. While there was one participant or 5 stated that heshe strongly disagreed that the situation in the class was interesting. Item 9. Cara penyampaian materi yang digunakan bapakibu guru membuat saya mudah mengerti dan memahami materi yang disampaikan. Teacher’s methods in delivering the materials help me understand the material Based on the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed showed that most participants agreed with the statement. As shown in table 4.4, there were more than half of the participants or fifteen participants 75 stated they were agree with the teacher method in delivering the materials. While the rest of the respondents or five participants 25 disagreed with the statement. In delivering the materials in the class, a teacher needs variations in teaching learning activities in order to avoid students’ boredom in the class. Therefore, the students would follow the class enthusiastically and grasp the materials easily. Item 10. Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris karena harus mempelajari dan menghafal kosakatavocabulary.I have difficulties to learn English because I have to learn and memorize English vocabulary As students, mastering the vocabulary is very important for them in social life. It would help them in communicating with other in the class or with native speakers who came to their school. They would find difficulties in communicating with the teacher or others when they were poor of vocabulary. As stated at the ministry of education and culture 2004 that a person will not be able to communicate well if hisher vocabulary is poor. Most participants have negative perception in memorizing and learning vocabulary. It was proved by data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, as shown in table 4.4; more than a half of the participants or fifteen participants 75 stated that learning and memorizing vocabulary make them difficult to learn English. The other three participants or 15 of participants strongly agreed with the statement. Meanwhile, there were only two participants or 10 of participants disagreed that learning and memorizing vocabulary is difficult. This fact makes the English teacher should find the ways to make the students enjoy and interested to learn and master English just because they had to learn and memorize vocabulary. For examples, every week students had to memorize a number of vocabularies then the teacher conducts a quiz concerned with the targeted vocabulary without any announcement for the students; or the English’s teacher asked the students to bring former candy wrappers or food containing English vocabularies on it. Then, they changed it to others after that they had to read and find the meaning of the words into Bahasa. After that, the teacher could conduct a test or quizzed concerned with the words on the used wrap. These variations method could help the English teacher make the students enjoy learning English and did not feel burden in memorizing vocabulary. Therefore they could memorize English well and better. Item 11. Saya merasa terbebani belajar Bahasa Inggris apabila harus mempelajari struktur kalimat termasuk berbagai jenis tenses. I feel burden to learn English when I have to learn English structures and many kinds of English tenses Poor English grammar could make students find difficulties in communicating with others, especially native speakers. It was because someone who has poor grammar mastery would make them difficult to be understood or make people confused. Moreover, it could cause misunderstanding among the speakers since different word structure or tenses had different meaning. Based on the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, the participants had negative perception on learning English tenses and structures. As shown in table 4.4., more than a half of the participants or twelve participants 60 stated they were agree that learning English structure and tenses burden them in learning English. Moreover, there were two participants 10 who stated that they were strongly agreed with the statement. While there were only five participants who stated their disagreement to the statement. Nevertheless, there was only one participant or 5 of participant who stated strongly disagreed with the statement. The result above showed that the students felt burden and difficult to learn and memorize English structures and tenses. Therefore, the English teacher needs to find the interesting way in teaching English structures and tenses. Therefore the students felt that learning and memorizing English structures and tenses were not burdensome and difficult. For example, the English teacher could use games in teaching learning activities. The games could be a monopoly game but contains of the reward and punishment was changed with the instructions to make a sentence. Then teacher made small groups consist of 4-5 students for each group. After that, whenever the students who get reward or punishment should make a sentence based on the instruction write in the card. This game would be interesting because it has become a popular game for children. Through this game, students could dig out their ability in making a sentence well. Beside it also would build students’ confidence to speak in front of people without feeling that they would make mistake. Item 12. Kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini menarik dan menyenangkan. The English teaching learning activities in this school are interesting and fun Interesting activities during the teaching learning activities will attract students’ attention in following the class and it will influence students’ understanding of the materials and make them get involved actively in teaching learning activities. The result of questionnaire of this statement showed that participants absolutely had positive perception on this statement. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire, as shown at table 4.4. out of twenty participants, more than a half of the participants stated that they were agreed and strongly agree that the English teaching learning activities in the school are interesting and fun. The data shown that there were ten participants or 50 of participants stated that they agreed with the statement. Moreover, there were nine participants or 45 of participants stated that they were strongly agreed that the teaching learning activities in the class are interesting and fun. Meanwhile, there was only one participant or 5 participant stated their statement of disagreement. Item 13. Suasana kelas selama kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris sangat mendukung. Class ambience during English teaching learning activities helps me to follow the class activities The class ambience during the teaching learning activities would influence students’ concentration to follow the lesson. Their concentration would be disturbed when the class ambience was noisy and unconditional for learning. Moreover, this condition would give bad impact for the students such as the result of examination or final test. By the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed showed that the number of participants who agreed and strongly agreed with the statement were equal with the number of participants who disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement. As shown in table 4.4., there were seven participants or 35 of participants, who agreed with the statement, then there were three participants or 15 stated they were strongly agree that the ambience of the class helped them to follow the lesson. Meanwhile, there were six participants or 30 of participants stated their disagreement of the statement. And rest of the participants or four participants 20 stated they were strongly disagree with the statement. This fact proved that the perception of each people for something around them was different and could not be influenced by others. Even for some statement they had same perception, but for another one they had different perception. It also showed that there were types of students; some students were fine to learn in a noisy class and they could concentrate during the class and follow the lesson well. Meanwhile it became a problem for some students when the class was noisy during the teaching learning activities; they could not concentrate during the class and follow the lesson well. Item 14. Selama pelajaran Bahasa Inggris berlangsung saya selalu aktif. I always being active in English teaching learning activities Students’ willingness to be active and to take a part in teaching learning activities showed that they were interested in the activities and enjoyed the class. This research showed that most participants were being active in English teaching learning activities in the class. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire; it showed that most participant or fourteen participants 70 stated they were agree with the statement that they were always tried being involved actively in English teaching learning activities. While there were two participants or 10 of participants were strongly agree with the statement. Then rest of the participant or four participant 20 stated they were not always being active involved in English teaching learning activities. This condition showed that the participants had positive perception on the statement. It should be kept in order to build the students’ confident and students’ willingness to learn English. Meanwhile, for those who were not being active in English teaching learning activities could be caused by their feeling, such as they were shy or afraid of making mistake in speaking. Therefore, the English teacher should motivate the students to be not afraid of making mistakes; in learning something making mistakes were common. Item 15. Saya selalu merasa tertantang untuk dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan guru, baik tugas yang dikerjakan disekolah maupun dikerjakan dirumah. I was always challenged to finish any assignment given by my teacher, both assignments to be done at school and homework More than a half of the participants had positive perception that they were always challenged to finish any assignments given by their English teacher. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire; it shown that most the participants stated their agreement of this statement. There were fourteen participants or seventy percent participants who gave their agreement that they were always challenged to finish any assignments. Moreover, ten percent of participants or two participants state that they were strongly agreed with that statement. Then rest of the participants or four participants 20 stated they were not always challenged to finish any assignment by giving their disagreement of the statement. It was good for the students because when they were challenged to finish the assignment then they could finish it, it would build their self-confidence. Item 16. Mendapatkan penghargaan pujian atau nilai tambahan meningkatkan motivasi saya untuk belajar bahasa inggris. Reward and extra points motivate me to learn English better Based on the researcher’s observation and experiences, there were many schools were giving any rewards or presents to attract their students to get involved actively in the teaching learning activities. And on the other way, the students were enthusiastic and interested to be involved actively, answering the question, when they knew that they would get rewards or extra points. However, in giving rewards or extra points, the teacher should carefully and concern to several important problems. It was because giving any rewards or extra points to the students could reduce their interest and ability in learning. The same thing happened to the students of the target school, first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Junior High School Yogyakarta. There were only two respondents or ten percent of participants who stated their disagreement of the statement that rewards and extra points were not motivating them to learn English better. Meanwhile, the rest of the participants or most of the participants stated that they were agree and strongly agreed that rewards and extra points motivate them to learn English better. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, there were eight participants or forty percent of participants stated that they were agreed with the statement. While half of the participants or ten participants 50 stated they were strongly agreed that rewards and extra points motivate them to learn English better. Item 17. Mendapat nilai yang bagus membuat saya lebih termotivasi untuk belajar lebih giat supaya mendapat nilai yang lebih baik. Good marks motivate me to study harder in order to get a better mark next time In this study, most of the students had positive perception that good mark would motivate them to get a better mark in the next time. As shown at table 4.4., that half of the participants or ten participants 50 stated they were strongly agreed with the statement. Then eight participants or 40 of participants stated their agreement of the statement that good marks would increase their motivation to get a better mark in the next time. While rest of the participants or two participants 20 stated they were disagree that good marks motivate them to study harder to get a better mark in the next time. It was good for the students because they motivate themselves to learn English better and it came from themselves. Getting good mark would increase their self-confidence in attempting new activities. When students got good mark and felt their success in doing something, they tended to raise their expectations and set higher goals for the next time. Based on the result of the questionnaire above, overall the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Junior High School Yogyakarta had positive perception on fourth category. It was proved by the data that out of twenty participants there were more than a half of the participants or 56.5 of participants chose agreement of the statements on the third categories. Part D. Evaluation from the Students on the English Teaching-Learning Activities This part consists of three items. The aim of this part is to find out the evaluation from the students on their English teaching learning activities in this school. Evaluation also could be a reflection for their teaching learning activities. Reflection was needed for the teachers in order to make their teaching learning activities better. Yvonne Hillier 2005 stated that when we reflect, we not only challenge our assumption about why we do what we do, we can also help ourselves identify where we feel lacking and why we may be setting ourselves unnecessarily unachievable standards. Below is the table that shown the percentage of the questionnaire’s result and the discussion of per item of the questionnaire in the part D. Table 4.5. Questionnaire Result of Part D No Statement Percentage STS TS S SS 18. Saya merasa sangat senang dan puas dengan kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris yang selama ini sudah saya jalani disekolah. 5 75 20 19. Kemampuan berBahasa Inggris saya semakin baik dan lancar setelah mendapat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris disekolah. 20 50 30 20. Saya merasa tertarik dan senang dengan kegiatan belajar di sekolah ini. 5 70 25 Item 18. Saya merasa sangat senang dan puas dengan kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris yang selama ini sudah saya jalani di sekolah. I felt so happy and satisfied with the English teaching learning activities I had in this school In general, it could be concluded that the teaching learning activities in this school succeeded, since most participants stated that they felt satisfied with the teaching learning activities they had in school and like the activities during the teaching learning activities in this school. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed. Out of twenty participants, there were fifteen participants or 75 of participants who agreed that they were satisfied and liked the English teaching learning activities in their school. While four participants or 20 of participants stated they were strongly agreed with the statement. There was only one participant or 5 who was not satisfied with the English teaching learning activities in the school by giving strongly disagreed in it. Item 19. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saya semakin baik dan lancer setelah mendapat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah. My English proficiency is better than before since I got English learning at school In this study, most of the participants had positive perception on their English proficiency was better than that they had before they got the subject in the school. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed as shown in the table 4.5., half of the participants stated their agreement of the statement that their English was better and fluent after they learnt English in the school. While six participants or 30 of participants stated they were strongly agree with the statement. There were only four participants or 20 of participants stated they disagreed that their English was better and fluent after they learnt English in the school. Item 20. Saya merasa tertarik dan senang dengan kegiatan belajar di sekolah ini. I interested and enjoy the teaching learning activities in this school The method used by the teachers in their teaching learning activities influenced the students’ attitudes in the class; how their attitude, their participation during the class and their understanding the materials. Students would involve actively in the teaching learning activities when they enjoy and interested to the activities in the class. In this study, most students had positive perception on their teaching learning activities in the school. Out of twenty participants, more than a half of participants stated that they were agree and strongly agreed that they were enjoy and interested to the teaching learning activities in the school. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire distributed, there were fourteen participants or 70 of participants stated their agreement of the statement. Moreover, there were five participants or 25 of participants stated they strongly agreed that they were enjoyed and interested to the teaching learning activities in this school. Then, there was only one participant or 5 participant who did not disagree with the statement. It shows that the teaching and learning activities in this school was interesting and the students enjoy it. Based on the result of the questionnaire above, overall the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Junior High School Yogyakarta had positive perception on fourth category. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaire more than half of the participants or 65 of participants chose their agreement of the statements on the fourth category. The same result of the questionnaire, the central tendency showed that the mean score of the respondents was 2.97. To count the mean score, the researcher counted the average score from all the participants and then divided the score by the total number of the participants. For the median score, the result was 2.90 and the mode was 2.75.

3. Some Possible Suggestions to Improve the Quality of English Teaching-